• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


陈海华 张先锋 刘闯 林琨富 熊玮 谈梦婷

陈海华, 张先锋, 刘闯, 林琨富, 熊玮, 谈梦婷. 高熵合金冲击变形行为研究进展[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(4): 041402. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0414
引用本文: 陈海华, 张先锋, 刘闯, 林琨富, 熊玮, 谈梦婷. 高熵合金冲击变形行为研究进展[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(4): 041402. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0414
CHEN Haihua, ZHANG Xianfeng, LIU Chuang, LIN Kunfu, XIONG Wei, TAN Mengting. Research progress on impact deformation behavior of high-entropy alloys[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(4): 041402. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0414
Citation: CHEN Haihua, ZHANG Xianfeng, LIU Chuang, LIN Kunfu, XIONG Wei, TAN Mengting. Research progress on impact deformation behavior of high-entropy alloys[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(4): 041402. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0414


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0414
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重大项目(11790292);国家自然科学基金委员会与中国工程物理研究院联合基金(U1730101)

    陈海华(1994- ),男,博士研究生,chhzxy201609@njust.edu.cn


    张先锋(1978- ),男,教授,lynx@njust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O382; TJ410

Research progress on impact deformation behavior of high-entropy alloys

  • 摘要: 高熵合金作为一种多主元合金,突破了传统合金单主元的设计思想,体现出不同于传统合金的优异性能,特别在高温、高压、高应变率等极端环境中有着良好的应用前景。从微观、细观与宏观尺度分析高熵合金的冲击变形特性对于其工程应用具有重要的指导作用,主要涉及元素效应、细观结构以及高温高应变率条件对高熵合金冲击损伤演化、微观结构变化和冲击变形演化过程的影响机制。元素效应主要讨论了原子半径差异较大的金属与非金属元素对高熵合金冲击变形行为的影响;根据细观结构不同,将高熵合金分为单相与多相结构,单相高熵合金为塑性较好的面心立方(face centered cubic,FCC)结构、强度较高的体心立方(body centered cubic,BCC)与密排六方(hexagonal close-packed,HCP)结构。多相高熵合金的细观结构为这三种单相结构或者与其他相的组合,多相高熵合金的协同变形能够使其获得更为优异的综合力学性能。高温与高应变率作为外部条件对高熵合金的影响与其他金属相似,高温促进材料软化而高应变率促进材料硬化,部分高熵合金在高温下具有更优异的抗变形能力。针对高熵合金的冲击特性,总结了目前高熵合金在国防工程冲击领域的应用,归纳了高熵合金冲击变形行为研究存在的问题,并进一步对高熵合金在极端条件下的应用进行了展望。
  • 图  1  FeNiCoCr高熵合金静动态力学性能[16]

    Figure  1.  Static and dynamic mechanical properties of FeNiCoCr high-entropy alloy[16]

    图  2  AlCoCrFeNi高熵合金静动态力学性能[18]

    Figure  2.  Static and dynamic mechanical properties of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy[18]

    图  3  FeNiCoCrMn高熵合金动态力学性能[19]

    Figure  3.  Dynamic mechanical properties of FeNiCoCrMn high-entropy alloy[19]

    图  4  FeNiCoCrMn与FeNiCoCrAl高熵合金冲击性能对比[20]

    Figure  4.  Impact performance comparison between FeNiCoCrMn and FeNiCoCrAl high-entropy alloy[20]

    图  5  变形与未变形样品TEM显微结构特征[20]

    Figure  5.  TEM images showing different microstructural features in the deformed and undeformed samples[20]

    图  6  CrMnFeCoNi与CrFeCoNiPd高熵合金的对比[7]

    Figure  6.  Comparison of CrMnFeCoNi with CrFeCoNiPd HEA[7]

    图  7  Fe40.4Ni11.3Mn34.8Al7.5Cr6高熵合金的工程应力应变曲线[21]

    Figure  7.  Typical true stress as a function of true strain for carbon-doped Fe40.4Ni11.3Mn34.8Al7.5Cr6 HEAs[21]

    图  8  室温下AlFeCoNiCxx=0、0.02、0.04、0.08和0.17)合金的压缩真应力应变曲线[23]

    Figure  8.  Compressive true stress-strain curves of the AlFeCoNiCx (x = 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, and 0.17) alloys at room temperature[23]

    图  9  AlFeCoNiCx高熵合金断口扫描电镜显微图像[23]

    Figure  9.  SEM micrographs of fracture surface of the AlFeCoNiCx high-entropy alloys[23]

    图  10  CoCrFeNiMn高熵合金室温压缩工程应力应变曲线[24]

    Figure  10.  Room-temperature compressive engineering stress-strain curves of CoCrFeNiMn HEA and CoCrFeNiMnN0.1 HEA[24]

    图  11  反极图显示样品CD平面上的形变孪晶[26]

    Figure  11.  Inverse pole figure maps showing deformation twinning on the CD planes of samples[26]

    图  12  透射电镜图像的位错与交叉滑移现象[7]

    Figure  12.  Dislocation and cross-slip phenomenon of TEM[7]

    图  13  Nb25Mo25Ta25W25和V20Nb20Mo20Ta20W20合金在1 400 ℃压缩变形后的扫描电镜背散射图像[11]

    Figure  13.  SEM backscatter images of the Nb25Mo25Ta25W25 and V20Nb20Mo20Ta20W20 alloys after compressive deformation at 1 400 °C[11]

    图  14  纳米压痕引起的位错[8]

    Figure  14.  Dislocations induced by nanoindentation[8]

    图  15  TRIP双相高熵合金的变形顺序[28]

    Figure  15.  Sequence of micro-processes in the TRIP-DP-HEA[28]

    图  16  扫描电镜图像显示了AlCoCrFeNi2.1高熵合金中的BCC(B2)相的不同断裂模式[32]

    Figure  16.  SEM images showing different fracture modes of the BCC (B2) phase in AlCoCrFeNi2.1 alloy[32]

    图  17  双相钢的显微组织与力学特性[33]

    Figure  17.  Microstructure and tensile properties of the dual-phase steel[33]

    图  18  80%金属丝复合材料的断裂形态[35]

    Figure  18.  Fracture morphology of 80% wire composites[35]

    图  19  体积分数50%钨颗粒与体积分数80%钨丝增强的Zr57Nb5Al10Cu15.4Ni12.6非晶合金准静态压缩后的断裂表面SEM微观图像[36]

    Figure  19.  SEM micrograph of the quasi-static compressive fracture surface Zr57Nb5Al10Cu15.4Ni12.6 reinforced with volume fraction 50% W particles and with volume fraction 80% W wire[36]

    图  20  钨丝增强非晶合金长杆弹残余弹体头部纵剖面金相照片[39]

    Figure  20.  Metallographic photos of the longitudinal section of residual WF/MG composite rod nose[39]

    图  21  样本裂缝的扫描电子显微照片[42]

    Figure  21.  Scanning electron micrographs of the cracks in the specimen[42]

    图  22  两个不同区域的屈服强度随应变率的变化[43]

    Figure  22.  Variation of yielding strength with strain rate for two distinct regions[43]

    图  23  屈服强度和0.05偏移应变时的流动应力是压缩载荷下应变率对数的函数[46]

    Figure  23.  The yield strength and the flow stress at 0.05 offset strain as a function of the logarithm of the strain rate applied in compression loading[46]

    图  24  两种不同区域下屈服强度随应变速率的变化[18]

    Figure  24.  Variation of yield strength with strain rate in two distinct regions[18]

    图  25  高熵合金的屈服强度是对数应变率的函数[26]

    Figure  25.  The yield strength as a function of the logarithmic strain rate for the CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloys[26]

    图  26  不同工程应变率下CrMnFeCoNi(HE-1)和CrFeCoNi(HE-4)合金0.2%偏移屈服强度的温度依赖性[14]

    Figure  26.  Temperature dependencies of the 0.2% offset yield strengths of the CrMnFeCoNi (HE-1) and CrFeCoNi (HE-4) alloys tensile tested at different engineering strain rates[14]

    图  27  不同温度下TaNbHfZrTi工程应力应变压缩曲线[52]

    Figure  27.  Engineering stress vs engineering strain compression curves of the TaNbHfZrTi alloy at different temperatures[52]

    图  28  TaNbHfZrTi屈服强度的温度依赖性[52]

    Figure  28.  The temperature dependence of the specific yield strength of the TaNbHfZrTi alloy[52]

    图  29  从不同应变率下的等温压缩试验得到的CoCrFeMnNi高熵合金的真实应力应变曲线[53]

    Figure  29.  The true stress-strain curves for the CoCrFeMnNi HEA obtained from isothermal compression tests at various strain rates[53]

    图  30  Al4Nb4-HEA在拉伸应变作用下的高温应力应变曲线[54]

    Figure  30.  High-temperature stress-strain curves of the Al4Nb4 HEA subjected to tensile strain[54]

    图  31  不同合金拉伸屈服强度随温度变化的屈服强度(YS)和最终拉伸强度(UTS)的比较[54]

    Figure  31.  Comparison of the YS and UTS as a function of temperature with the tensile YS of different alloys[54]

    图  32  HfZrTiTa0.53高熵合金不同速度下穿靶爆燃过程的高速摄影[9]

    Figure  32.  High-speed video frames of deflagration process of HfZrTiTa0.53 HEA at different speeds[9]

    图  33  WFeNiMo高熵合金在不同速度下穿靶爆燃过程的高速摄影[57]

    Figure  33.  High-speed video frames of deflagration process of WFeNiMo HEA at different speeds[57]

    图  34  WFeNiMo和93W长杆弹侵彻深度与动能的关系[58]

    Figure  34.  Depth of penetration of WFeNiMo rod and 93 W rod versus kinetic energy[58]

    图  35  WFeNiMo断裂面附近区域的放大扫描电镜图像[58]

    Figure  35.  Magnified SEM images of regions near the fracture surface of WFeNiMo remnant[58]

    图  36  防弹盒[59]

    Figure  36.  Ballistic Package[59]

    图  37  7.62 mm×39 mm钢芯穿甲燃烧弹后的高熵合金靶板[60]

    Figure  37.  HEA plate after the firing of a 7.62 mm×39 mm steel core incendiary armour-piercing bullet[60]

    图  38  铸态Al0.1CoCrFeNi高熵合金弹道试验[61]

    Figure  38.  Ballistic test of as-cast Al0.1CoCrFeNi HEA[61]

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