• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊



段继. 含铝炸药爆轰驱动的非线性特征线模型[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(9): 092102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0072
引用本文: 段继. 含铝炸药爆轰驱动的非线性特征线模型[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(9): 092102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0072
DUAN Ji. A nonlinear characteristic line model of the detonation process of aluminized explosives[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(9): 092102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0072
Citation: DUAN Ji. A nonlinear characteristic line model of the detonation process of aluminized explosives[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(9): 092102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0072


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0072

    段 继(1987- ),男,博士,讲师,20170089@nuc.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O381; TJ55

A nonlinear characteristic line model of the detonation process of aluminized explosives

  • 摘要: 针对含铝炸药爆轰的非理想特性,提出了含铝炸药爆轰产物膨胀的局部等熵假设,建立含铝炸药爆轰驱动的非线性特征线模型,为研究含铝炸药爆轰产物的非等熵流动和膨胀做功提供了一种新的理论分析方法。设计了5、50 μm含铝炸药和含LiF炸药驱动0.5、1 mm厚金属板实验,通过激光位移干涉仪测试金属板运动的速度历程,再通过实验结果计算得到铝粉在爆轰产物中的反应度变化规律,结合含铝炸药爆轰产物的非线性特征线模型,理论计算了含铝炸药驱动金属板的速度历程。对比理论与实验结果,理论方法能够很好地描述铝粉二次反应对炸药做功能力的贡献,同时验证了含铝炸药爆轰驱动的非线性特征线模型的正确性。
  • 图  1  铝粉反应对特征线的影响示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the influence of aluminum powder reaction on the characteristic lines

    图  2  含铝炸药爆轰产物驱动金属板的特征线示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of the characteristic lines of the aluminized explosive

    图  3  炸药驱动金属板实验布置示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of the test arrangement of the explosive driven metal plate

    图  4  含铝炸药和含LiF炸药驱动0.5 mm厚铜板的测试结果

    Figure  4.  The velocity of a 0.5 mm thick copper plate driven by the aluminized explosive and LiF explosive

    图  5  含铝炸药和含LiF炸药驱动1 mm厚铜板的测试结果

    Figure  5.  The velocity of a 1 mm thick copper plate driven by the aluminized explosive and LiF explosive

    图  6  含铝炸药驱动1 mm厚金属的铝粉反应度

    Figure  6.  Reaction degree of the detonation products of aluminium powder behind the 1 mm thick copper plate

    图  7  50 μm含铝炸药驱动0.5 mm金属板的铝粉反应度

    Figure  7.  Reaction degree of the detonation products of aluminium powder behind the 0.5 mm thick copper plate

    图  8  50 μm含铝炸药和含LiF炸药驱动0.5 mm金属的实验和计算结果

    Figure  8.  The test and calculated velocities of a metal plate driven by the aluminized explosive and LiF explosive with a particle diameter of 50 μm

    图  9  不同粒度含铝炸药和含LiF炸药驱动1 mm金属板的实验和计算结果

    Figure  9.  The test and calculated velocities of a 1 mm metal plate driven by the aluminized explosives and LiF explosives with different particle diameters

    表  1  实验所用的炸药参数和铜板尺寸

    Table  1.   Parameters of the explosive and size of the copper plate

    1RDX/Al/黏结剂201.82 5$\varnothing $50×1
    2RDX/Al/黏结剂201.8250$\varnothing $50×1
    3RDX/LiF/黏结剂201.80$\varnothing $50×1
    4RDX/Al/黏结剂201.82 5$\varnothing $50×0.5
    5RDX/Al/黏结剂201.8250$\varnothing $50×0.5
    6RDX/LiF/黏结剂201.80$\varnothing $50×0.5
     注:炸药尺寸为$\varnothing $50 mm×50 mm,黏结剂含量占炸药总量的5%。
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    表  2  含铝炸药和含LiF炸药的参数

    Table  2.   Parameters of the aluminized explosives and the LIF explosive

    RDX/Al20 51.88.223
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