A nonlinear characteristic line model of the detonation process of aluminized explosives
摘要: 针对含铝炸药爆轰的非理想特性,提出了含铝炸药爆轰产物膨胀的局部等熵假设,建立含铝炸药爆轰驱动的非线性特征线模型,为研究含铝炸药爆轰产物的非等熵流动和膨胀做功提供了一种新的理论分析方法。设计了5、50 μm含铝炸药和含LiF炸药驱动0.5、1 mm厚金属板实验,通过激光位移干涉仪测试金属板运动的速度历程,再通过实验结果计算得到铝粉在爆轰产物中的反应度变化规律,结合含铝炸药爆轰产物的非线性特征线模型,理论计算了含铝炸药驱动金属板的速度历程。对比理论与实验结果,理论方法能够很好地描述铝粉二次反应对炸药做功能力的贡献,同时验证了含铝炸药爆轰驱动的非线性特征线模型的正确性。Abstract: Aiming at the non-ideal properties of aluminized explosive, a local isentropic hypothesis of the expansion of aluminized explosive detonation product was proposed, and a nonlinear characteristic line model for aluminized explosive detonation was established, which provides a new theoretical analysis method for studying the non-isentropic flow and the expansion of detonation products. A lot of studies have shown that for micron aluminum powder, the reaction mainly occurs in the expansion zone of detonation products. The aluminum powder was treated as inert in the detonation reaction zone in the model. Considering the reaction rate of the aluminum powder is relatively slow, the expansion process of the detonation products of aluminized explosive was divided into finite time regions. The energy released from the reaction of aluminum powder has a relaxation effect on the state of the products. Based on the relaxation effect, it was assumed that the detonation products flow was approximately isentropic in each time region. Due to the reaction of aluminum powder, the entropy in each time region was different. Based on the theory of isentropic flow of ideal explosive and local isentropic hypothesis, the non-isentropic expansion process of the detonation products of aluminized explosives can be analyzed theoretically. To verify the correctness of the model, metal plate experiments were conducted. Experiments on aluminized explosives and LiF explosives with a particle diameter of 5μm and 50μm to drive 0.5 mm and 1 mm metal plates were designed. The velocity history of the metal plate was measured by a laser displacement interferometer, and then the reaction degree of aluminum powder in the detonation products was calculated from the experimental results. Combined with the nonlinear characteristic line model of the detonation products of aluminized explosives, the velocity of the metal plate driven by aluminized explosives was calculated theoretically. Compared with the experimental results, the non-isentropic model can well describe the contribution of the secondary reaction of aluminum powder to the work ability of explosives, which verifies the correctness of the model for aluminized explosives (micron aluminum powder).
Key words:
- aluminized explosive /
- local isentropic /
- non-linear /
- characteristic line
表 1 实验所用的炸药参数和铜板尺寸
Table 1. Parameters of the explosive and size of the copper plate
编号 炸药 铝粉(或LiF)质量分数/% 炸药密度/(g·cm−3) 铝粉直径/μm 金属板尺寸/mm×mm 1 RDX/Al/黏结剂 20 1.82 5 $\varnothing $50×1 2 RDX/Al/黏结剂 20 1.82 50 $\varnothing $50×1 3 RDX/LiF/黏结剂 20 1.80 − $\varnothing $50×1 4 RDX/Al/黏结剂 20 1.82 5 $\varnothing $50×0.5 5 RDX/Al/黏结剂 20 1.82 50 $\varnothing $50×0.5 6 RDX/LiF/黏结剂 20 1.80 − $\varnothing $50×0.5 注:炸药尺寸为$\varnothing $50 mm×50 mm,黏结剂含量占炸药总量的5%。 表 2 含铝炸药和含LiF炸药的参数
Table 2. Parameters of the aluminized explosives and the LIF explosive
炸药组成 铝粉质量分数/% 铝粉直径/μm 炸药密度/(g·cm−3) 炸药爆速/(km·s−1) RDX/Al 20 5 1.8 8.223 RDX/Al 20 50 1.8 8.223 RDX/LiF − − 1.8 8.223 -
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