Experimental study on the effect of loading angle on crack propagation in bedding shale
摘要: 采用分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)系统对页岩进行冲击实验,研究层理角度对页岩动态断裂过程的影响,在裂尖设置裂纹扩展计,借助高速摄影和数字图像相关(DIC)技术对页岩中心切槽半圆盘弯曲(NSCB)试件断裂的全过程进行研究,得到了不同加载角度下页岩的动态起裂韧度、裂纹扩展速度、断裂过程中应变场和水平位移场的变化规律。实验发现:不同加载角度下,页岩的动态起裂韧度具有显著的各向异性,加载角度与动态起裂韧度呈正相关;加载角度对试样的裂纹扩展速度具有显著影响,与裂纹扩展速度呈负相关;当冲击速度较低时,切槽方向是裂纹扩展的优势方向,而当冲击速度较高时,试样会产生沿层理弱面的次生裂纹,次生裂纹对试样的断裂具有显著影响。Abstract: The dynamic fracture of rock materials is a basic problem in the field of rock mechanics, while the dynamic fracture mechanism of shale is more complex due to its anisotropic characteristics. In order to study the effect of bedding angle on dynamic fracture process of shale, a split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system was used to carry out impact tests on notched semi-circular bend (NSCB) specimens of shale. Additionally, a crack propagation gauge (CPG) was set at the crack tip, and the whole fracture process of the shale NSCB specimen was studied with the help of a high-speed photography system and the digital image correlation (DIC) method. The loading rate and Mode-I dynamic fracture toughness of the shale NSCB samples were obtained by the method recommended by the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM). And the crack initiation time and crack propagation speed of the shale NSCB samples can be accurately obtained by CPG. It is found from the experimental results that the Mode-I dynamic fracture toughness of the shale NSCB samples has significant anisotropy, and the loading angle has a positive correlation with the Mode-I dynamic fracture toughness. Although the crack propagation of the C-0sample is not affected by the bedding, its crack propagation needs to cut through the shale matrix, hence the C-0 and 90° shale specimens have a high Mode-I dynamic fracture toughness. When the impact velocity is low, the bending stress on the dangerous section affects the fracture direction of the shale specimen, but with less effect on the bedding. The crack propagation path finally closes to the notch direction. With the increase of impact velocity, stress concentration and micro cracks may exist along the weak plane of bedding due to its relatively low strength. With the increase of impact velocity, the cracks between the weak planes of bedding begin to extend, and the failure planes along the direction of bedding and notch occurred simultaneously.
表 1 页岩基本力学性质
Table 1. Mechanical properties of shale
层理方向 单轴抗压强度/MPa 密度/(g·cm−3) 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 纵波波速/(m·s−1) 平行层理 97.34 2.43 17.62 0.29 4 217 垂直层理 108.21 2.46 26.34 0.32 4 592 表 2 页岩动态起裂韧度
Table 2. Dynamic initiation toughness of shale
加载角度 冲击速度/(m·s−1) 起裂时刻/μs 加载力峰值对应时刻/μs 加载率/(GPa·m1/2·s−1) 动态起裂韧度/(MPa·m1/2) 裂纹扩展速度/(m·s−1) C-0 3 551.3 493.8 89.335 3.83 278.49 4 538.1 527.9 179.391 5.85 296.43 5 551.5 525.3 348.482 8.28 382.26 0° 3 554.7 524.6 108.322 2.45 335.30 4 571.8 538.3 309.285 7.14 383.71 5 524.9 518.4 474.167 9.23 445.16 30° 3 570.3 547.2 119.442 4.23 312.21 4 519.2 489.6 235.974 6.28 392.52 5 563.4 523.4 392.154 8.04 415.17 60° 3 554.9 535.2 122.36 4.02 264.50 4 577.4 521.7 269.242 7.03 350.02 5 576.1 549.3 430.563 9.07 382.35 90° 3 578.8 554.3 160.947 5.13 225.66 4 533.2 507.6 323.626 8.62 331.74 5 569.4 513.8 463.592 10.44 367.53 表 3 页岩NSCB试样的典型破坏路径
Table 3. Typical failure pathes of shale NSCB samples
冲击速度/(m·s−1) 加载角度 C-0 0° 30° 60° 90° 3 4 5 -
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