Testingand numerical simulation of the antiknock energy absorption of polyurethane foam aluminum composite structure
摘要: 通过对聚氨酯泡沫铝和混凝土组成的复合结构进行接触爆炸试验,探讨了聚氨酯泡沫铝的吸能性能,并进行数值模拟分析。结果显示:聚氨酯泡沫铝的吸能性能明显优于泡沫铝,吸能层厚度对吸能效果影响很大,多层结构的聚氨酯泡沫铝吸能性能对比厚度一致的单层吸能层结构没有明显的改善;在保证了比较合理的吸能层厚度后,防护结构的每一层材料层存在着一个最佳的厚度组合来保证复合层优良的抗爆性能。Abstract: Based on the contact explosion experiments, the absorption performance of the polyurethane foam aluminum and concrete composite structure was analyzed, and the relevant numerical simulation was analyzed and compared. First, polyurethane foam aluminum composite material was made through the pressurized equipment homemade. The hole of the aluminum foam was filled with polyurethane foam through pressure. Then the polyurethane foam aluminum composite material plates and concrete plates were fixed on the explosion experiment apparatus with high sensitivity of strain sensors, acceleration sensors and displacement sensors under the structure or surface. The experiments measured 5 groups of contact explosion experiment data under different structure combinations. Based on the change variables to the experiments, the calculation of numerical simulation experiments were supplemented to make up for other explosion experiments not involved due to lack of experiment conditions. The smooth particle hydrodynamic method (SPH) was used in the numerical simulation to avoid using Lagrange algorithm in explosion shock damage under the large deformation problem of mesh distortion problem. This method can more accurately reflect the explosion impact damage effect. Three kinds of calculation models were used to the numerical simulation. The main research was that the whole antiknock and absorption performance was changed with energy absorption layer thickness change and the number of the structure layer change of the composite structure. Results through explosion experiments and numerical analysis show that absorption performance of polyurethane foam aluminum is superior to that of aluminum foam, energy absorption layer thickness has a great influence on energy absorption effect, and the absorption performance of multilayer structure of polyurethane foam aluminum has no obvious improvement contrasting with the absorption performance of single layer structure with the same thickness. The multilayer structure of polyurethane foam aluminum also increases the difficulty of construction. Under certain conditions, with the reasonable energy absorption layer thickness of the protective structure there is one best combination to ensure that the compound layer thickness of excellent antiknock performance. Finally draw the conclusions: the explosion shock wave energy absorption performance can be improved about 25% by polyurethane foam aluminum than by aluminum foam. The thickness of the polyurethane foam aluminum significantly affects on the energy absorption antiknock performance. The energy absorption performance can improve 50% with increasing the 100% thickness of polyurethane foam aluminum. Effect of changing the antiknock structural energy absorption layers combination is not obvious.
表 1 泡沫铝板材的性能参数表
Table 1. Performance of aluminum foam plank parameter
孔径 孔隙率 通孔率 体积质量 抗压强度 抗弯强度 抗拉强度 1.66 mm 68~78% 90~95% 0.60~0.85 g/cm3 8.61 MPa 8.06 MPa 3.41 MPa 表 2 混凝土的配合比(kg/m3)
Table 2. Mixture ratio of concrete (kg/m3)
水 水泥 硅粉 粉煤灰 砂 石子 减水剂 150 370 50 80 595 1155 9 表 3 试验组设计
Table 3. Design of the test
工况 组合方式 1 覆土层(100 mm)/混凝土层(220 mm) 2 覆土层(100 mm)/混凝土层(100 mm)/泡沫铝层(20 mm)/混凝土层(100 mm) 3 覆土层(100 mm)/混凝土层(100 mm)/聚氨酯泡沫铝层(20 mm)/混凝土层(100 mm) 4 覆土层(100 mm)/混凝土层(100 mm)/聚氨酯泡沫铝层(40 mm)/混凝土层(100 mm) 5 覆土层(100 mm)/混凝土层(66 mm)/聚氨酯泡沫铝层(20 mm)/混凝土层(66 mm)/
聚氨酯泡沫铝层(20 mm)/混凝土层(66 mm)表 4 改变材料层厚度的试验模型
Table 4. Change material thickness of the test model
工况 组合方式 6 覆土层(100 mm)/混凝土层(120 mm)/聚氨酯泡沫铝层(20 mm)/混凝土层(100 mm) 7 覆土层(100 mm)/混凝土层(110 mm)/聚氨酯泡沫铝层(30 mm)/混凝土层(100 mm) 8 覆土层(100 mm)/混凝土层(100 mm)/聚氨酯泡沫铝层(30 mm)/混凝土层(110 mm) -
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