An experimental study on propagation characteristics of blast waves under plateau environment
摘要: 在评估弹药在高原的爆炸威力时,需要考虑高海拔条件对炸药爆炸冲击波参数的影响。为研究高海拔低气压条件下的冲击波传播规律,开展了模拟海拔高度h=500, 2 500, 4 500 m等3种气压条件下的爆炸冲击波测试实验。结果表明,当环境气压每下降20%时,冲击波超压、比冲量和到达时间平均降低约9%、10%和6%。将使用Sachs因子修正后的计算结果与测试数据进行对比分析,发现该方法能较好地预测不同环境条件下的爆炸冲击波参数。进一步分析了环境温度的影响,发现初始温度升高会使到达时间提前,本文实验的温度条件对超压和比冲量的影响并不显著。该研究结果对战斗部在高海拔的爆炸威力评估具有参考意义。Abstract: It is necessary to take into consideration the effects of elevated-altitude conditions on the propagation characteristics of blast waves when evaluating the explosion power of ammunitions under plateau environment. In order to study the propagation characteristics of blast wave under plateau environment with low pressure, experiments were carried out at simulated plateau environment at altitudes of 500, 2 500 and 4 500 m, respectively. Results show that when the ambient air pressure decreases by 20%, the overpressure, specific impulse and arrival time of blast wave decrease in average by about 9%, 10% and 6%, respectively. Calculated results corrected by Sachs' factor are compared with the test data. It is found that the method proposed in the present study can better predict the blast wave parameters under different environmental conditions. The effects of ambient temperature were also studied. It is concluded that the increase of the initial ambient temperature will reduce the arrival time of blast wave, however, the effects of ambient temperature on the overpressure and specific impulse are not significant. The results have reference significance for the evaluation of warhead explosion power at elevated altitude.
Key words:
- blast wave /
- high altitude /
- explosion experiment /
- propagation characteristics
图 10 Kinney公式的计算结果与实验数据对比
Figure 10. Comparison of the results calculated by Kinney’s formula[15] with experimental data
表 1 大气参数
Table 1. Atmospheric parameters
h/m ph/kPa ρh/(kg·m−3) ch/(m·s−1) Th/K 0 101.33 1.23 340.29 288.15 1 000 89.88 1.11 336.43 281.65 3 000 70.11 0.91 328.58 268.65 5 000 54.02 0.74 320.53 255.65 表 2 初始实验条件
Table 2. Initial experimental conditions
组别 h/m rsp/mm msp/kg ph/kPa Th/K 1 500 35 0.292 94.51 310.35 2 500 35 0.291 95.02 299.95 3 2 500 35 0.292 74.05 299.85 4 2 500 35 0.291 73.99 298.75 5 4 500 35 0.292 57.01 299.25 6 4 500 35 0.291 57.08 301.75 7 500 25 0.107 95.03 299.05 8 500 25 0.106 94.90 299.65 9 2 500 25 0.106 74.07 302.15 10 2 500 25 0.107 73.97 302.35 11 4 500 25 0.105 57.05 297.25 12 4 500 25 0.105 57.02 305.25 -
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