Influence of eccentric initiation on energy distribution gain of a warhead charge
摘要: 为研究不同方式的偏心起爆对炸药装药能量分配及增益的影响,建立了偏心起爆战斗部的计算模型,通过局部装填比这一变量,给出了偏心起爆战斗部破片的初速计算公式。采用数值模拟与试验验证结合的方法,对六分位条件下不同偏心起爆方式的破片速度增益和能量增益进行了对比,得出以中心起爆为基准,分别以邻位双线、连位三线、间位双线、偏心单线方式起爆,定向方位内破片的速度增益依次增大;邻位双线起爆时,目标方向破片速度增益达25.47%,定向区域破片动能占总能量的24.57%,能量增益超过40%。Abstract: In order to study the influence of different ways of eccentric initiation on the energy distribution and the gain of explosive charge, a theoretical model of eccentric initiation warhead is established, and the concept of energy distribution center is introduced. By introducing the variable of local loading ratio, the calculation formula of initial velocity of fragments of eccentric initiation warhead is formulated. In this paper, the velocity gain of fragments and energy gain with different initiation modes under the sextile condition are compared and analyzed by using numerical simulation and experimental verification. The results show that at the directional orientation, the maximum pressure at the edge of multi-line eccentric initiation is significantly greater than that of eccentric single line initiation and central initiation, and the detonation pressure at the edge of charge increases from 23.5 GPa of central initiation to 36.2 GPa of asymmetrical two lines 60° initiation; The distribution law of fragment velocity in the direction of 0°−30° is similar to the distribution law of maximum pressure at the edge of charge. Taking the central initiation as the benchmark, the relationship of velocity gain with the directional orientation takes the following relation: asymmetrical two lines 60°>asymmetrical three lines 120°>asymmetrical two lines 120°>asymmetrical one line. When asymmetrical two lines 60° initiation, the fragment velocity gain in the target direction is 25.47%. Finally, through the verification of experiments and theoretical calculation, it is concluded that the energy proportion in the directional area of adjacent asymmetrical two lines 60° is the highest, with the energy gain in this area being 47.42%; followed by asymmetrical three lines 120einitiation, with the energy gain being 38.84%; then symmetrical two lines 1202initiation, with the energy gain being 36.98%; and finally asymmetrical one line initiation, with the energy gain in the directional area being 32.72%.
Key words:
- eccentric initiation /
- energy distribution /
- energy gain /
- initiation mode /
- fragment velocity
表 1 定向区不同方位破片速度
Table 1. Fragment velocity in different directions of orientation area
起爆方式 目标方位 方位角30° 定向区内平均 初速/(m·s−1) 速度增益/% 初速/(m·s−1) 速度增益/% 初速/(m·s−1) 速度增益/% 中心起爆 2113.0 2113.0 2113.0 偏心单线 2487.6 17.72 2267.6 7.32 2397.6 13.47 邻位双线 2651.3 25.47 2389.3 13.08 2568.4 21.55 间位双线 2572.2 21.73 2313.0 9.47 2424.9 14.76 连位三线 2583.3 22.25 2319.5 9.77 2441.3 15.54 表 2 不同区域内破片总动能的分布情况
Table 2. Total kinetic energy distribution of fragments in different regions
起爆方式 0~30°区域 30°~90°区域 90°~150°区域 150°~180°区域 动能占比/% 动能增益/% 动能占比/% 动能增益/% 动能占比/% 动能增益/% 动能占比/% 动能增益/% 中心起爆 16.67 33.33 33.33 16.67 偏心单线 22.12 32.72 33.64 0.93 28.06 −15.81 16.17 −2.99 邻位双线 24.57 47.42 34.07 2.22 26.99 −19.02 14.36 −13.85 间位双线 22.83 36.98 36.65 9.96 26.16 −21.51 14.35 −13.92 连位三线 23.14 38.84 35.80 7.41 26.52 −20.43 14.54 −12.78 表 3 局部装填比随方位角的拟合关系式
Table 3. Fitting relationship between local loading ratio and azimuth angle
起爆方式 $ \beta ' $ 偏心单线 $ \beta (1.015 + 0.451{\text{ }}\cos \theta ) $ 邻位双线 $ \beta ( - 0.207 + 1.923\cos \theta ) $ 间位双线 $ \beta (0.009 + 1.511{\text{ }}\cos \theta ) $ 连位三线 $ \beta (1.252 + 0.228{\text{ }}\cos \theta ) $ 表 4 样弹起爆方式
Table 4. Initiation modes of test bombs
样弹 起爆方式 轴向起爆点数 1 连位三线 轴向中心一点 2 间位两线 3 邻位两线 4 偏心单线 5 中心起爆 表 5 不同周向起爆方式下样弹壳体速度分布
Table 5. Velocity distributions of tested bomb shells under different initiation modes
样弹 起爆方式 壳体速度/(m∙s−1) 靶板1方向 靶板2、6方向 靶板3、5方向 靶板4方向 试验 理论计算 试验 试验 试验 1 连位三线 794.6 849.9 708.0 637.5 604.2 2 间位两线 784.3 860.4 687.3 649.4 606.4 3 邻位两线 806.8 909.9 703.4 632.2 602.8 4 偏心单线 763.2 846.0 685.2 654.3 590.3 5 中心起爆 681.5 707.3 681.5 表 6 不同起爆方式不同方位区域动能分配对比
Table 6. Total kinetic energy distribution in different regions under different initiation modes
样弹 起爆方式 动能占比/% 靶板1(−30°~30°) 靶板2(30°~90°) 靶板3(90°~150°) 靶板4(−150°~150°) 试验 模拟 试验 模拟 试验 模拟 试验 模拟 1 连位三线 22.45 23.14 17.83 17.90 14.45 13.26 12.98 14.54 2 间位两线 22.20 22.83 17.05 18.33 15.22 13.08 13.27 14.35 3 邻位两线 23.22 24.57 17.65 17.03 14.26 13.49 12.96 14.36 4 偏心单线 21.37 22.12 17.22 16.82 15.70 14.03 12.78 16.17 5 中心起爆 16.67 表 7 不同起爆方式下不同方位区域的动能增益
Table 7. Kinetic energy gain in different regions under different initiation modes
样弹 起爆方式 动能增益/% 靶板1(−30°~30°) 靶板2(30°~90°) 靶板3(90°~150°) 靶板4(−150°~150°) 试验 模拟 试验 模拟 试验 模拟 试验 模拟 1 连位三线 35.9 38.8 7.9 7.4 −12.5 −20.4 −21.4 −12.7 2 间位两线 32.4 36.9 1.7 9.9 −9.2 −21.5 −20.8 −13.9 3 邻位两线 40.2 47.4 6.5 2.2 −13.9 −19.0 −21.7 −13.9 4 偏心单线 25.4 29.1 1.1 1.5 −7.8 −15.1 −24.9 −1.8 表 8 壳体速度
Table 8. Shell velocity
起爆方式 壳体速度/(m∙s−1) 靶板1 靶板2、6 靶板3、5 靶板4 模拟 试验 模拟 试验 模拟 试验 模拟 试验 连位双线 849.1 794.6 742.6 708.0 703.0 637.5 654.6 604.2 间位三线 859.3 784.3 766.8 687.3 689.8 649.4 652.3 606.4 邻位双线 873.3 806.8 762.0 703.4 683.9 632.2 650.8 602.8 偏心单线 815.0 763.2 728.7 685.2 709.6 654.3 637.6 590.3 -
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