Study on mechanical properties of the kinked rebar under high speed dynamic tension
摘要: 针对提高混凝土梁抗冲击爆炸性能的起波配筋新技术,采用理论分析与动态冲击拉伸试验相结合的方法,揭示了起波钢筋的快速拉伸变形作用机理,分析了拉伸速度、起波矢高等因素对起波钢筋抗拉强度的影响规律,确定了起波钢筋静态弹性极限强度计算方法。提出了起波钢筋等效拉伸应变率新概念,建立了弹性极限强度动力放大系数(dynamic increase factors,DIF)计算模型。研究结果表明,预先弯折起波使得钢筋在受力拉直过程中产生截面弯矩,起波钢筋的力学性能存在明显的应变率效应;起波钢筋弹性抗拉极限强度DIF随起波矢高的增高先增大后减小,存在一个最优起波设计矢高,可以使起波钢筋抗拉强度动态放大系数达到最大。研究成果可为进一步推动起波配筋技术在防护工程中的应用提供依据。Abstract: Aiming at new technology of the kinked rebar which can improve the resistance of concrete beams to impact and blast loading, the mechanism of rapid tensile deformation of the kinked rebar was revealed through theoretical analysis combined with dynamic impact tensile tests. The influences of the tensile velocity and the bending height of the kinked rebar on its tensile strength were analyzed. According to the mechanism of tensile deformation, the calculation method of the static elastic ultimate strength of the kinked rebar was determined by using the classical plastic mechanics theory, and the proposed calculation method was modified based on the existing literature data to consider the error caused by the Bauschinger effect. A new concept of equivalent tensile strain rate of the kinked rebar was put forward, the kinked rebar was regarded as an equivalent material, and the average strain rate of the bending part of the rebar was defined as the equivalent tensile strain rate of the kinked rebar. Considering the influence of the tensile velocity and the bending height of the kinked rebar, the calculation model of dynamic increase factors (DIF) of the elastic ultimate strength was established, referring to the form of the Johnson-Cook material constitutive model. The results show that the pre-bending kink results in the section bending moment of the steel bar during force straightening and the mechanical properties of the kinked rebar have an obvious strain rate effect. The tensile yield strength first increases and then decreases with the increase of the bending height of the kinked rebar. There is an optimal bending height for the kinked rebar at high strain rates, which can maximize the dynamic amplification factor of the tensile strength of the kinked rebar. The research results can provide a basis for further promotion of the application of the kinked rebar technology in protection engineering.
表 1 试验工况
Table 1. Test parameters
试件 起波矢高 h/mm 起波间距 s/mm 拉伸速度 v/(m·s−1) 试件数量 W1-2.5 40 150 2.5 3 W1-5 40 150 5.0 3 W1-10 40 150 10.0 3 W1-15 40 150 15.0 3 W2-2.5 50 150 2.5 3 W2-5 50 150 5.0 3 W2-10 50 150 10.0 3 W2-15 50 150 15.0 3 W3-2.5 60 150 2.5 3 W3-5 60 150 5.0 3 W3-10 60 150 10.0 3 W3-15 60 150 15.0 3 注:试件编号中W表示起波钢筋,字母后第1个数字表示不同起波矢高的钢筋组号,第2个数字表示拉伸速度值。 表 2 起波钢筋的静态弹性极限强度和抗拉极限
Table 2. Elastic ultimate strength and tensile capacity of the kinked rebar under static loading
钢筋参数 σ/MPa F/KN d=10 mm(直筋) 400.00 31.40 h=40 mm 127.66 32.50 h=50 mm 92.49 23.54 h=60 mm 71.99 18.32 表 3 各组起波钢筋的弹性极限强度
Table 3. Elastic ultimate strengths of the kinked rebars
v/(m·s−1)弹性极限强度σ/MPa h=40 mm h=50 mm h=60 mm 2.5 159.46 105.78 93.50 5.0 193.99 140.19 111.03 10.0 201.13 198.50 137.56 15.0 255.40 261.14 175.61 表 4 三组DIF拟合公式中的
$a $ 、$b $ 值Table 4. Values of a and b of the three groups of the kinked rebars
起波失高h/mm a b 40 0.85 0.029700 50 1550 0.000033 60 6.086 0.013100 表 5 起波钢筋静态弹性极限强度理论值与试验值对比
Table 5. Comparison between the theoretical and experimental values of the static elastic ultimate strength
试件 极限强度σ/MPa 误差/
误差/%试验[1] 理论 F10-30 81.917 119.260 31.3 95.41 14.1 F10-45 67.486 61.586 9.6 49.27 37.0 F10-60 96.457 46.027 109.6 − − S10-30 34.127 46.167 26.1 36.93 7.6 S10-45 35.903 43.825 18.1 35.06 2.4 S10-60 17.850 24.140 26.1 19.31 7.6 -
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