Finite element simulations of wheel-rail impact response induced by wheel tread spalling of high-speed trains
摘要: 车轮踏面剥离是轨道车辆车轮非圆化损伤的常见形式之一。轮轨滚动接触过程中,车轮踏面剥离会循环冲击钢轨,诱发异常大的轮轨动态相互作用,严重影响高速列车运行平稳性和安全性。基于三维轮轨滚动接触有限元模型,模拟了高速列车车轮踏面剥离引起的轮轨冲击力学响应,分析了轮轨冲击过程中的轮轨接触力/压力、接触斑及黏/滑特性、钢轨表面节点速度分布和应力/应变状态等响应特征,讨论了列车速度、剥离长度和剥离深度等关键参数对轮轨冲击响应的影响。结果发现,车轮踏面剥离引起的轮轨动态垂向接触力随列车速度的提高呈现出先增大后减小的变化趋势,并在列车速度为300 km/h出现最大值,约为轮轨准静态垂向接触力的1.35倍;随着剥离长度的增大,轮轨动态接触力、轮/轨von Mises应力和等效塑性应变均显著增大;随着剥离深度的增大,仅车轮von Mises应力和等效塑性应变显著增大。Abstract: Wheel tread spalling is one of the common forms of wheel out-of-roundness damage of railway vehicles. During the wheel-rail rolling contact process, the wheel tread spalling will circularly impact the rail, inducing an abnormal large dynamic wheel-rail interaction, which has a serious effect on the stability and safety of high-speed trains. In order to reveal the mechanism of dynamic wheel-rail interaction induced by wheel tread spalling of high-speed trains, a three-dimensional finite element model for the wheel-rail rolling contact was built using the commercial software LS-DYNA. The mechanical responses of the wheel-rail impact caused by the wheel tread spalling of high-speed trains were simulated via the implicit-to-explicit sequential solution. The response characteristics of the wheel-rail vertical/longitudinal contact forces, contact pressure, contact patch, adhesion-slip areas, speed distribution of rail surface nodes, and the stress/strain states during the wheel-rail impact process were analyzed. Meanwhile, the effects of key parameters such as train speed, spalling length and spalling depth on the wheel-rail impact responses were discussed. The results indicate that the wheel-rail vertical dynamic contact force caused by the wheel tread spalling first increases with the train speed and then decreases, and the maximum value appears at a train speed of 300 km/h, which can reach 1.35 times the quasi-static wheel-rail vertical contact force. The maximum wheel-rail longitudinal force fluctuates slightly with the increase of the train speed, and is about 1.25 times the steady wheel-rail longitudinal contact force. The maximum wheel-rail vertical contact force, tangential contact force, the maximum von Mises stress, and equivalent plastic strain of the wheel-rail are monotonically increase with the spalling length. The spalling depth has almost no effect on the wheel-rail contact force, the maximum von Mises stress and equivalent plastic strain of the rail, but has a significant effect on the maximum von Mises stress and equivalent plastic strain of the wheel. The obtained results can provide technical support for the optimal design of the wheel-rail system and the safety of the train operation.
表 1 CRH系列各型动车组车轮踏面剥离镟修限度[20]
Table 1. Damage tolerances of wheel tread spalling of various types of CRH series EMUs[20]
一级修程 二级修程 适用车型 备注 长度/mm 深度/mm 面积/mm2 长度/mm 深度/mm 面积/mm2 ≤25 ≤1.5 − <25 <1.5 − CRH1A/B/E − ≤20 − − ≤20 − − CRH2A/B/E/C1 一处剥离 ≤10 − − ≤10 − − 二处剥离 ≤30 ≤0.25 − ≤30 ≤0.25 − CRH2C2/2G/380AL/6A/6F 车轮直径>840 mm ≤25 ≤0.25 − ≤25 ≤0.25 − 车轮直径≤840 mm ≤20 ≤0.5 ≤200 ≤20 ≤0.5 ≤200 CRH3C/380B/380BL/380CL − ≤20 ≤0.75 ≤150 ≤20 ≤0.75 ≤150 ≤20 ≤1.0 ≤100 ≤20 ≤1.0 ≤100 ≤20 ≤1.5 ≤100 ≤20 ≤1.5 ≤100 CRH5A/5G/5E − 部位 弹性模量
Et/GPa轮辋 213.00 7800 0.300 561 21 轮辐 216.00 7800 0.300 395 21 轮毂 213.00 7800 0.300 417 21 车轴 206.00 7800 0.300 560 20 钢轨 193.00 7800 0.300 525 19 轨道板 36.50 2500 0.167 − − 砂浆层 7.00 1800 0.200 − − 底座 34.00 2400 0.200 − − 路基 0.19 2250 0.200 − − 参数 簧上质量
μ数值 9580 880 4 22 200 0.1 0.5 0.3 表 4 不同时刻的轮轨接触响应
Table 4. Wheel-rail contact responses at different times
t/ms 轮轨接触力/kN 接触位置 轮轨接触斑/mm2 轮轨最大接触压力/MPa 垂向 纵向 黏着区 滑动区 总面积 车轮 钢轨 22.2 99.6 30.1 − 146 111 257 685.0 576.3 22.7 68.9 21.3 左侧 29 49 78 759.5 759.9 右侧 66 44 110 848.6 785.1 23.3 97.2 24.7 左侧 50 40 90 897.9 951.8 右侧 92 37 129 989.8 1005.9 23.8 121.0 37.0 − 159 106 265 817.9 890.7 -
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