• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
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  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


蒋文灿 程祥珍 梁斌 聂源 卢永刚

蒋文灿, 程祥珍, 梁斌, 聂源, 卢永刚. 一种组合药型罩聚能装药战斗部对含水复合结构毁伤的数值模拟及试验研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(8): 083303. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0389
引用本文: 蒋文灿, 程祥珍, 梁斌, 聂源, 卢永刚. 一种组合药型罩聚能装药战斗部对含水复合结构毁伤的数值模拟及试验研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(8): 083303. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0389
JIANG Wencan, CHENG Xiangzhen, LIANG Bin, NIE Yuan, LU Yonggang. Numerical simulation and experimental study on the damage of water partitioned structure by a shaped charge warhead with a combined charge liner[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(8): 083303. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0389
Citation: JIANG Wencan, CHENG Xiangzhen, LIANG Bin, NIE Yuan, LU Yonggang. Numerical simulation and experimental study on the damage of water partitioned structure by a shaped charge warhead with a combined charge liner[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(8): 083303. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0389


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0389
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11672278)

    蒋文灿(1990- ),男,博士研究生,jiangwc309@163.com


    卢永刚(1973- ),男,博士,研究员,lygcaep@263.net

  • 中图分类号: O383

Numerical simulation and experimental study on the damage of water partitioned structure by a shaped charge warhead with a combined charge liner

  • 摘要: 为了研究组合药型罩聚能装药战斗部对含水复合结构的毁伤机理,基于LS-DYNA软件的任意拉格朗日-欧拉(arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian, ALE)流固耦合算法,对水下组合药型罩聚能装药战斗部侵彻体的形成以及穿靶过程开展研究,采用数值模拟等比例模型对水下组合药型罩聚能装药战斗部对靶板毁伤进行试验验证。研究结果表明,在偏心亚半球缺罩罩顶设计偏心亚半球形罩能够在侵彻体前端形成细长的杆式射流,可以增加整个侵彻体长度和头部侵彻体速度。在穿水和靶板过程中,利用头部杆式射流形成空腔帮助后续侵彻体低阻随进。对靶板毁伤过程的分析发现,与战斗部直接连接的第1层靶板将会受到侵彻体的高速冲击作用和爆炸波沿水介质传播过来的强冲击波联合作用,而随着水层厚度的增加,沿水中传播的爆炸冲击波强度会被迅速衰减,爆炸冲击波对后续靶板的作用变得不明显,主要为侵彻体的冲击作用。最后利用设计的组合药型罩结构开展了试验验证,对比分析了每层靶板的穿孔尺寸,试验结果与数值计算结果符合较好,最大误差小于15%。
  • 图  1  组合药型罩和偏心亚半球缺罩结构设计(单位:mm)

    Figure  1.  Structural design of combined liner and eccentric sub-hemispherical liner (unit: mm)

    图  2  组合药型罩聚能装药战斗部对含水复合结构作用的数值模拟计算模型(单位: mm)

    Figure  2.  Numerical simulation model of the shaped charge warhead of combined liner on water containing composite structure (unit: mm)

    图  3  80 μs前组合药型罩和偏心亚半球缺罩的侵彻体形成过程

    Figure  3.  Formation processes of penetrators for combined liner and eccentric sub-hemispherical liner before the time of 80 μs

    图  4  80 μs时组合药型罩和偏心亚半球缺罩形成的侵彻体在对称轴线处速度随位置分布

    Figure  4.  The velocity distribution with position y of the penetrator formed by the combined liner and eccentric sub-hemispherical liner at the position of axis of symmetry (x=0) at the time of 80 μs

    图  5  80μs时组合药型罩和偏心亚半球缺罩形成的侵彻体构型和速度分布

    Figure  5.  Configurations and velocity distributions of the penetrator formed by the combined liner and eccentric sub-hemispherical at the time of 80 μs

    图  6  组合药型罩和偏心亚半球缺罩穿靶过程(其中灰色部分为水介质,黄色部分为主装药,白色为空腔,深绿色为侵彻体)

    Figure  6.  Penetration process of combined liner and eccentric sub-hemispherical liner (the gray part is water medium, the yellow part is the main charge, white is cavity and dark green is penetrator)

    图  7  在不同水层水介质的径向扩展速度

    Figure  7.  Variation curves of radial expansion velocity of water medium different water layers

    图  8  侵彻体头部位置随时间变化曲线以及侵彻体动能随位置变化曲线

    Figure  8.  Position of the penetrator head varying with time and kinetic energy of penetrator varying with time

    图  9  侵彻体头部速度随穿水深度变化

    Figure  9.  Variation of the head velocity of the penetrator with penetration depth

    图  10  组合药型罩侵彻体穿透所有靶板后侵彻体构型及速度分布

    Figure  10.  The configuration and velocity distribution of the penetrator after the combined shaped charge liner penetrator penetrates all targets

    图  11  组合药型罩侵彻体侵彻第1层靶板时靶板表面的空气炸高空腔Q1点和水介质Q2点压力随时间变化

    Figure  11.  The pressure at point Q1 and point Q2changes with time when the combined liner penetrates the first target in aqueous medium

    图  12  更改外部水介质环境为空气后组合药型罩侵彻体在侵彻第一层靶板时P1点和P2点压力随时间变化

    Figure  12.  The pressure at point P1 and point P2 changes with time when the combined liner penetrates the first layer of target in air

    图  13  在偏离轴线40 mm处各层靶板上表面的冲击波压力

    Figure  13.  Shock wave pressure on the surfaces of target 40 mm away from the axis

    图  14  组合药型罩聚能装药战斗部试验布置图

    Figure  14.  Experimental layout of shaped charge warhead with combined charge liner

    图  15  组合药型罩聚能装药战斗部试验结果

    Figure  15.  The results of shaped charge warhead with combined charge liner

    图  16  靶板穿孔尺寸测量结果

    Figure  16.  Measurement results on the target

    表  1  材料本构模型及状态方程

    Table  1.   Constitutive model and state equation of the materials

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    表  2  80 μs时组合药型罩和偏心亚半球缺罩的外形尺寸统计

    Table  2.   Statistics of overall dimensions of combined liner and eccentric sub-hemispherical liner at 80 μs

    44 (0.36d2)12 (0.10d2)169 (1.39d2)22 (0.18d2)104 (0.85d2)
    431846 (0.38d2)12 (0.10d2)103 (0.84d2)
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    表  3  药型罩聚能装药穿孔尺寸数值模拟计算与试验结果对比

    Table  3.   Comparison between numerical calculation and experimental results of perforation size

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