Advances in the research of metallic thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relationships
摘要: 金属材料的塑性流动行为依赖于温度和应变率,温度和应变率敏感性是金属材料塑性流动的最重要的本质特性之一,建立合适的热黏塑性本构关系来准确描述金属塑性流动行为的温度和应变率依赖性,是金属材料能被广泛应用的必要前提。为此,对金属热黏塑性本构关系的最新研究进展进行了综述,介绍了常见的几种金属热黏塑性本构关系并进行了详细讨论,给出了各本构关系的优势与不足,最后系统介绍了包含金属塑性流动行为中出现的第三型应变时效、或K-W锁位错结构引起的流动应力随温度变化出现的反常应力峰以及拉压不对称等行为的金属热黏塑性本构关系的研究进展。Abstract: The studies of the plastic flow behaviour of metallic materials show that the plastic deformation process of metallic materials is dependent on temperature and strain rate, so the temperature and strain rate sensitivities are the most important essential properties of plastic deformation of metallic materials. It is therefore necessary to establish appropriate thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relations to accurately describe the temperature and strain rate dependences of the plastic flow behaviour of metals over a wide range of temperatures and strain rates. Advantages and disadvantages of these constitutive relationships are first reviewed in the present paper. With the increasing applications of metallic materials and the emergence of new materials, the 3rd type strain aging, K-W lock induced anomalous stress peak, and tensile-compression asymmetry are often observed in the plastic flow behaviour of metals. Due to the occurrence of those phenomena, the traditional metal thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relations may no longer be applicable. In view of the significant roles played by the 3rd type strain aging, K-W lock dislocation structure-induced anomalous stress peaks, and tensile-compression asymmetry in the plastic flow behaviour of metals, especially in high temperature loading, it is necessary to take those particular phenomena into account in the framework of the thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relationship of metals. Thus, a large variety of constitutive relation, which considers the interaction of strain, temperature and strain rate, has been established to predict the deformation behaviors of metals. In this context, this paper presents a systematic review of the thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relationships of metals, which includes the anomalous stress peaks in the flow stresses with temperature due to the 3rd type strain aging or K-W-locked dislocation structures, and the tensile-compression asymmetry. In addition, the forms of these thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relationship considering the 3rd type strain aging, K-W lock dislocation structure-induced anomalous stress peaks and tensile-compression asymmetry in the flow stress of metals, are discussed and analysed.
表 1 唯象型本构关系的模型对比
Table 1. Comparison of phenomenological constitutive relations
本构关系 年份 模型 应变率范围/s−1 主要特征 J-C 1983 Johnson-Cook[20] >104 (1)形式简单,材料常数容易获得
(5)不能描述对于金属塑性流动行为中的应变、应变率和温度对流动应力的影响为非独立的现象1991 Holmquist[24] 10−3~500 (1)应变率项修正为幂函数
(3)对高应变率范围内的应变率敏感性的加强描述依旧有限1998 Rule-Jones[25] >103 (1)高速率情况下,可以更好地描述应变率敏感性的作用
(2)不能描述对于金属塑性流动行为中的应变、应变率和温度对流动应力的影响为非独立的现象1999 Kang-Cho[26] 10−3~5000 (1)应变率项中引入了对数应变率的二次型项
(3)对高应变率范围内的应变率敏感性的加强描述依旧有限2009 Vural-Cairo[27] 10−2~104 (1)在应变和应变率项中加入了温度效应
(2)可以描述对于金属塑性流动行为中的应变、应变率和温度对流动应力的影响为非独立的现象2010 Lin-Xia[28] 10−2~10 (1)考虑温度和应变率耦合效应
(2)应变项为抛物线形式K-H 1992 Khan-Huang[16] 10−5~104 (1)考虑了应变率效应
(3)没有考虑温度效应2009 Yu-Guo[35] 10−4~1.6×103 没有考虑温度效应 1999 Khan-Liang[36] 10−6~104 (1)考虑了应变率对应变硬化的影响。
(2)应变率项为幂函数形式2000 Khan-Zhang[37] 10−4~103 (1)考虑了晶粒尺寸对金属流动应力的影响
(3)应变率项为幂函数形式2004 Farrokh-Khan[38] 10−4~103 (1)可以描述晶粒细化引起的不同多晶金属的塑性流动行为
(3)应变率项为幂函数形式其他 1976 Voce-Kocks[39-40] 10 考虑温度和应变率对饱和应力${\sigma _{\rm{s}}}$的影响 2005 Molinari-Ravichandran[41] 10−3~8.5×104 考虑了微观结构的演化 表 2 唯象型本构关系的方程形式
Table 2. Equations of phenomenological constitutive relationships relations
模型 方程形式 Johnson-Cook[20] $\sigma = \left( {A + B{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\left( {1 + C\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)\left( {1 - {T^{ * m}}} \right)$ Holmquist[24] $\sigma = \left( {A + B{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\left( {{{\dot \varepsilon }^{ * C}}} \right)\left( {1 - {T^{ * m}}} \right)$ Rule-Jones[25] $\sigma = \left( {A + B{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\left[ {1 + C\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * } + {C_4}\left( {\dfrac{1}{{{C_5} - \ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }}} - \dfrac{1}{{{C_5}}}} \right)} \right]\left( {1 - {T^{ * m}}} \right)$ Kang-Cho[26] $\sigma = \left( {A + B{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\left[ {1 + {C_1}\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * } + {C_2}{{\left( {\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)}^2}} \right]\left( {1 - {T^{ * m}}} \right)$ Vural-Cairo[27] $\sigma = \left\{ {A + {B_0}\left[ {1 - {{\left( {\dfrac{{T - {T_0}}}{{{T_{\text{m}}} - {T_0}}}} \right)}^p}} \right]{\varepsilon ^n}} \right\}\left[ {1 + \left( {{c_1}T_{\text{r}}^{ * p} + {c_2}H} \right)\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_0}}}} \right)} \right]\left[ {1 - {{\left( {\dfrac{{T - {T_0}}}{{{T_{\text{r}}} - {T_0}}}} \right)}^p}} \right]$ Lin-Xia[28] $\sigma = \left( {A + {B_1}\varepsilon + {B_2}{\varepsilon ^2}} \right)\left( {1 + C\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)\exp \left[ {\left( {{\lambda _1} + {\lambda _2}\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)\left( {T - {T_{\text{r}}}} \right)} \right]$ Khan-Huang[16] ${J_2} = {f_1}\left( \varepsilon \right){f_2}\left( {D_2^{\text{p}}} \right)$ Yu-Guo[35] $\sigma = f\left( {\varepsilon ,\dot \varepsilon } \right) = {\sigma _0}{\hat f_2}\left( {\dot \varepsilon } \right) + {E_\infty }\varepsilon - a{{\text{e}}^{ - \alpha \varepsilon }}$ Khan-Liang[36] $\sigma = \left[ {A + B{ {\left( {1 - \dfrac{ {\ln {\dot \varepsilon } } }{ {\ln {D_0^{\text{p} } } } } } \right)}^{ {n_1} } }{\varepsilon ^{ {n_0} } } } \right]\left( {1 - {T^{*m} } } \right){\dot \varepsilon ^C}$ Khan-Zhang[37] $\sigma = \left[ { \left({a{}_1 + \dfrac{ { {k_1} } }{ {\sqrt d } } }\right) + B{ {\left( {1 - \dfrac{ {\ln {\dot \varepsilon } } }{ {\ln {D_0^{\text{p} } } } } } \right)}^{ {n_1} } }{\varepsilon ^{ {n_0} } } } \right]\left( {1 - {T^{ * m} } } \right){\dot \varepsilon ^C}$ Farrokh-Khan[38] $\sigma {\text{ = } }\left\{ {\left( { {a_1} + \dfrac{ { {k_1} } }{ {\sqrt d } } } \right) + B{ {\left( {\dfrac{d}{ { {d_0} } } } \right)}^{ {n_2} } }{ {\left[ {\left( {1 - \dfrac{ {\ln {\dot \varepsilon } } }{ {\ln {D_0^{\text{p} } } } } } \right) {\dfrac{ { {T_{\text{m} } } } }{T} } } \right]}^{ {n_1} } }{ {\left( \varepsilon \right)}^{ {n_0} } } } \right\}{\left( {\dfrac{ { {T_{\text{m} } } - T} }{ { {T_{\text{m} } } - {T_{\text{r} } } } } } \right)^m}{\left( {\dfrac{ {\dot \varepsilon } }{ { { {\dot \varepsilon }^ * } } } } \right)^C}$ Voce-Kocks[39-40] $\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{s}}} + \left[ {\left( {{\sigma _0} - {\sigma _{\text{s}}}} \right)\exp \left( { - \dfrac{\varepsilon }{{{\varepsilon _{\text{r}}}}}} \right)} \right]$ Molinari-Ravichandran[41] $\dfrac{ { {\delta _{\text{r} } } } }{ { {\delta _{ {\text{r0} } } } } } = {\left[ {1 - { {\left( { {k_{\text{r} } } {\dfrac{T}{ { {T_{ {\text{r0} } } } } } } \lg {\dfrac{ { { {\dot \varepsilon }_{ {\text{r0} } } } } }{ {\dot \varepsilon } } } } \right)}^{ {p_{\text{r} } } } } } \right]^{ {q_{\text{r} } } } }\text{,}\dfrac{ { {\delta _{\text{s} } } } }{ { {\delta _{ {\text{s0} } } } } } = \dfrac{1}{ { { {\left[ {1 - { {\left( { {k_{\text{s} } } {\dfrac{T}{ { {T_{ {\text{s0} } } } } } } \lg {\dfrac{ { { {\dot \varepsilon }_{ {\text{r0} } } } } }{ {\dot \varepsilon } } } } \right)}^{ {p_{\text{s} } } } } } \right] }^{ {q_{\text{s} } } } } } }$ 表 3 物理概念本构关系的模型对比
Table 3. Comparison of physically based constitutive relations
本构关系 年份 模型 应变率范围/s−1 本构关系的主要特征 B-P 1975 Bodner-Partom[18] 10−3~1 (1)将材料的总变形率分为弹性和塑性两部分
(3)没有考虑温度效应Z-A 1987 Zerilli-Armstrong[17] 4×103 (1)考虑了晶粒尺寸的影响
(2)基于热激活理论2009 Zhang-Wen[48] 10−5~10−2 考虑了温度、应变率和变形过程对Z-A模型中参数的影响 2009 Samantaray-Mandal[49] 10−3~1 考虑了温度与应变、温度与应变率的耦合效应对流动应力的影响 2005 Abed-Voyiadjis[50] 10−4~104 (1)可用于预测等温和绝热塑性变形的应力应变曲线
(2)将模型参数准确的与微观结构物理参数联系起来M-T-S 1988 Follansbee[10,51] 10−4~104 (1)认为应变率敏感性的上升应归因于结构演化的速率敏感性
(2)考虑了阈值应力N-N-L 1998 Nemat-Nasser-Li[57] 10−3~104 考虑了位错密度随应变和温度的变化 其他 2001 Rusinek-Klepaczko[61,62] 10−4~103 考虑了应变率历史效应对金属材料塑性流动行为的影响 2009 Rusinek-Rodrguez-Martnez[63] 10−4~104 (1)添加一个第三项来扩展该本构关系的应用范围
(2)考虑负应变率敏感性和粘性阻力2010 Sung[66] 10−3~10 通过Hollomon和Voce应变硬化方程的线性组合来揭示应变硬化率的温度敏感 2010 Gao-Zhang[67] 10−3~104 考虑FCC金属变形过程中微观结构的演变建立阈值应力与应变、温度和应变率的关系 表 4 物理概念本构关系的方程形式
Table 4. Equations of physically based constitutive relations
模型 方程形式 Bodner-Partom[18] $D_2^{\text{p}} = D_0^2\exp \left[ { - \left( {\dfrac{{n + 1}}{n}} \right){{\left( {\dfrac{{{Z^2}}}{{3{J_2}}}} \right)}^n}} \right]$ Zerilli-Armstrong[17] 对于FCC: $\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + B{\varepsilon ^{1/2}}\exp \left( { - \alpha T} \right)$和$\alpha {\text{ = }}{\alpha _0} - {\alpha _1}\ln \dot \varepsilon $
对于BCC:$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + B\exp \left( { - \beta T} \right) + {B_0}{\varepsilon ^n}$和$\beta {\text{ = }}{\beta _0} - {\beta _1}\ln \dot \varepsilon $
对于HCP:$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + B\exp \left( { - \beta T} \right) + {B_0}{\varepsilon ^{^{1/2}}}\exp \left( { - \alpha T} \right)$Zhang-Wen[48] 对于FCC:$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + {C_1}{\varepsilon ^{1/2}}\exp \left\{ {\left[ { - {C''_3}T + {C'_4}T\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{r\left( \varepsilon \right)r\left( {\dot \varepsilon } \right)}}} \right)} \right]H\left( T \right)} \right\}$
对于BCC:$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + {C_2}\exp \left\{ {\left[ { - {C''_3}T + {C'_4}T\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{r\left( \varepsilon \right)r\left( {\dot \varepsilon } \right)}}} \right)} \right]H\left( T \right)} \right\} + {C_5}{\varepsilon ^n}$Samantaray-Mandal[49] $\sigma = \left( {{C_1} + {C_2}{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\exp \left[ { - \left( {{C_3} + {C_4}\varepsilon } \right){T^ * } + \left( {{C_5} + {C_6}{T^ * }} \right)\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right]$ Abed-Voyiadjis[50] 对于FCC:$\sigma = {C_2}{\varepsilon ^{0.5}}\left( {1 - {X^{1/2}} - X + {X^{3/2}}} \right) + {C_6}$和$X = {C_4}T\ln \left( {1/{{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)$
对于BCC:$\sigma = {C_1}\left( {1 - {X^{1/2}} - X + {X^{3/2}}} \right) + {C_5}{\varepsilon ^n} + {C_6}$Follansbee[10,51] $\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + \left( {\hat \sigma - {\sigma _{\text{a}}}} \right){\left[ {1 - {{\left( {\dfrac{{kT}}{{{g_0}\mu {b^3}}}\ln \dfrac{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_0}}}{{\dot \varepsilon }}} \right)}^{1/q}}} \right]^{1/p}}$ Nemat-Nasser-Li[57] $\sigma \left( {\dot \varepsilon ,\varepsilon ,T} \right) = {\sigma ^0}{\left\{ {1 - {{\left[ { - \dfrac{{kT}}{{{G'_0}}}\left( {\ln \dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_0}}} + \ln \left( {1 + a\left( T \right){\varepsilon ^{1/2}}} \right)} \right)} \right]}^{\tfrac{1}{2}}}} \right\}^{\tfrac{3}{2}}}\left[ {1 + a\left( T \right){\varepsilon ^{\tfrac{1}{2}}}} \right] + \sigma _{\text{a}}^0{\varepsilon ^{{n_1}}}$ Rusinek-Klepaczko[61,62] $\sigma = \dfrac{{E\left( T \right)}}{{{E_0}}}\left[ {{B_0}\theta _{\text{m}}^{ - v}{{\left( {{\varepsilon _0} + {\varepsilon _{\text{p}}}} \right)}^{n\left( {1 - {D_2}{\theta _n}} \right)}} + \sigma _0^*{{\left( {1 - {D_1}{\theta _{\text{m}}}} \right)}^m}} \right]$ Rusinek-Rodrguez-Martnez[63] ${\sigma _{{\text{ns}}}}\left( {\dot \varepsilon ,T} \right) = \sigma _0^{{\text{ns}}} \left[ {\lg \left( {\dfrac{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_{{\text{trans}}}}}}{{\dot \varepsilon }}} \right)} \right] \left[ {1 - {D_3}\left( {\dfrac{{{T_{\text{m}}}}}{T}} \right)\lg \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_{\max }}}}} \right)} \right]$ Sung[66] $\sigma = \sigma \left( {\varepsilon ,\dot \varepsilon ,T} \right) = f\left( {\varepsilon ,T} \right)g\left( {\dot \varepsilon } \right)h\left( T \right)$ Gao-Zhang[67] $\sigma {\text{ = }}{\sigma _{\text{a}}} + \hat Y{\varepsilon ^n}\exp \left[ {{c_3}T\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_{{\text{s0}}}}}}} \right)} \right]{\left\{ {1 - {{\left[ { - {c_4}T\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_0}}}} \right)} \right]}^{1/q}}} \right\}^{1/p}}$ -
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