Effect of initial parameter setting of water on load characteristics of underwater explosion
摘要: 针对数值计算中水介质初始参数设置对水下爆炸载荷特性的影响开展了深入分析。基于参考状态参数确定了水介质状态方程形式;从热力学角度分析了常用的两种初始参数设置方式,提出了一种按等温假设设置初始参数的方式,并对LS-DYNA中INITIAL_EOS_ALE关键字给出的参数设置结果进行了分析;采用LS-DYNA程序进行一维球形装药水下爆炸数值计算,分析了3种设置方式下爆炸载荷特性的差异,并与已有研究成果进行了对比。结果表明:当仅改变水介质内能项时,参数按等容过程变化,流场压力源于外界传热,与实际深水环境严重不符;INITIAL_EOS_ALE关键字给出的参数设置结果与仅改变水介质密度(等内能过程)接近,水温变化规律与真实环境不符;按等内能过程和等温过程设置初始参数时,水下爆炸载荷特性计算结果基本相同,与已有成果吻合;综合分析认为,按等温形式进行初始参数设置方式较优。研究成果可为水下爆炸尤其是深水爆炸数值仿真提供参考。Abstract: The effect of the initial parameter setting of water medium on underwater explosion load characteristics in numerical simulation is studied. Firstly, based on the parameters under reference state, a kind of polynomial equation of state (EOS) is chosen as the EOS of water medium. Secondly, from the perspective of thermodynamics, two existing setting modes of initial parameters are analyzed, and a new setting mode following isothermal process is proposed. In addition, the results of initial compression ratio, initial internal energy and acoustic velocity of water under different depths given by INITIAL_EOS_ALE keyword in LS-DYNA program are investigated and compared with other three modes. Finally, by using the LS-DYNA program, numerical simulations of underwater explosion under different depths are conducted with a one-dimensional spherical charge model. The differences of shock wave load and bubble pulsation characteristics among the first three setting modes are discussed, which are also compared with previous studies. The results show that the parameters of water medium change with depths according to isochoric process if only the internal energy term of water medium is changed. Hence, it indicates that the pressures under different water depths are caused by thermal conduction from external environment, which is seriously inconsistent with the actual deep water condition. Initial parameters given by INITIAL_EOS_ALE keyword are close to the results obtained by only changing the density of water (i.e., following isometric energy process), but the changing laws of temperature for these two modes are both inconsistent with the real environment. When the parameters follow equal internal energy process or isothermal process, the calculated load characteristics are close to each other, which are consistent with existed studies. It is concluded, therefore, that initial parameter setting mode based on isothermal process is better than other three modes. This conclusion can provide an important reference to ensure the accuracy of underwater explosion numerical simulation, especially for deep water explosion.
Key words:
- underwater explosion /
- initial compression ratio /
- initial internal energy /
- shock wave /
- bubble
表 1 水介质状态方程参数
Table 1. EOS parameters of water
C0/Pa C1/GPa C2/GPa C3/GPa C4 C5 C6 101325 2.2 9.54 14.57 0.28 0.28 0 表 2
H=5km 及R=55R0 时3种方式下的ta 、ΔPm 及tc Table 2. Values of
ta ,ΔPm andtc in three modes whenH=5km andR=55R0 方式 ta/ms ΔPm/MPa tc/ms Ⅰ 1.7745 12.080 0.2676 Ⅱ 1.6578 13.603 0.2587 Ⅲ 1.6518 13.692 0.2581 表 3 冲击波载荷在5 km水深处相对于0 m的变化幅度
Table 3. Changing amplitudes of shock wave load when depth changes from 0 m to 5 km
方式 变化幅度/% ΔPm I es Ⅰ −1.202 −74.304 −32.896 Ⅱ 11.255 −73.227 −21.877 Ⅲ 11.981 −73.171 −21.247 表 4
H=5km 时3种方式下对应的Rmax 和T Table 4. Values of
R_{\max} andT in three modes whenH=5\;{\rm{km}} 方式 Rmax/mm T/ms Ⅰ 178.722 1.7129 Ⅱ 180.618 1.7445 Ⅲ 180.731 1.7460 -
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