• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


王志鹏 李海波 韦冰峰 李剑峰 张威 王强 秦庆华

相升海, 徐文龙, 张健, 王猛, 黄德武, 王迪. 刻槽式MEFP的成形及侵彻钢靶模式[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2015, 35(1): 135-139. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2015)01-0135-05
引用本文: 王志鹏, 李海波, 韦冰峰, 李剑峰, 张威, 王强, 秦庆华. 嵌锁式CFRP方形蜂窝夹芯梁低速冲击响应及失效机理[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(7): 073102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0525
Xiang Sheng-hai, Xu Wen-long, Zhang Jian, Wang Meng, Huang De-wu, Wang Di. Groove type MEFP formation and penetrating steel target's pattern[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2015, 35(1): 135-139. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2015)01-0135-05
Citation: WANG Zhipeng, LI Haibo, WEI Bingfeng, LI Jianfeng, ZHANG Wei, WANG Qiang, QIN Qinghua. Low-velocity impact response and failure mechanism of CFRP sandwich beams with a square honeycomb core fabricated by the interlocking method[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(7): 073102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0525


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0525
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11972281);陕西省自然科学基金(2020JM-034);航天一院高校联合创新基金(CALT201708);宁波大学冲击与安全工程教育部重点实验室开放课题 (CJ202003)

    王志鹏(1993- ),男,博士研究生,zhipengwang@stu.xjtu.edu.cn


    秦庆华(1976- ),男,博士,教授,qhqin@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O347.3

Low-velocity impact response and failure mechanism of CFRP sandwich beams with a square honeycomb core fabricated by the interlocking method

  • 摘要: 采用嵌锁组装工艺制备了碳纤维/树脂基复合材料方形蜂窝夹芯梁,实验研究了低速冲击载荷下简支和固支夹芯梁的动态响应及失效机理,获得了不同冲击速度下夹芯梁的失效模式,分析了其损伤演化过程和失效机理,探讨了冲击速度、边界条件、面板质量分布以及槽口方向等因素对夹芯梁破坏模式及承载能力的影响。研究结果表明,芯材长肋板槽口方向对夹芯梁的失效模式有较大影响,槽口向上的芯材跨中部分产生了挤压变形,而槽口向下的芯材跨中部分槽口在拉伸作用下出现了沿槽口开裂失效,继而引起面板脱粘和肋板断裂;同等质量下,较厚的上面板设计可以提高夹芯梁的抗冲击能力,冲击速度越大,夹芯梁的峰值载荷和承载能力越高;固支边界使得夹芯梁的后失效行为呈现出明显的强化效应,在夹芯梁跨中部分发生初始失效后出现了后继的固支端芯材和面板断裂失效模式。
  • 图  1  嵌锁式CFRP方形蜂窝夹芯梁制备过程和实物图

    Figure  1.  Fabrication process and images of CFRP sandwich beams with a square honeycomb core based on the interlocking method

    图  2  嵌锁式CFRP方形蜂窝夹芯梁低速冲击试样参数设计

    Figure  2.  Designs of CFRP sandwich beams with a square honeycomb subjected to low-velocity impact

    图  3  简支和固支CFRP蜂窝夹芯梁的低速冲击实验装置

    Figure  3.  Experimental setup of simply supported and fully clamped CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

    图  4  CFRP方形蜂窝简支梁在低速冲击载荷作用下的力时程曲线和损伤演化过程

    Figure  4.  Impact load-time curves and corresponding failure processes of simply-supported CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

    图  5  试样S-1.98-[1.6/16/0.8]的最终失效模式

    Figure  5.  The final failure modes of specimen S-1.98-[1.6/16/0.8]

    图  6  CFRP方形蜂窝简支梁在低速冲击载荷作用下的力时程曲线和损伤演化过程

    Figure  6.  Impact load-time curves and corresponding failure processes of simply-supported CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

    图  7  试样S-2.80-[0.8/16/1.6]最终失效模式

    Figure  7.  Final failure modes of specimen S-2.80-[0.8/16/1.6]

    图  8  简支CFRP方形蜂窝夹芯梁在低速冲击载荷作用下的载荷挠度曲线

    Figure  8.  Impact load-deflection curves of simply-supported CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

    图  9  CFRP方形蜂窝固支梁在低速冲击载荷作用下的力时程曲线和损伤演化过程

    Figure  9.  Impact load-time curves and corresponding failure process of fully clamped CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

    图  10  试样C-3.43-[0.8/16/1.6]最终失效模式

    Figure  10.  Final failure mode of specimen C-3.43-[0.8/16/1.6]

    图  11  CFRP方形蜂窝固支梁在低速冲击载荷作用下的力时程曲线和损伤演化过程

    Figure  11.  Impact load-time curves and corresponding failure processes of fully-clamped CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

    图  12  试样C-2.80-[0.8/16/1.6]的最终失效模式

    Figure  12.  Final failure modes of specimen C-2.80-[0.8/16/1.6]

    图  13  固支CFRP方形蜂窝夹芯梁在低速冲击载荷作用下的载荷挠度曲线

    Figure  13.  Impact load-deflection curves of fully clamped CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

    表  1  CFRP方形蜂窝简支夹芯梁低速冲击实验设计

    Table  1.   Experimental design of simply-supported CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

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    表  2  CFRP方形蜂窝固支夹芯梁低速冲击实验设计

    Table  2.   Experimental design of fully-clamped CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

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    表  3  简支CFRP方形蜂窝夹芯梁峰值载荷

    Table  3.   The peak loads of simply supported CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

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    表  4  固支CFRP方形蜂窝夹芯梁峰值载荷

    Table  4.   The peak loads of fully-clamped CFRP sandwich beams subjected to low-velocity impact

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