An experimental study of anti-penetration performance of concrete-filled steel tube with honeycomb structure
摘要: 为了研究蜂窝钢管混凝土的抗侵彻性能,采用125 mm口径滑膛炮开展了蜂窝钢管混凝土靶侵彻实验共6发,获得了不同工况时靶板破坏形态及侵深数据,分析了蜂窝钢管混凝土的典型破坏形式,对比了不同弹靶尺寸因数时靶板破坏形式的区别以及着靶点和钢管壁厚对蜂窝钢管混凝土抗侵彻能力的影响。同时,对7组不同壁厚的六边形钢管混凝土和3组六边形无钢管混凝土柱进行了单轴压缩实验,研究了不同壁厚时六边形钢管对核心混凝土强度及延性的增强效应,拟合了核心混凝土强度增强因数同围箍因数的关系,并改进普通混凝土侵深的经验公式,得到了适用于蜂窝钢管混凝土的最大侵深计算公式。结果表明:钢管壁厚是影响侵深的重要因素,壁厚越大,侵深越小;着靶点位置对侵深的影响较复杂,具有离散性;着靶点位置对靶体表面破坏形式影响较大;钢管可以有效增加核心混凝土的强度和延性;改进后的侵深计算公式可以预测弹体对蜂窝钢管混凝土靶的最大侵深。
- 抗侵彻性能 /
- 125 mm口径滑膛炮 /
- 蜂窝钢管混凝土 /
- 强度增强效应 /
- 侵彻深度
Abstract: In order to study the anti-penetration performance of concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) with honeycomb structure, six experiments on anti-penetration of the CFST with honeycomb structure were conducted by using a 125-mm smooth bore gun. The failure pattern and penetration depth of the targets under different working conditions were measured, and the typical failure modes of the CFST with honeycomb structure were analyzed. The differences of the failure pattern of the targets under different target-to-projectile size ratios were compared, while the influences of the impact point and steel tube wall thickness on the anti-penetration performance of the CFST with honeycomb structure were explored. Uniaxial compression tests on seven groups of hexagonal concrete-filled steel tube columns with different wall thicknesses and three groups of hexagonal concrete columns were carried out. The enhancement effects of the hexagonal steel tube on the strength and ductility of the core concrete under different wall thicknesses were studied, and the relationship between the strength enhancement coefficient of the core concrete and the hoop coefficient was obtained by data fitting. By refining the empirical formula for calculating the penetration depth of ordinary concrete, the formula for calculating the maximum penetration depth of the CFST targets with honeycomb structure was given. The results show that the wall thickness is an important factor that affects penetration depth, that is, the greater the wall thickness, the smaller the penetration depth. The locations of impact points have a great influence on the failure pattern of the target surface, but the influences of the locations of impact points on the penetration depth are complex. The existence of the steel tube can effectively increase the strength and ductility of the core concrete. The refined penetration depth formula can predict the maximum penetration depths of the projectiles to the CFST targets with honeycomb structure. -
表 1 侵彻实验结果
Table 1. Results of the penetration experiments
靶体 钢管 壁厚/mm 着靶点 初速/(m·s−1) 弹重/kg 侵深/mm 开坑尺寸/mm2 F-1 有 5 中心 352 20.60 478 320×410 F-2 有 5 交点 274 20.62 290 300×420 F-3 有 5 交点 271 22.40 294 290×370 E-1 有 8 中心 274 20.57 280 290×300 E-2 有 8 交点 307 20.61 324 290×290 E-3 有 8 中心 317 22.42 357 350×400 S-1 无 — — 271 22.41 310 1150×1170 表 2 按初速换算后的侵彻深度
Table 2. Penetration depths converted by initial velocity
靶体 钢管 壁厚/mm 着靶点 初速/(m·s−1) 换算初速/(m·s−1) 侵深/mm 换算侵深/mm F-1 有 5 中心 352 274 478 370 E-1 有 8 中心 274 307 280 313 表 3 核心混凝土的强度增强因数
Table 3. Strength enhancement coefficients of core concretes
试件 钢管 b/mm t/mm δ P/MN ${\sigma _{\text{r}}}$/MPa fc*/MPa k 1 无 — — 0 0.964 0 57.9 1 2 无 — — 0 1.035 0 62.0 1 3 无 — — 0 0.904 0 54.1 1 4 有 80 5 0.52 2.361 13.8 104.9 1.81 5 有 80 5 0.52 2.366 13.9 105.2 1.82 6 有 80 5 0.52 2.354 13.6 104.2 1.79 7 有 80 8 0.83 3.034 17.3 116.7 2.01 8 有 80 8 0.83 2.962 15.5 110.6 1.91 9 有 80 8 0.83 3.000 16.5 114.0 1.96 表 4 实验和计算的侵彻深度
Table 4. Experimental and computational penetration depths
靶体 钢管 壁厚/mm 着靶点 初速/(m·s−1) 实验侵深/mm 计算侵深/mm 误差/% F-1 有 5 中心 352 478 400 16.31 E-1 有 8 中心 274 280 290 3.57 E-3 有 8 中心 317 357 364 1.96 -
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