Experimental study on explosion characteristics of penetrator with elliptical cross-section
摘要: 为研究椭圆截面侵彻弹体的爆炸特性,设计并开展了静爆威力外场试验。将质量为255 kg的弹体竖立于木质托弹架上,质心距地面高度为2 m,采用试验引信起爆弹体装药。通过航拍无人机实时拍摄整个爆炸过程,在长轴和短轴方向布置扇形效应钢板以获取破片数量及穿甲率,采用超压传感器测量距弹轴7、10和12 m处的冲击波超压,并对弹体爆炸后的宏观景象以及火球、破片和冲击波超压特性进行了详细分析。结果表明,火球演化形貌与破片散布区域关于弹体长轴和短轴呈对称分布;火球演化过程分为快速成长阶段、高温稳定阶段以及自由扩散阶段,火球尺寸在爆炸后41.7 ms达到最大,短轴和长轴方向的最大尺寸分别为21.86、19.29 m,且火球在长轴方向发生了明显的二次膨胀;短轴方向的破片尺寸小、数量多、穿甲能力强,而长轴方向的破片特性恰好相反;冲击波超压峰值、冲量及速度均随传播距离增大而不断减小。综合试验结果对比分析,认为椭圆截面侵彻弹体的非轴对称结构和非均匀壁厚对爆炸特性影响较大,是造成火球形貌及破片非轴对称分布的根本原因。Abstract: To study the explosion characteristics of penetrator with elliptical cross-section, a static explosion experiment was designed and carried out. The penetrator with a mass of 255 kg was erected on a wooden cartridge, the centroid height was 2 m from the ground, and the test fuse was used to detonate the penetrator explosive. The aerial drone was used to record the whole explosion process in real time, the sector effecting steel plates were arranged in the major and minor axis directions to obtain the number and perforation rate of fragments, and the shock wave overpressure at the distance of 7, 10 and 12 m from the penetrator axis was measured. The macroscopic scene and the characteristics of fireball, fragment, and shock wave overpressure after explosion are analyzed in detail. Results show that the evolution morphology of the fireball and the fragment distribution area are symmetrically distributed with respect to the major axis and minor axis. The evolution of fireball can be divided into rapid growth stage, high temperature stability stage and free diffusion stage. The fireball size reached its maximum at 41.7 ms after explosion, and the maximum size in the minor axis and major axis directions was 21.86 and 19.29 m, respectively. Besides, the fireball size in the major axis direction had obvious secondary expansion. The fragments in the minor axis were small in size, large in number, and strong in perforation, while the fragments in the major axis had the opposite characteristics. The overpressure peak value, impulse, and velocity of shock wave decrease with the increase of propagation distance. Based on the experimental results, it can be concluded that the non-axisymmetric structure and non-uniform wall thickness of the elliptically cross-sectional penetrator have a great influence on the explosion characteristics, leading to the morphology of the non-axisymmetric distribution of the fireball and fragments.
表 1 随炉热处理试件的力学性能检测结果
Table 1. Mechanical properties of heat treated specimens
试样 屈服强度/MPa 抗拉强度/MPa 延伸率/% 断面收缩率/% 冲击功/J 断裂韧性/(MPa·m1/2) 1 1249 1646 13.0 51 70.6 101 2 1247 1637 12.5 50 74.2 102 3 1248 1642 13.5 49 80.4 106 4 1262 1648 12.5 51 88.5 表 2 火球演化过程典型特征参数
Table 2. Typical characteristic parameters of fireball evolution
总时间/ms火球最大尺寸/m 火球与破片
分离时刻/ms短轴方向 长轴方向 50.0 1512.0 21.86 19.29 16.7 表 3 火球预估经验公式及其适用条件
Table 3. Empirical formulas of fireball prediction and applicable conditions
经验公式 A B C D 适用条件 TNO/CCPS[12] 6.48 0.325 0.825 0.26 Moorhouse & Pritchard[12] 5.330 0.327 1.089 0.327 沸腾液体 ILO[12] 5.8 1/3 0.45 1/3 沸腾液体 Lihou & Maund[12] 3.51 0.333 0.32 0.330 Williamson & Mann[12] 5.88 0.333 1.09 0.617 Fay & Lewis[12] 6.28 0.330 2.530 0.17 GREENBERG & CRAMER[12] 5.33 0.327 1.089 0.327 High[12] 3.86 0.32 0.299 0.32 液体推进剂、燃料 Hasegawa & Sato[12] 5.25 0.314 1.070 0.181 液体推进剂、燃料 RAKACZY[12] 3.76 0.325 0.258 0.349 弹药 Roberts[12] 5.80 1/3 0.830 0.316 丙烷 表 4 破片特征参数
Table 4. Characteristic parameters of fragments
方向 钢板
%长轴 1# 3 15 8 3.4 62.0 2# 3 10 8 3# 3 25 15 短轴 4# 3 33 30 9.0 81.8 5# 3 34 27 6# 3 32 24 表 5 反射冲击波超压典型特征参数
Table 5. Typical characteristic parameters of reflection shock wave overpressure
测点位置/m 测点编号 超压峰值/kPa 超压峰值均值/kPa 正压时间/ms 正压时间均值/ms 冲量/(kPa·ms) 冲量均值/kPa·ms 7 1# 312 313.5 2.45 2.28 305 300.5 2# 315 2.11 296 10 1# 161 180.0 4.90 5.05 181 190.5 2# 199 5.20 200 12 1# 109 112.0 7.20 6.70 190 195.0 2# 115 6.20 200 -
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