• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
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  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


杨仁树 赵勇 赵杰 左进京 葛丰源 陈程 丁晨曦

杨仁树, 赵勇, 赵杰, 左进京, 葛丰源, 陈程, 丁晨曦. 基于DIC技术的爆炸应力波过异质界面应变场演化规律实验研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(12): 123201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0097
引用本文: 杨仁树, 赵勇, 赵杰, 左进京, 葛丰源, 陈程, 丁晨曦. 基于DIC技术的爆炸应力波过异质界面应变场演化规律实验研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(12): 123201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0097
YANG Renshu, ZHAO Yong, ZHAO Jie, ZUO Jinjing, GE Fengyuan, CHEN Cheng, DING Chenxi. Experimental study on evolution of strain field of explosion stress wave passing through a heterogeneous interface based on the DIC method[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(12): 123201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0097
Citation: YANG Renshu, ZHAO Yong, ZHAO Jie, ZUO Jinjing, GE Fengyuan, CHEN Cheng, DING Chenxi. Experimental study on evolution of strain field of explosion stress wave passing through a heterogeneous interface based on the DIC method[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(12): 123201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0097


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0097
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52074301);中国博士后科学基金(2021M700386,2020TQ0032);爆破工程湖北省重点实验室开放基金(BL2021-05)

    杨仁树(1963- ),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,yangrsustb@163.com


    赵 勇(1993- ),男,博士研究生,zhaoyong931216@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O382

Experimental study on evolution of strain field of explosion stress wave passing through a heterogeneous interface based on the DIC method

  • 摘要: 采用氯仿粘结聚碳酸酯(polycarbonate, PC)板和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(polymethylmethacrylate, PMMA)板模拟含异质界面模型;在PC介质中布置柱状炮孔并与界面呈一定角度,根据炮孔端部与界面相对位置,分别于柱状炮孔两个端部设置起爆点,起爆点远离界面端部时定义为孔口起爆,靠近界面端部时定义为孔底起爆;借助数字图像相关实验系统,研究爆炸应力波通过异质界面后PMMA介质应变场演化过程及炮孔底部区域拉、压应变变化规律。实验结果表明,异质界面改变了爆炸应力波过界面后的传播形态。孔口起爆时,异质界面受爆破荷载作用后易形成应力集中区,界面处产生开裂,横向拉伸波作用是造成异质界面开裂的主要原因。起爆方式对过界面后介质PMMA的横/纵向拉、压应变场作用贡献不同,主要体现在应变场强度、拉/压应变场位置分布2个方面。在炮孔底部区域,起爆方式对应变场时程特性的影响主要体现在作用时效长短和应变强度2个方面。孔口起爆时,横/纵向应变体现出短时效、高强度的变化特征。就应变强度而言,起爆方式对横向压应变的影响显著强于其对纵向拉应变的影响。对空间分布特性影响主要体现在衰减程度,起爆方式对纵向应变衰减程度影响较大。无论采用何种起爆方式,爆炸应变场在PC介质中衰减速度较快,进入PMMA介质后衰减速度显著降低。
  • 图  1  数字图像相关方法的基本原理

    Figure  1.  The basic principle for the digital image correlation method

    图  2  数字图像相关实验系统

    Figure  2.  An experimental system based on the digital image correlation method

    图  3  试件模型

    Figure  3.  The specimen model

    图  4  试件受爆炸荷载作用后的断裂

    Figure  4.  Fracture of the specimens under explosion load

    图  5  θ=30º时的孔口起爆应变演化云图

    Figure  5.  Strain field evolution of the hole-top initiation at θ=30º

    图  6  θ=30º时的孔底起爆应变演化云图

    Figure  6.  Strain field evolution of the bottom initiation at θ=30º

    图  7  θ=60º时不同起爆方式下t=55.00 μs时的横向应变云图

    Figure  7.  Transverse strain fields at t=55.00 μs for different initiation modes with θ=60º

    图  8  研究区域示意图

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of the target area

    图  9  θ=30º,孔口起爆时PMMA介质拉、压应变分布可视化结果

    Figure  9.  Visualization results of tensile and compressive strain distribution in PMMA with the hole-top initiation at θ=30º

    图  10  θ=30º,孔底起爆时PMMA介质拉、压应变分布可视化结果

    Figure  10.  Visualization results of tensile and compressive strain distribution in PMMA with the hole-bottom initiation at θ=30º

    图  11  θ=60º,孔口起爆时PMMA介质拉、压应变分布可视化结果

    Figure  11.  Visualization results of tensile and compressive strain distribution in PMMA with the hole-top initiation at θ=60º

    图  12  θ=60º,孔底起爆时PMMA介质拉、压应变分布可视化结果

    Figure  12.  Visualization results of tensile and compressive strain distribution in PMMA with the hole-bottom initiation at θ=60º

    图  13  炮孔底部的测点分布

    Figure  13.  Distribution of measuring points at the bottom of the blasthole

    图  14  θ=30º时孔口起爆测点应变时程曲线

    Figure  14.  Strain time history curves at measuring points with hole-top initiation at θ=30 º

    图  15  θ=30º时孔底起爆测点应变时程曲线

    Figure  15.  Strain time history curves at measuring points with hole-bottom initiation at θ=30º

    图  16  应变峰值及其衰减拟合曲线

    Figure  16.  Strain peaks and their attenuation-fitting curves

    表  1  PC和PMMA相关材料参数[25-26]

    Table  1.   Relevant material parameters of PC and PMMA[25-26]

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    表  2  PC和PMMA介质中测点拉、压应变峰值

    Table  2.   Tensile and compressive strain peaks at measured points in PC and PMMA

    介质测点x/mmθ=30º, 孔口起爆θ=30º, 孔底起爆θ=60º, 孔口起爆θ=60º, 孔底起爆
    R7 65 2789 812 778 511 2557 941 570 450
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    表  3  应变衰减指数和应变衰减程度

    Table  3.   Strain attenuation index and strain attenuation degree

    起爆方式应变衰减函数 衰减指数(εL4εR1)/εL4
    θ=30º,孔底起爆εxxεmax=5.98x−2.50εmax=56144x−0.66 2.500.420.3662
    θ=60º,孔口起爆εxxεmax=5.44x−2.09εmax=27604x−0.52 2.090.520.3328
    θ=60º,孔底起爆εxxεmax=2.76x−2.97εmax=23138x−0.82 2.970.820.3552
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    表  4  不同测点孔口起爆应变峰值与孔底起爆应变峰值的比值

    Table  4.   Ratios of strain peak of top initiation to strain peak of bottom initiation at different measuring points

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