Mechanical properties of granite under impact compression after real-time high temperature
摘要: 为研究实时高温作用对花岗岩冲击力学特性的影响,以川藏铁路色季拉山施工区域加里东期花岗岩为研究对象,利用分离式霍普金森杆(SHPB)及同步箱式电阻炉,对20~800 ℃实时高温下的花岗岩试件进行冲击压缩试验,分析高温作用及加载应变率对试件破碎特征、动态抗压强度及能量吸收情况的影响,基于粉晶X射线衍射分析矿物成分变化与花岗岩动力学强度的内在关联。研究表明:20~400 ℃高温试件以脆性劈裂破坏为主,碎片形态呈纺锤形,两端尖锐,而600 ℃高温试件以塑性破坏为主,形状趋于圆钝;试件峰值应力随温度升高具有先增大后减小的变化趋势,200 ℃时达到强度阈值,随后持续降低;单位体积岩石耗散能与加载应变率呈线性正相关关系,与温度呈二次函数关系,与峰值应力呈指数关系,拟合效果良好;石英、云母和长石三种主要矿物成分的含量波动、相态变化等因素共同导致花岗岩动力学强度在200 ℃后逐步劣化。Abstract: The study of thermal-mechanical coupling mechanism is of great significance to deep rock engineering such as rock tunnel fire, nuclear waste treatment and geothermal development. To investigate the effect of high temperature on the impact mechanical properties of granite, the real-time high temperature impact compression test was carried out on the granite specimen at 20~800 ℃. The Caledonian granite in the construction area of Sejila Mountain on Sichuan-Tibet Railway was taken as the research object, real-time high temperature impact compression tests were carried out on the specimens under five different temperatures ( 20, 200, 400, 600 and 800 ℃) with three average loading rates ( 72.8, 144.97 and 230.29 s−1) by using the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) and synchronous box-type resistance furnace. The effects of high temperature and loading strain rate on the fracture characteristics, dynamic compressive strength and fractal dimension of the specimens were analyzed. The variation law of dissipated energy per unit volume was also studied and discussed. In addition, the intrinsic correlation between the change of mineral composition and the dynamic strength of granite was analyzed based on X-ray powder crystal diffraction. The results show that the brittle fracture of the specimens at 20 to 400 ℃ is dominant, and the fragments are spindle-shaped with sharp ends. The specimens at 600 ℃ are dominated by plastic failure, and their shapes tend to be round. The peak stress of specimens increases first and then decreases with the increase of temperature, reaches the strength threshold at 200 ℃, and then decreases continuously. The dissipated energy per unit volume of rock has a positive linear correlation with the loading strain rate and a quadratic function with the temperature, which shows a good fitting effect. The content fluctuation and phase change of the three main mineral components of quartz, mica and feldspar lead to the gradual deterioration of the dynamic strength of granite after 200 ℃.
Key words:
- real-time high temperature /
- granite /
- SHPB /
- energy dissipation /
表 1 SHPB试验参数
Table 1. Parameters of the test
气压/MPa 冲击速率/(m∙s−1) 平均应变率/s−1 0.2 5.4 74.80 0.4 8.8 144.97 0.6 11.3 230.29 表 2 峰值应力
Table 2. Peak stress
平均应变率/s−1 试件峰值应力/MPa 20 ℃ 200 ℃ 400 ℃ 600 ℃ 800 ℃ 74.80 125.25 132.08 103.43 92.517 0 144.97 164.39 178.38 161.38 114.59 0 230.29 188.91 190.91 174.00 135.80 0 表 3 体积能量
Table 3. Volumic energy
$ \bar \varepsilon $/s−1 w/(J·cm−3) 20 ℃ 200 ℃ 400 ℃ 600 ℃ 800 ℃ 74.80 0.49 0.36 0.46 0.76 0.49 144.97 1.56 1.22 1.25 1.46 1.56 230.29 3.61 3.24 3.31 4.40 3.61 表 4 矿物成分的质量分数(%)
Table 4. Mass fraction (%) of the components
温度/℃ 石英 长石 云母 绿泥石 磁铁矿 20 53.4 32.2 7.2 2.2 5.0 200 52.5 35.6 8.4 1.7 0.5 400 77.4 17.1 3.4 1.4 0.7 600 33.3 50.0 13.2 1.5 0.6 -
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