A novel hazard warehouse and its safety separation distance
摘要: 安全距离是危险品仓库建设和研究中重点关注的问题之一。为减小危险品仓库的安全距离,结合现行规范和危险品仓库建设现状,针对一种由浅埋式库房主体、顶部堆土和钢筋混凝土分配板组成的新型危险品仓库形式开展了3组缩尺模型野外爆炸试验,记录了各组试验的爆炸过程,统计了冲击波超压峰值和爆炸破片的飞散范围,给出了爆炸冲击波的安全距离,分析了分配板、库房强度等因素对冲击波传播和破片飞散的影响。研究表明,这种新型危险品仓库可实现定向泄爆,有效限制库房两侧及后方爆炸冲击波的传播和爆炸破片的飞散,使库房两侧及后方的安全距离最大减小77%;与覆土库相比,库房后方的安全距离可减小约50%。钢筋混凝土分配板是新型危险品仓库的重要组成部分,同无分配板库房相比,最大可使后方安全距离减小30%。与波纹钢库房主体相比,强度较高的钢筋混凝土库房主体可使库房后方的安全距离最大减小38%。Abstract: Safety separation distance is one of the key concerns in the engineering construction and the study of hazards warehouses. In order to reduce the safety separation distance, a novel type of hazards warehouse is proposed based on the current codes and structural patterns of existing hazards warehouses. The novel warehouse is mainly composed of a shallow-buried main body, a reinforced concrete (RC) distribution slab and a heaped-up earth cover (HEC). Considering the variations of distribution slab and the strength of the main body, three scaled models of the novel hazards warehouse were built and internal explosion tests were carried out. The overpressure time histories of shock waves generated in the explosion tests were recorded and the distribution of blast debris around the warehouse were counted. According to the testing data and damage criteria of personnel subjected to shock waves, the safety separation distance of the novel hazards warehouse is plotted. Moreover, the effects of the RC distribution slab and the main body strength on shock wave propagation and debris distribution are analyzed. The results show that the novel hazards warehouse can bring about directional venting during internal explosions and effectively restrain the shock waves propagation and debris flying. The safety separation distance of shock waves has significantly directionality. Compared with the ground explosion, the safety separation distance of the novel hazards warehouse can be reduced up to 77% on both sides and the rear. In the rear direction, the safety separation distance of the novel hazards warehouse is only 50% of that of the earth-covered hazards warehouse. As the key component of the novel hazards warehouse, the RC distribution slab can reduce the safety separation distance by 30% in the rear direction. Compared with the corrugated steel main body, the RC main body can reduce the safety separation distance up to 38% in the rear direction.
Key words:
- hazards warehouse /
- safety separation distance /
- blast waves /
- blast debris /
- blast tests
表 1 缩尺试验模型情况
Table 1. Cases of scaled test model
模型 库房主体材料 分配板 装药量/kg 1 波纹钢 无 156 2 波纹钢 有 156 3 钢筋混凝土 有 156 -
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