• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
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  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


季海波 王昕 赵振宇 赵中南 李雪 韩佳彤 卢天健

季海波, 王昕, 赵振宇, 赵中南, 李雪, 韩佳彤, 卢天健. 带攻角平头弹侵彻不同厚度芳纶层合板的数值模拟[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(6): 063302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0231
引用本文: 季海波, 王昕, 赵振宇, 赵中南, 李雪, 韩佳彤, 卢天健. 带攻角平头弹侵彻不同厚度芳纶层合板的数值模拟[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(6): 063302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0231
JI Haibo, WANG Xin, ZHAO Zhenyu, ZHAO Zhongnan, LI Xue, HAN Jiatong, LU Tianjian. Simulation on penetration of a flat-nosed projectile with attack angle into aramid laminates having varying thickness[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(6): 063302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0231
Citation: JI Haibo, WANG Xin, ZHAO Zhenyu, ZHAO Zhongnan, LI Xue, HAN Jiatong, LU Tianjian. Simulation on penetration of a flat-nosed projectile with attack angle into aramid laminates having varying thickness[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(6): 063302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0231


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0231
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11972185)

    季海波(1998- ),男,硕士研究生,hbji_01@163.com


    卢天健(1964- ),男,博士,教授,tjlu@nuaa.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O347

Simulation on penetration of a flat-nosed projectile with attack angle into aramid laminates having varying thickness

  • 摘要: 为研究攻角对不同厚度芳纶层合板抗平头弹侵彻性能的影响,构建了三维有限元计算模型,首先通过对比实验结果验证了其可靠性,然后基于该数值模型,进一步计算了0°~30°攻角范围内,4、8和16 mm靶板的弹道响应,从子弹剩余速度、靶板能量吸收率、极限弹道速度与穿孔能量阈值4个方面,综合评估了芳纶层合板的抗侵彻性能。结果表明:攻角的影响与靶板厚度及子弹入射速度有关,随着攻角的增大,靶板的极限速度和穿孔能量阈值均有所降低,降低的程度随厚度的增加而减小;入射速度接近芳纶层合板弹道极限速度时,子弹剩余速度随着攻角增大而增大,但速度远高于弹道极限速度时,子弹剩余速度随着攻角增大而减小;攻角对芳纶层合板弹道性能的影响机理随靶板的破坏模式不同而改变。
  • 图  1  子弹侵彻靶板的着角φ与攻角α示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic of impact angle φ and attack angle α of flat-nosed projectile impacting a target plate

    图  2  带攻角侵彻芳纶层合板的数值模型

    Figure  2.  Simulation model of impacting aramid laminate with attack angle

    图  3  网格无关性分析

    Figure  3.  Mesh-independent analysis

    图  4  有限元模拟的能量历程

    Figure  4.  Energy histories by finite element simulations

    图  5  马格南子弹侵彻芳纶层合板数值模型

    Figure  5.  The numerical model for a magnum projectile penetrating aramid laminates

    图  6  速度为400.51 m/s的马格南子弹冲击八层芳纶层合板数值模拟与实验[12]得到的失效模式对比

    Figure  6.  Comparison between simulated and experimental[12] failure modes of the eight-layer aramid laminate impacted by the magnum projectile at 400.51 m/s

    图  7  马格南子弹冲击具有不同层数的芳纶层合板数值模拟和实验剩余速度的对比

    Figure  7.  Comparison between simulated and experimental residual velocities of the magnum projectile penetrating aramid laminates with different layers

    图  8  攻角对4 mm厚芳纶层合板剩余弹速和能量吸收率的影响

    Figure  8.  Effect of attack angle on residual velocity and energy absorption ratio of 4-mm-thickness aramid laminates

    图  9  攻角对4 mm厚芳纶层合板弹道极限速度和穿孔能量阈值的影响

    Figure  9.  Effect of attack angle on ballistic limit velocity and perforation energy threshold of 4-mm-thickness aramid laminates

    图  10  攻角对8 mm厚芳纶层合板剩余弹速和能量吸收率的影响

    Figure  10.  Effect of attack angle on residual velocity and energy absorption ratio of 8-mm-thickness aramid laminates

    图  11  攻角对8 mm厚芳纶层合板弹道极限速度和穿孔能量阈值的影响

    Figure  11.  Effect of attack angle on ballistic limit velocity and perforation energy threshold of 8-mm-thickness aramid laminates

    图  12  攻角对16 mm厚芳纶层合板剩余弹速和能量吸收率的影响

    Figure  12.  Effect of attack angle on residual velocity and energy absorption ratio of 16-mm-thickness aramid laminates

    图  13  攻角对16 mm厚芳纶层合板弹道极限速度和穿孔能量阈值的影响

    Figure  13.  Effect of attack angle on ballistic limit velocity and perforation energy threshold of 16-mm-thickness aramid laminates

    图  14  攻角对芳纶层合板弹道极限速度和穿孔能量阈值的影响

    Figure  14.  Effect of attack angle on ballistic limit velocity and perforation energy threshold of aramid laminates

    图  15  入射速度200 m/s下不同攻角侵彻4 mm厚芳纶层合板的x方向应力分布

    Figure  15.  Distribution of x-directional stress in 4-mm-thickness aramid laminates penetrated by the flat-nosed projectile with a fixed impact velocity of 200 m/s and varying attack angles

    图  16  入射速度300 m/s下不同攻角侵彻4 mm厚芳纶层合板的x方向应力分布

    Figure  16.  Distribution of the x-directional stress in 4-mm-thickness aramid laminates penetrated by the flat-nosed projectile with the fixed impact velocity of 300 m/s and varying attack angles

    图  17  不同攻角侵彻4 mm厚芳纶层合板接触力-时间曲线

    Figure  17.  Contact force-time curves of 4-mm-thickness aramid laminates penetrated with different attack angles

    图  18  入射速度250 m/s下不同攻角侵彻8 mm厚芳纶层合板的x方向应力分布

    Figure  18.  Distribution of the x-directional stress in 8-mm-thickness aramid laminates penetrated by the flat-nosed projectile with the fixed impact velocity of 250 m/s and varying attack angles

    图  19  入射速度350 m/s下不同攻角侵彻16 mm厚芳纶层合板的x方向应力分布

    Figure  19.  Distribution of the x-directional stress in 8-mm-thickness aramid laminates penetrated by the flat-nosed projectile with the fixed impact velocity of 350 m/s and varying attack angles

    图  20  子弹以不同攻角侵彻8和16 mm厚芳纶层合板的接触力-时间曲线

    Figure  20.  Contact force-time curves for penetration of 8 and 16-mm-thickness aramid laminates by a projectile with varying attack angles

    表  1  芳纶层合板本构模型及失效准则相关材料参数[12]

    Table  1.   Material parameters of constitutive model and failure criterion for aramid laminate[12]

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    表  2  45钢塑性变形及韧性断裂模型的相关材料参数[45]

    Table  2.   Material parameters of plastic deformation and ductile fracture models for 45 steel[45]

    ρ/(kg·m−3)E/GPaA/MPaB/MPanCm$ {\dot \varepsilon _0} $/s−1
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    表  3  铅和铜的塑性形变及断裂模型相关材料参数[45]

    Table  3.   Material parameters of plastic deformation and ductile fracture models for lead and copper[45]

    材料$ {\dot \varepsilon _0} $/s−1Tm/Kc/(J·kg−1·K−1)Wcr/MPa
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  4  数值模拟和实验结果对比

    Table  4.   Comparison between numerically calculated results and experimentally results

    1 8440.51417.764140.90
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-05-30
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