Research progress in mechanical behaviors of metallic energetic materials
摘要: 含能材料是一种在高温/高压作用下能够发生化学反应,并释放大量能量的新型材料。金属型含能材料作为其中一类,因密度大、强度高、稳定性好等优异性能,成为了现代武器装备中关注的重点材料之一,在破片战斗部等军事领域有着广泛的应用潜力。其中,材料的力学性能直接影响武器装备对目标的侵彻能力,决定着对目标的最终毁伤威力,一直是武器装备应用中关注的关键参数之一。为实现金属型含能材料高穿甲能力并保证高释能特性,研究人员对其力学性能开展了大量研究。本文中,对金属型含能材料力学行为的研究现状进行了综述,包括简单介绍金属型含能材料的制备工艺和力学性能测试系统,详细梳理金属型含能材料力学性能研究、微观分析及理论研究等4个方面的研究进展。总结认为,目前对金属型含能材料力学性能的研究已经有了一些成果,但是缺乏其他复杂环境条件以及其他关键工艺对其力学性能影响的研究,同时缺少材料微观性能对其力学性能的影响以及微观行为和宏观行为之间关联机制的研究,并且尚未建立能够准确反映材料在热、力、率等复杂条件下的力学理论模型。因此,制备性能优异的金属型含能材料、开展复杂条件下金属型含能材料力学性能研究、探索微观行为与宏观行为之间的关联机制,以及建立和完善材料本构模型等研究内容,将是推动金属型含能材料工程应用的重点。Abstract: Energetic materials are a novel class of substances that can produce chemical reactions, releasing significant amounts of energy when exposed to high temperatures and pressures. Metallic energetic materials have become a key component in modern weaponry and equipment due to their exceptional properties, including high density, strength, and stability. These materials possess significant potential for use in fragmentation warheads and other military applications. Among various characters, the mechanical properties of materials directly affect the penetration ability of the weapons equipment on the target and determine the final damage power of the target, which has always been one of the key parameters in the application of the weapons and equipment. In order to achieve high armor-piercing ability and high energy release characteristics of metallic energetic materials, extensive research has been conducted by scholars on their mechanical characteristics. In this paper, the current research status on the mechanical behavior of metallic energetic materials is reviewed, including a brief introduction of the preparation technology and mechanical property testing system of metallic energetic materials, as well as a detailed review of research progress in their mechanical properties, microscopic analysis, and theoretical studies. It is concluded that there have been significant achievements in studying the mechanical properties of these materials, but there remains a lack of investigation into their behavior under complex environmental conditions and other key processes. At the same time, there is a lack of research on the influence of material microscopic properties on their mechanical properties and the correlation mechanism between microscopic and macroscopic behaviors. Furthermore, an accurate mechanical theoretical model that can effectively capture the complex conditions of materials such as temperature, loading rate, and stress has yet to be established. Therefore, the development of metallic energetic materials with superior performance, investigation into the mechanical properties of metallic energetic fragments under complex conditions, exploration of the correlation mechanism between micro and macro behavior, and establishment and refinement of material constitutive models will be the key issue for advancing the engineering application of metallic energetic materials.
表 1 典型金属型含能材料及其制备工艺
Table 1. Typical metal type energetic materials and their preparation technologies
含能材料 制备工艺 Al/Ni 积叠轧制工艺、冷等静压工艺等 Al/Ta 爆炸粉末烧结工艺等 Fe/Al 冷等静压工艺等 W/Zr 冷/热压烧结工艺等 Al/Ni/W 冷/热压烧结工艺等 表 2 主要制备工艺技术特点及其应用
Table 2. Characteristics and applications of main preparation technologies
工艺 特点 应用 积叠
缺点:工序相对复杂,材料对温度敏感,退火过程中较易发生反应Mozaffari等[33]采用ARB工艺制备了35Al-65Ni含能材料,实验得到其拉伸强度约为370 MPa;
Yang等[35]采用ARB工艺制备了细等轴晶的Ti/4.26Al含能材料,材料的拉伸强度达到524 MPa模压
张度宝等[37]采用冷压烧结工艺制备了Ni/Al含能材料,研究了烧结温度对材料界面扩散、力学性能、起始反应温度和能量密度等的影响爆炸粉末烧结 优点:材料致密度高,密度高,力学强度高,适用于小尺寸样品;
缺点:装置较复杂,成本较高,不易控制Thadhani等[15, 38]和Ferranti等[39[采用爆炸成形技术制备了致密的Al/Ni、Al/W、Al/Ta复合材料,其中Al/Ta的强度高达450 MPa 冷/热等静压 优点:材料致密度高,易于控制和制备大样本;
Grudza等[41]采用HIP工艺制备了密度约7.8 g/cm3的近全致密的Al/Hf等复合材料;
缺点:喷雾速度有限,对致密化有一定影响Bacciochinit等[16]先采用机械合金化制备纳米级 Al/Ni混合粉,然后采用冷喷涂工艺制备出了高反应活性、低孔隙率的Al/Ni纳米复合材料;
宋丹丹等[43]采用冷喷涂制备了不同组分的Ni/Al/W复合材料,材料的致密度为92%~94%表 3 测试系统原理及特点
Table 3. Principles and characteristics of test systems
测试系统 测试原理 系统特点 落锤实验
系统重锤从不同高度落到试样上,求取落下高度与试样破坏率的关系,用破坏率为50%时的落下高度来表示试样的抗冲击能力 装置结构简易、操作简便,可实现中低应变率条件下的压缩实验研究 分离式霍普
金森压杆系统以细长杆中弹性应力波传播理论、一维线弹性波假定和应力均匀性假定为基础,通过准确测定撞击杆撞击输入杆时的入射波等参数,最终计算得到样品的平均应力、平均应变和平均应变率 操作方便、装置简单、加载信号易测易控等优点,适用于中高应变率研究 泰勒杆撞击
系统先通过发射圆柱形弹体撞击刚性靶板,然后测量得到子弹变形前后的尺寸,最后结合理论分析得到材料的动态屈服应力 操作方便、装置简单,适用于中高应变率研究 轻气炮脉冲
加载系统通过压缩气体膨胀作功为样品提供动能,依据输入和透射出试件的冲击波瞬态波形以及试件尺寸等参数来确定冲击波压力、冲击波速度等参数 控制精确、加载应变率高,可实现高应变率条件下的压缩实验研究 -
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