Impact resistances of FRP-concrete-steel double skin tubular columns and their mechanism analyses
摘要: FRP-混凝土-钢双壁空心管柱(FRP-concrete-steel double skin tubular columns)目前已在桥梁墩柱中得到应用,抗冲击性能是其推广应用的重要指标。为此,基于前期试验,采用ABAQUS软件建立了考虑轴力与侧向冲击耦合影响的有限元模型。首先,分析了轴力-冲击联合作用下该类构件的抗冲击机理;其次,重点研究了FRP厚度和缠绕角度、轴压比、冲击速度、空心率、内钢管径厚比与材料强度对抗冲击性能的影响;最后,给出了轴力-冲击耦合作用下构件动力放大系数的计算公式。结果表明,混凝土的塑性变形是构件抗冲击的主要耗能机制;轴力对构件抗冲击性能有明显影响,当轴压比大于0.7时,轴力对抗冲击性能有削弱作用;内钢管径厚比对构件抗冲击性能影响较小;建议的计算公式可较好地预测该类构件的抗冲击承载力。
- 抗冲击性能 /
- 冲击力 /
- FRP-混凝土-钢双壁空心管柱 /
- 机理分析 /
- 动力放大系数
Abstract: FRP-concrete-steel double skin tubular columns (FRP-DSTCs) consist of an outer FRP tube and an inner steel tube, with the space between them infilled by concrete. This type of members has been applied in bridge piers, and the impact resistance is an important index for its utilization. Therefore, based on the previous test, the finite element analysis (FEA) models considering the coupling of axial and impact loads are established using ABAQUS software and verified by comparing the simulation and test results. In the model, the static implicit and dynamic explicit analysis are coupled by using Restart and Import commands. In addition, the strain rate effect of the steel and concrete are considered. Firstly, the mechanism of impact resistance under coupling axial and impact loads is analyzed. Then, the influence of thickness and fiber orientations of FRP, axial-load ratio, impact velocity, hollow ratio, diameter-to-thickness ratio of the steel tube and material strengths on the impact resistance are investigated. Finally, the formula used to predict the dynamic increase factor of the plateau impact force under coupling axial and impact loads is suggested. Results indicate that the deformation pattern of FRP-DSTCs mainly presents flexural deformation, and the plastic deformation of concrete is the main energy dissipation mechanism of such members. The outer FRP can significantly improve the lateral impact resistance of the specimen, and increasing the number of FRP layers leads to enhanced impact resistance. In addition, the axial load has an obvious effect on the impact resistance, and the effect is negative when the axial load ratio exceeds 0.7. The diameter-to-thickness ratio of steel tube presents marginal effects on the impact resistance. The proposed formula that considers the hollow ratio, strengths of concrete and inner steel tube, thickness of FRP, axial load ratio and impact velocity can reasonably predict the impact bearing capacity of FRP-DSTCs. -
表 1 试件参数和冲击工况
Table 1. Specimen parameters and impact conditions
试件 k h/m v/(m∙s−1) E0/kJ F1CS-L 1 0.25 2.2 0.56 F1CS-M 1 0.50 3.1 1.13 F1CS-H 1 1.00 4.2 2.25 F2CS-L 2 0.25 2.2 0.56 F2CS-M 2 0.50 3.1 1.13 F2CS-H 2 1.00 4.2 2.25 F3CS-L 3 0.25 2.2 0.56 F3CS-M 3 0.50 3.1 1.13 F3CS-H 3 1.00 4.2 2.25 表 2 构件参数
Table 2. Specimen parameters
wf/mm θ/(°) di/wi χ v/(m∙s−1) fy/MPa fcu/MPa n 0.17 0, 45, 90 44 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 5 230 40 0~0.9 0.17 0 44 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 5 230, 390 40, 60 0~0.9 0.17 0 44 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 5, 8, 10 230 40 0~0.9 0, 0.17, 0.34, 0.51 0 44 0.4 5 230 40 0~0.9 0.17 0 30, 44, 89 0.4, 0.6 5 230 40 0~0.9 -
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