Analysis of gas-eroding barrel characteristics based on fluid-solid interaction
摘要: 火炮发射时,火药燃气与身管间发生剧烈的传热传质作用是导致身管烧蚀的重要因素。为了研究某155 mm火炮中高温高压高速的燃气流对身管的烧蚀特性,采用CFD流固耦合方法,建立了发射过程中的身管非稳态流动传热模型,并根据炮钢在不同温度下的烧蚀特点,将烧蚀过程分为热化学烧蚀和熔化烧蚀,建立了分段烧蚀模型。计算结果表明,身管内壁温度随时间的增加先迅速增大,随后逐渐降低。整体上,内壁温度随身管轴向距离的增大而逐渐降低。身管膛线起始区域的壁面温度最高,其烧蚀是熔化和热化学烧蚀共同导致的,而线膛部的大部分区域仅发生了热化学烧蚀。总烧蚀量随着身管轴向距离的增大而逐渐降低,膛线起始部的烧蚀最为严重,单发总烧蚀量(常温)为5.06 μm。同时分析了不同工况对身管烧蚀特性的影响,发现最大烧蚀量与初始壁面温度呈现很强的正相关性,温度的升高会加剧身管的烧蚀。Abstract: Gun barrel erosion is primarily caused by the intense heat and mass transfer between the propellant gas and the tube during firing. To investigate the erosion characteristics of a 155 mm barrel in a high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-velocity gas, an unsteady CFD fluid-solid interaction heat transfer model is developed with improved accuracy of temperature calculation. The eroding process is separated into two stages relevant to its temperature dependence. Thermochemical erosion occurs when the temperature is between the austenite phase-transition temperature and the melting point of cementite. When the temperature is above the melting point, melting becomes the dominant factor influencing erosion, so this is the melting erosion stage. Therefore, a piecewise model is developed. The numerical results of the calculation are as follows. The wall temperature rises rapidly and then falls gradually. In addition, the temperature decreases with the increase of axial distance in general. At the beginning of rifling, the wall temperature is the highest, and the erosion consists of melting and thermochemical erosion. In most of the rifling areas, only thermochemical erosion occurs. The amount of erosion is reduced continuously with the increase of axial distance. The most severe erosion happens near the beginning of rifling, where 5.06 μm (288 K) of erosion is found after one shot. The method is valid through the comparison with test results. Concurrently, the effect of different operating conditions on the erosion characteristics of the tube is investigated. The erosion distribution properties are found to be similar at different ambient temperatures and firing times. The erosion is the most severe near the beginning of rifling and decreases monotonically along the axis, although the peak value and range of erosion are different. Continuous firing and the increase of the external environment temperature will aggravate erosion. As a result, erosion has a strong positive correlation with initial wall temperature, and the temperature rise will accelerate the tube’s deterioration; therefore, rapid cooling of the barrel will effectively extend the service life of the artillery.
表 1 火炮结构和装填参数
Table 1. Artillery parameters
炮膛截面积/dm2 药室容积/L 炮弹行程长/m 火药密度/(kg·m−3) 装药量/kg 弹药质量/kg 1.886 23 6.9 1600 23 45 -
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