
亢澎霖 李小东 刘文杰 孙彦涛 关云飞 马智刚 赵子文

亢澎霖, 李小东, 刘文杰, 孙彦涛, 关云飞, 马智刚, 赵子文. 点火能量对单基发射药燃烧爆炸特性的影响[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(7): 072302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0452
引用本文: 亢澎霖, 李小东, 刘文杰, 孙彦涛, 关云飞, 马智刚, 赵子文. 点火能量对单基发射药燃烧爆炸特性的影响[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(7): 072302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0452
KANG Penglin, LI Xiaodong, LIU Wenjie, SUN Yantao, GUAN Yunfei, MA Zhigang, ZHAO Ziwen. Influence of the ignition energy on combustion and explosion characteristics of single-base propellant[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(7): 072302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0452
Citation: KANG Penglin, LI Xiaodong, LIU Wenjie, SUN Yantao, GUAN Yunfei, MA Zhigang, ZHAO Ziwen. Influence of the ignition energy on combustion and explosion characteristics of single-base propellant[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(7): 072302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0452


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0452




  • 中图分类号: O383; TJ5

Influence of the ignition energy on combustion and explosion characteristics of single-base propellant

  • 摘要: 为了探究点火能量对单基发射药燃烧爆炸特性的影响,自主设计了发射药燃烧爆炸试验装置。使用黑火药对单基发射药点火,开展燃烧爆炸实验。通过对铝制鉴定板及约束钢筒内壁烧蚀痕迹的分析,获得不同点火能量对单基发射药燃烧爆炸特性的影响。结果表明,点火初期约束钢筒内发射药燃烧反应不完全,反应剧烈程度较弱;随着距点火端距离增大,发射药燃烧反应剧烈程度变强,但此时反应仍不完全;在约束钢筒末端发射药反应完全。在4.0、5.0和8.0 kJ点火能量下,发射药点火初期到反应剧烈程度迅速增强的成长距离分别为54.66、53.95和19.38 cm。20.0 kJ能量点火初期发射药反应剧烈程度较强,传播至末端时发射药发生爆燃反应,鉴定板产生明显凹痕;发射药在约束钢筒内不同位置分别发生了缓慢燃烧、快速燃烧和爆燃。
  • 图  1  单基发射药燃烧爆炸实验系统

    Figure  1.  Combustion and explosion experiment system of single-base propellant

    图  2  单基发射药燃烧爆炸装置

    Figure  2.  Single-base propellant combustion and explosion device

    图  3  黑火药包及点火具

    Figure  3.  Black powder bag and ignition device

    图  4  单基发射药燃烧爆炸鉴定板烧蚀痕迹直径

    Figure  4.  Diameters of ablation traces on the combustion and explosion witness plate of the single-base propellant

    图  5  不同点火能量条件下烧蚀痕迹直径曲线

    Figure  5.  Ablation trace diameter curves under different ignition energy conditions

    图  6  单基发射药不同反应剧烈程度湍流扩散角对比

    Figure  6.  Comparison of turbulent flow spread angle of single-base propellant with different reaction intensity

    图  7  单基发射药燃烧爆炸鉴定板烧蚀痕迹RGB和值

    Figure  7.  RGB summation of the ablation traces on the witness plate by the combustion of the single-base propellant

    图  8  不同点火能量条件下烧蚀痕迹RGB和值曲线

    Figure  8.  RGB summation curves of ablation traces under different ignition energy conditions

    图  9  20 kJ点火能量对单基发射药燃烧爆炸鉴定板实验结果

    Figure  9.  Test results of 20 kJ ignition energy on combustion and explosion witness plate of single base-propellant

    图  10  约束钢筒内壁燃烧痕迹

    Figure  10.  Trace of the combustion wall in confined steel cylinder

    图  11  20 kJ点火能量下发射药燃烧爆炸过程示意图

    Figure  11.  Schematic diagram of the propellant combustion and explosion process under 20 kJ energy ignition

    图  12  20 kJ点火能量下约束钢筒内不同位置药柱燃烧过程

    Figure  12.  Combustion process of the propellant grain at different positions in the confined steel cylinder under 20 kJ energy ignition

    表  1  不同点火能量条件下黑火药装药质量及长度

    Table  1.   Quality and length of black powder charge under different ignition energy conditions

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    表  2  不同点火能量条件下断裂痕迹出现位置

    Table  2.   Location of fracture traces under different ignition energy conditions

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