Protective effect of polymer layer on reinforced concrete slabs under an underwater contact explosion
摘要: 为研究多孔材料高聚物对水下混凝土结构的抗爆防护性能,对含高聚物防护层的钢筋混凝土板开展了水下爆炸实验,并设置了对照组。利用AUTODYN有限元程序建立了含高聚物防护层的钢筋混凝土板水下爆炸全耦合模型,并通过数值模拟结果与实验的对比,验证了所建模型的可靠性。在此基础上,通过数值模拟,进一步分析了前置钢板对高聚物层防护性能的提升效果。以钢筋混凝土板跨中残余位移为指标,参数化分析了起爆药量和复合结构层厚比对高聚物层水下防护效果的影响规律。结果表明:水下爆炸下,高聚物防护层能够有效降低混凝土结构的毁伤程度;在高聚物层外侧布置钢质薄板,可以更好地发挥高聚物层的吸能效果,对钢筋混凝土板起到更好的防护效果,且当高聚物层与前置钢板层厚度比为20时,防护效果最佳。Abstract: In order to study the anti-explosion protection performance of porous polymers on underwater concrete structures, underwater explosion experiments were carried out on reinforced concrete slabs with a polymer protective layer, and an ordinary reinforced concrete slab was set as a comparing subject. A fully coupled model of underwater explosion of reinforced concrete slab with polymer protective layer was established by the AUTODYN finite element program, while the reliability of the proposed model was verified by the comparison of the calculatied results with experimental ones. Thus, the propagation characteristics of explosion load in water and the damage results of the structure can be better simulated by this model. In addition, the effect of the front steel plate on the enhancement of the protection performance of the polymer layer was further analyzed by numerical simulation. The front steel plate can evenly exert the pressure generated by the explosion load on the inner core layer, so that the polymer layer can display a better energy-absorbing effect. Taking the mid-span residual displacement of the reinforced concrete slab as an index, the influences of the amount of detonating charge and the layer thickness ratio of the composite structure on the underwater protection effect of the polymer layer are analyzed parametrically. The results show that the damage degree of the concrete structure under underwater explosion can be reduced by the polymer protective layer; arranging the steel thin plate on the outside of the polymer layer can improve the energy-absorbing effect of the polymer layer and provide better protection to the reinforced concrete slab; and the protection effect is the best when the ratio of the polymer layer to the front steel plate layer thickness is 20. The research results can provide a reference for the subsequent studies and application of polymer materials in the protection of underwater engineering structures.
Key words:
- underwater explosion /
- polymer /
- composite structure /
- reinforced concrete slab /
- protective performance
表 1 试件损伤程度
Table 1. Degree of damage to specimens
试件 迎爆面破坏区域 是否发生冲切破坏 整体性 承载能力 RC板 140 mm×130 mm 是 一般 较差 P-RC板 否 较好 较好 密度$ {\rho }_{0} $/(g·cm−3) 体积模量A1/GPa 剪切模量G/GPa 抗压强度fc/MPa 抗拉强度ft/fc 抗剪强度fs/fc 2.75 35.27 22.06 35 0.1 0.18 失效面常数A 残余失效面常数B 残余失效面指数M 损伤常数D1 损伤常数D2 侵蚀应变 1.60 1.60 0.61 0.04 1.00 2.0 密度$ {\rho }_{0} $/(g·cm−3) 体积模量A1/GPa 剪切模量G/MPa 抗压强度fc/MPa 抗拉强度ft/fc 抗剪强度fs/fc 0.2 2.2 20.78 4.5 0.598 0.694 失效面常数A 残余失效面常数B 残余失效面指数M 损伤常数D1 损伤常数D2 侵蚀应变 0.61 1.60 0.61 0.04 1.00 0.60 ρ/(g·cm−3) D/(m·s−1) A/GPa B/GPa ${p_{{\mathrm{CJ}}}}$/GPa R1 R2 ω E/GPa 1.05 3850 209.70 3.50 3.70 5.76 1.29 0.39 4.20 表 5 复合防护层不同层厚比
Table 5. Different layer thickness ratios of composite protective layers
工况 高聚物层厚度h1/mm 前置钢板厚度h2/mm 层厚比(h1/h2) 工况 高聚物层厚度h1/mm 前置钢板厚度h2/mm 层厚比(h1/h2) 1 60 2.0 30.0 6 40 3.0 13.3 2 60 2.5 24.0 7 50 3.0 16.7 3 60 3.0 20.0 8 70 3.0 23.3 4 60 3.5 17.1 9 80 3.0 26.7 5 60 4.0 15.0 -
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