Deformation and failure modes of IN718 alloy plateimpacted by spherical projectile at high velocity
摘要: 为研究IN718镍基高温合金在高速冲击作用下的抗侵彻能力,采用直径为5 mm的304不锈钢球形弹丸,利用二级轻气炮试验装置对IN718靶板进行了一系列弹道冲击试验。通过高速摄像机进行拍摄,弹丸的入射速度范围为548.2~1 067.0 m/s。对弹丸的剩余速度进行了测量和分析,并对弹道极限速度进行了验证,观察了靶板的变形和破坏模式以及弹孔直径。结果表明:在试验冲击范围之内,随着冲击速度的升高,靶板的变形模式由撕裂破坏到剪切破坏转变,靶板的穿甲破坏模式与冲击速度密切相关;靶板能量吸收效率随弹丸初始动能的增加而降低,且趋于常值0.7;靶板变形挠度随着冲击速度的升高呈减小趋势,且最大变形挠度出现在弹道极限附近;靶板正面和背面所形成的弹孔直径均随着冲击速度的升高而增大,且背面所形成的弹孔直径大于前面所形成的弹孔直径。
- IN718镍基高温合金 /
- 弹道冲击 /
- 弹道极限速度 /
- 变形与破坏模式 /
- 侵彻
Abstract: A series of high-speed ballistic impact tests were conducted on a two-stage light gas gun to investigate the perforation behaviors of Inconel 718 (IN718) superalloy plates. The IN718 targets were prepared with 2 mm thickness, and the 5 mm diameter SS304 spheres were used as projectiles. The impact velocity ranged from 548.2 m/s to 1 067.0 m/s. The shadow graphs of the impact process were captured by using a high-speed camera at a frame rate of 160 000 frames per second. The projectile residual velocities after perforation were then obtained from snapshots and analyzed. The Rechi-Ipson model was employed for the investigated projectile-target combination by fitting the projectile initial velocity-residual velocity relationship, and the ballistic limit velocity 561.0 m/s was then verified. The maximum deformation deflection of the ballistic impact-recovered plates was measured using a height gauge. The optical morphology of the postmortem target was captured, the deformation and failure modes of the target material were observed, while the bullet hole diameters were measured. The experimental results reveal that within the investigated impact velocity range, as the impact velocity increases, the failure mode of the target material changes from tension-dominated failure to tension/shear-dominated failure. The perforation failure mode of the plates is closely associated with the impact velocity. The energy absorption efficiency of the target plates decreases with the increase of projectile’s initial kinetic energy, and it approaches a constant of 0.7. The deformation of the plates decreases with the increase of impact velocity, with the maximum deformation deflection occurring near the ballistic limit. The bullet hole diameters on the front and rear side both increase with the increase of impact velocity, and the bullet hole diameter on the rear side is greater than that on the front side. It is evident that investigating the deformation, failure modes, and ballistic properties of IN718 superalloy under high-speed ballistic impact is essential for its industrial applications. -
表 1 IN718合金靶板的弹道冲击试验结果
Table 1. Test results of the IN718 alloy plates impacted by spherical projectiles
试验 vi/(m·s−1) vr/(m·s−1) vd/(m·s−1) Ei/J Er/J Ed/J 1 548.2 0 548.2 76.63 0 76.63 2 573.8 185.0 388.8 83.96 8.73 75.23 3 620.9 251.0 369.9 98.31 16.07 82.24 4 748.0 347.0 401.0 142.67 30.70 111.97 5 787.0 396.0 391.0 157.94 39.99 117.95 6 935.0 513.5 421.5 222.93 67.24 155.69 7 1 067.0 589.0 477.9 290.26 88.46 201.80 表 2 弹道极限速度及R-I模型参数
Table 2. Ballistic limit velocity and the R-I model parameters
弹体材料 vbl/(m·s−1) a p 304不锈钢 561.0 0.63 2.58 -
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