Critical condition for tensile tearing failure of unidirectional stiffened plate under strong impact load
摘要: 针对固支单向加筋板在冲击载荷下的拉伸撕裂临界条件开展研究,首先将均布冲击载荷下的固支单向加筋板简化为带板梁模型,基于固支梁冲击变形理论解给出了加筋板最大永久变形理论解,之后基于复合运动场模型,修正了固支梁端点拉伸应变与最大永久变形关系式,并以等效应变达到失效应变作为拉伸撕裂条件,建立了加筋板在冲击载荷下的拉伸撕裂临界条件。经过数值模拟验证,该最大永久变形理论解和拉伸撕裂临界条件具有适用性,理论与数值误差小于15%。Abstract: The critical condition of tensile tearing failure of stiffened plate under impact load was studied. Firstly, the unidirectional stiffened plate with fixed support under uniform impact load was simplified into beam structure model attached with band plate. Based on the theoretical solution of the impact deformation of the fixed beam, the theoretical solution of the maximum deformation of the stiffened plate was given. At the same time, the applicable condition for calculating the large deformation of the unidirectional stiffened plate by using the “beam theory” model was given. Then, the motion mode of the fixed beam under strong impact load was divided into four stages. Based on the composite motion model, the relation between the tensile strain at the end of fixed beam and the maximum deformation of beam was corrected. Finally, taking equivalent strain equal to failure strain as the tensile tear condition, the critical condition of tensile tear of stiffened plate under impact load was established. In this paper, three unidirectional stiffened plates of T profile with different stiffness were selected, and the maximum deformation and critical tensile tearing load of the stiffened plates were analyzed by commercial finite element software LS-DYNA. The numerical simulation results show that the theoretical solution of maximum deformation of unidirectional stiffened plate and the critical condition of tensile tear failure based on the “beam theory” are applicable, and The error of theoretical and numerical simulation is less than 15%. Therefore, the theory in this paper can be applied to practical engineering prediction and has certain guiding significance.
Key words:
- stiffened plate /
- tensile tear /
- large plastic deformation /
- impact load /
- damage evaluation
表 1 T型钢结构参数
Table 1. Structural parameters of stiffeners
加强筋 尺寸/mm 1 $ \bot \dfrac{{5 \times 80}}{{8 \times 80}}$ 2 $ \bot \dfrac{{5 \times 80}}{{8 \times 100}}$ 3 $ \bot \dfrac{{5 \times 100}}{{8 \times 100}}$ 表 2 Q345钢参数
Table 2. Parameters of Q345 steel
$\rho $/(kg·m−3) $E$/GPa $\nu$ ${\sigma _{\text{0}}}$/MPa ${E_{\text{t}}}$/MPa $C$ $q$ $ {\varepsilon _{\text{f}}} $ 7870 212 0.31 345 1291 40 5 0.348 注:ρ为密度,ν为泊松比。 表 3 实验舱壁结构参数
Table 3. Experimental bulkhead structural parameters
舱壁编号 板厚/mm 加强筋尺寸/mm 加强筋间距/mm 加强筋方向 S1 8 $ \bot \dfrac{{8 \times 60}}{{8 \times 18}}$ 600 背爆 S2 600 迎爆 S3 300 背爆 S4 300 迎爆 表 4 实验与模拟结果对比
Table 4. Comparison of experimental and numerical simulation results
舱壁 最大永久变形量/mm 误差/% 实验 模拟 S1 39.0 41.7 6.92 S2 37.0 39.2 5.95 S3 31.5 33.4 6.03 S4 27.5 27.2 1.09 表 5 单向加筋板变形量对比
Table 5. Comparison of deformation of unidirectional stiffened plates
加强筋 矩形载荷/
MPa最大永久变形/mm 误差/
%加强筋 矩形载荷/
MPa最大永久变形/mm 误差/
%加强筋 矩形载荷/
MPa最大永久变形/mm 误差/
%理论 数值模拟 理论 数值模拟 理论 数值模拟 1 8 366 326 12.27 2 8 327 320 2.19 3 8 306 307 0.33 9 413 372 11.02 9 370 364 1.65 9 346 350 1.14 10 459 416 10.34 10 412 405 1.73 10 387 390 0.77 11 505 459 10.02 11 453 445 1.80 11 426 432 1.39 12 550 502 9.56 12 494 485 1.86 12 466 471 1.06 -
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