Outlier detection algorithms for penetration depth data of concrete targets combined with prior knowledge
摘要: 为剔除混凝土侵彻深度试验数据异常点,提出了一种融合先验知识的异常检测算法。利用反向传播(back propagation, BP)神经网络模型拟合试验样本数据的分布,结合偏差指标筛选离群样本点,并通过经验算法评价模型异常检测性能。针对试验数据特点选择全量梯度下降结合动量优化方法,从而提高模型迭代训练的稳定性和效率,并且在构建模型过程中融合领域先验知识约束对样本数据的拟合,使得模型在训练过程中能反映附加特征的影响。结果表明,BP神经网络模型适合于刚性弹对混凝土侵彻试验数据异常点的检测,加入合理的领域先验知识可有效提高模型的检测精度。Abstract: Data quality is the basis for the validity and accuracy of data-driven models, and there may be a large number of anomalies in the raw concrete targets penetration depth data. Therefore, to ensure the accuracy of the subsequent data-driven model, it is necessary to eliminate the outlier of the raw data. Compared with the traditional anomaly detection method, the anomaly detection method based on neural network models is more suitable for complex multi-dimensional and unevenly distributed concrete target penetration depth data. However, relying only on the neural network model to fit the raw experimental data ignores the abundant and effective expert prior knowledge, which will reduce the accuracy of the model, and even lead to wrong prediction results due to the limited amount of data of the training sample, data bad pixels, poor data distribution, etc. To this end, an algorithm for outlier detection of concrete target penetration depth data combined with prior knowledge was proposed. Firstly, the back propagation (BP) neural network model is used to fit the distribution of the experiment samples, then the outlier is screened out based on the deviation index, and at last, the anomaly detection performance of the model is evaluated by the empirical algorithm. Based on the characteristics of the experimental data, the batch gradient descent combined with the momentum optimization method is selected to improve the stability and efficiency during training. Furthermore, by adding domain prior knowledge with the BP neural network model to constrain the fitting of the sample data, the model can reflect the influence of additional features during training. The research results show that the BP neural network model is suitable for the outlier detection of the rigid projectile penetrating concrete experiment data. The fusion of reasonable prior knowledge can improve the detection accuracy and the convergence speed of the model, furthermore, integrating different prior knowledge will cause different results.
Key words:
- concrete penetration /
- neural network /
- prior knowledge /
- anomaly detection
表 1 试验数据示例
Table 1. Examples of experimental data
d/m m/kg v/(m·s−1) fc/MPa N* x/d 0.01292 0.064 371 13.8 1 9.83 0.0762 5.9 308 35.1 3 3.04 0.305 191.62 79 39.0 2 0.098 0.01292 0.064 1142 13.8 0 65.79 $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ 表 2 各速度区间数据分布
Table 2. Data distribution in each velocity range
速度区间/(m·s−1) 样本数/个 速度区间/(m·s−1) 样本数/个 [0, 400] 379 (800, 1200] 117 (400, 800] 542 (1200, 1700] 40 表 3 各质量区间数据分布
Table 3. Data distribution in each mass range
质量区间/kg 样本数/个 质量区间/kg 样本数/个 [0, 50] 991 (100, 500] 56 (50, 100] 31 表 4 异常数据示例
Table 4. Examples of outlier data
数据编号 d/m m/kg v/(m·s−1) fc/MPa N* x/d 备注 306 0.0127 0.0587 399 29.2 0 9.40 307 0.0127 0.0587 334.9 29.2 0 11.19 异常数据 308 0.0127 0.0587 453.8 29.2 0 11.04 569 0.05 4.5 417 135 2 9.9 571 0.05 4.5 460 135 2 11.2 573 0.05 4.5 456 135 2 10.8 577 0.05 4.5 456 135 2 5 异常数据 $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ 表 5 模型异常检测性能对比
Table 5. Comparison of the outlier detection performances of the models
模型 样本总数 模型剔除异常样本点数 经验算法评判异常样本点数 准确率 无融合先验知识 1078 128 87 0.6796 融合单先验参数 1078 113 78 0.6903 融合双先验参数 1078 115 86 0.7478 融合三先验参数 1078 112 82 0.7321 -
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