A review of the dynamic response and protection mechanism of liquid filled structures under impact loads
摘要: 工程实际中,飞机油箱、船舶液舱、油液储罐等各类蓄液结构可能面临炸药爆炸冲击波、弹丸侵彻等冲击载荷的威胁。在冲击载荷作用下,蓄液结构的动响应受载荷特性、结构形式、充液方式等多种因素影响,相应的结构防护机理涉及多相介质的流固耦合、波在不同介质中的传播、液体介质的空化、结构动态力学特性等多个科学问题。针对冲击载荷下蓄液结构的动响应及防护机理,总结了工程领域中典型的蓄液结构形式,分析了各类蓄液结构在爆炸冲击波、弹体侵彻及其联合作用等载荷下的结构动响应过程、结构破坏模式、载荷耗散过程、能量转化与吸收过程,总结了蓄液结构的冲击动响应特性,归纳了蓄液结构对各类冲击载荷的防护机理,从结构构型、结构动响应、理论研究方法、抗冲击防护技术等方面对蓄液结构抗冲击防护研究进行了展望。Abstract: Aircraft fuel tanks, marine liquid tanks, oil liquid storage tanks, and other types of liquid filled structures may be threatened by blast waves, projectile penetration, and other impact loads in engineering practice. The dynamic response of the liquid filled structure under impact load is affected by various factors such as the characteristics of the load, the configuration of the structure, and the way of liquid filling. Accordingly, the protection mechanism of the liquid filled structure against various types of shock loads involves the fluid-solid interaction of multiphase media, wave propagation in different media, cavitation of liquid media, dynamic mechanical properties of the structure, and several other scientific issues. In this paper, the dynamic response and protection mechanism of the liquid filled structures under different impact loads are reviewed, the typical forms of the liquid filled structures in engineering are summarized, and the dynamic response processes, damage modes, load dissipation processes, energy conversion and absorption processes of various types of the liquid filled structures under the loads of blast shock wave, projectile penetration and their combined effects are analyzed. Furthermore, the impact dynamic response characteristics of the liquid filled structures under the action of blast shock wave loading, projectile penetration loading, and the combined loads of blast shock wave and high-speed fragmentation group are summarized. The protection mechanisms of the liquid filled structures against various types of impact loads are summarized from the perspectives of attenuating and dissipating loads, as well as the energy transformation and conversion. In the end, the prospects of the investigation on anti-impact characteristics of the liquid filled structures are described from the aspects of dynamic response and protection characteristics of the multi-cell liquid filled structures, mechanisms for destruction of the liquid filled structures by combined loads, efficient numerical computation methods, as well as the dynamic response and protection mechanism of the liquid filled structures made of new materials.
表 1 Taylor模型与改进模型的比较
Table 1. Comparison between Taylor’s model and the improved model
模型类型 Taylor模型 针对滞后流的改进模型 流体速度 pkρwcw pkρwcw+1ρwR∫t0pkdt 连续条件 vp = vi − vr vp = vi − vr = vt -
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