• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


梁汉良 罗宁 陈彦龙 芮天安 潘玉龙

周凯元, 李宗芬. 丙烷-空气爆燃波的火焰面在直管道中的加速运动[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2000, 20(2): 137-142. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2000)02-0137-6
引用本文: 梁汉良, 罗宁, 陈彦龙, 芮天安, 潘玉龙. TA2/AZ31B/2024Al爆炸焊接复合板界面微观结构特征及其动态力学性能[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2024, 44(4): 045301. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0367
LIANG Hanliang, LUO Ning, CHEN Yanlong, RUI Tianan, PAN Yulong. Interfacial microstructure characteristics and dynamic mechanical properties of TA2/AZ31B/2024Al explosively-welded composite plates[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2024, 44(4): 045301. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0367
Citation: LIANG Hanliang, LUO Ning, CHEN Yanlong, RUI Tianan, PAN Yulong. Interfacial microstructure characteristics and dynamic mechanical properties of TA2/AZ31B/2024Al explosively-welded composite plates[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2024, 44(4): 045301. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0367


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0367
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12072363,12372373);爆破工程湖北省重点实验室开放基金(BL2021-03)

    梁汉良(1996- ),男,博士研究生,liang_hanliang@cumt.edu.cn


    罗 宁(1980- ),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,nluo@cumt.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O382; TG456.6

Interfacial microstructure characteristics and dynamic mechanical properties of TA2/AZ31B/2024Al explosively-welded composite plates

  • 摘要: 运用平行法爆炸焊接工艺,开展了TA2/AZ31B/2024Al多层轻质金属板材爆炸焊接实验。通过扫描电镜、电子背散射衍射、分离式霍普金森压杆及三维轮廓扫描等测试技术,对多层爆炸焊接复合板界面微观结构特征、材料物相变化规律、复合板材动态力学性能及材料冲击断口特征开展了系统研究。研究结果表明:焊后多层轻质金属复合板的4个焊接界面均呈现出爆炸焊接特有的波形结构特征,结合界面处无明显缺陷,总体焊接质量良好。结合界面处晶粒发生细化并形成细晶区,1060Al过渡层内晶粒组织由于强塑性变形呈现典型的拉长层状晶粒特征,4个结合界面处均出现明显的变形织构与再结晶织构特征。沿X方向的试样最大动态抗压强度达605 MPa,分层断口界面三维形貌呈现近似水面波纹的独特结构特征。沿Z方向的试样最大动态抗压强度达390 MPa,断口界面三维形貌呈现明显的纤维状韧性断裂特征。
  • 图  1  多层轻质金属复合爆炸焊接实验

    Figure  1.  Multi-layer light metal explosive welding experiment

    图  2  热处理后的多层爆炸焊接复合板及小尺寸表征试样

    Figure  2.  A multilayer explosively-welded composite plate after heat treatmentand a representative mall-sized sample cut from the composite plate

    图  3  SHPB实验试样

    Figure  3.  Samples used in SHPB experiments

    图  4  动态SHPB实验系统

    Figure  4.  Dynamic SHPB experimental system

    图  5  TA2/1060Al结合界面微观结构特征及元素线扫描分析

    Figure  5.  Microstructure characteristics and elemental line scanning analysis of TA2/1060Al joining interface

    图  6  1060Al/2024Al结合界面微观结构特征

    Figure  6.  Microstructure characteristics of 1060Al/2024Al joining interface

    图  7  1060Al/AZ31B结合界面微观结构特征及元素线扫描分析

    Figure  7.  Microstructure characteristics and elemental line scanning analysis of 1060Al/AZ31B joining interface

    图  8  AZ31B/1060Al结合界面微观结构特征及元素线扫描分析

    Figure  8.  Microstructure characteristics and elemental line scanning analysis of AZ31B/1060Al joining interface

    图  9  TA2/1060Al结合界面反极图及再结晶分布图

    Figure  9.  Inverse pole figure and recrystallization distribution mapping of TA2/1060Al joining interface

    图  10  TA2/1060Al结合界面局部取向差图及织构分布图

    Figure  10.  Local misorientation and texture distribution mappings of TA2/1060Al joining interface

    图  11  1060Al/AZ31B结合界面反极图及再结晶分布图

    Figure  11.  Inverse pole figure and recrystallization distribution mapping of 1060Al/AZ31B joining interface

    图  12  1060Al/AZ31B结合界面局部取向差图及织构分布图

    Figure  12.  Local misorientation and texture distribution mappings of 1060Al/AZ31B joining interface

    图  13  AZ31B/1060Al结合界面反极图及再结晶分布图

    Figure  13.  Inverse pole figure and recrystallization distribution mapping of AZ31B/1060Al joining interface

    图  14  AZ31B/1060Al结合界面局部取向差图及织构分布图

    Figure  14.  Local misorientation and texture distribution mappings of AZ31B/1060Al joining interface

    图  15  1060Al/2024Al结合界面反极图及再结晶分析结果

    Figure  15.  Inverse pole figure and recrystallization analysis results of 1060Al/2024Al joining interface

    图  16  1060Al/2024Al结合界面局部取向差图及织构分布图

    Figure  16.  Local misorientation and texture distribution mappings of 1060Al/2024Al joining interface

    图  17  X方向SHPB试样在不同速度冲击后的实物图

    Figure  17.  Physical images of SHPB samples in the X direction after impact at different velocities

    图  18  不同冲击速度下X方向试样的应力-应变曲线

    Figure  18.  Stress-strain curves of samples in the X direction under different impact velocities

    图  19  Z方向SHPB试样在不同速度冲击后的实物图

    Figure  19.  Physical images of SHPB samples in the Z direction after impact at different velocities

    图  20  不同冲击速度下Z方向试样的应力-应变曲线

    Figure  20.  Stress-strain curves of samples in the Z direction under different impact velocities

    图  21  试样1-9冲击后断口界面的三维形貌

    Figure  21.  Three-dimensional morphologies of fracture interfaces in sample 1-9 after impact

    图  22  试样1-10冲击后断口界面三维形貌

    Figure  22.  Three-dimensional morphologies of fracture interfaces in sample 1-10 after impact

    图  23  试样2-7冲击后断口界面三维形貌

    Figure  23.  Three-dimensional morphologies of fracture interfaces in sample 2-7 after impact

    图  24  X方向试样动态破坏机理

    Figure  24.  Dynamic failure mechanism of samples in the X direction

    图  25  Z方向试样的动态破坏机理

    Figure  25.  Dynamic failure mechanism of samples in the Z direction

    表  1  金属板材的物理尺寸及板间间隙

    Table  1.   Physical dimensions of metal plates and gaps between metal plates

    板材位置 材料 物理尺寸/mm 板间间隙/mm
    第1层(飞板) TA2 800×400×4 6
    第2层(过渡层) 1060Al 800×400×1
    第3层(中间板) AZ31B 700×350×3
    第4层(过渡层) 1060Al 800×400×1
    第5层(基板) 2024Al 800×400×10
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    表  2  X方向试样在不同速度冲击后的变形量

    Table  2.   Deformation of the X-direction samples after impact at different velocities

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    表  3  Z方向试样在不同速度冲击后的变形量分析

    Table  3.   Analysis of the deformation of the Z-direction samples after impact at different velocities

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