Experimental and numerical investigation of the effects of load on the penetration behavior of armor-piercing rods into steel targets
摘要: 为探究负载对穿甲杆侵彻钢靶行为的影响,采用试验和数值计算相结合的方法,研究了带负载和不带负载穿甲杆对603装甲钢的侵彻行为,分析了负载、入射角度、撞击速度以及负载质心位置对穿甲杆侵彻深度、偏转角度的影响。研究结果表明:斜侵彻时负载使穿甲杆的侵彻深度提高并减小穿甲杆侵彻过程中的弹道偏转角度,提高了穿甲杆的侵彻能力;正侵彻时负载撞击靶板表面消耗能量,不利于提高穿甲杆侵彻深度;撞击速度为1400 m/s,入射角为60°时,负载降低了穿甲杆临界跳飞速度;负载质心距穿甲杆头部距离大于穿甲杆长度1/2时,弹道偏转角度减小,负载使穿甲杆的侵彻能力增强。Abstract: In order to examine the influence of loads on the penetration behavior of the armor-piercing rod in a steel target, two sets of experiments were performed where both loaded and unloaded rods were used to penetrate 603 armored steel plates. Structural failures of the plates were observed under both loaded and unloaded conditions. Subsequently, numerical simulation methods were employed to analyze the penetration characteristics of both loaded and unloaded armor-piercing rods under various conditions, including incident angles of 45° and 60°, and impact velocities ranging from 1300 to 1600 m/s. An analysis was conducted to evaluate the effects of loads, incident angles, impact velocities, and load centroid positions on both the penetration depth and deflection angle of the rods. The research findings indicate that the inclusion of loads substantially enhances the oblique penetration depth of the armor-piercing rod while simultaneously reducing the ballistic deflection angle, thereby effectively improving the overall penetration efficiency. Conversely, in the case of positive penetration, the energy consumption caused by the load striking the target plate’s surface impedes the armor-piercing rod’s ability to penetrate. It is noteworthy that under an impact velocity of 1400 m/s and an incident angle of 60°, the inclusion of loads results in a decrease in the critical jump velocity of the armor-piercing rod. Moreover, observations revealed that as the distance between the centroid of the armor-piercing rod and its head surpasses half of the rod’s length, there is an increase in penetration depth accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the deflection angle. Specifically, it has been found that an increased distance between the centroid of the armor-piercing rod and its head leads to an improvement in penetration effectiveness. These findings highlight the substantial impact of load position on the penetration effectiveness and offer valuable insights for future design optimization. The research outcomes offer essential support and guidance for the design of high-speed kinetic energy missiles, thereby facilitating the enhancement of their penetration capabilities.
Key words:
- penetration /
- armor piercing rod /
- load /
- high-speed kinetic energy missile
表 1 试验弹参数
Table 1. Test parameters of the projectile
穿甲杆直径/mm 试验弹长度/mm 穿甲杆质量/g 模拟负载质量/g 闭气环质量/g 尾翼质量/g 全弹质量/g 5.6 123.72 55 44 3 4.9 106.9 表 2 试验结果
Table 2. Test results
发序 负载 撞击速度/(m∙s-1) 攻角/(°) 入射角/(°) 入口面积/(mm×mm) 侵彻深度/mm 1 无 1192 0 0 9×9 53 2 无 1261 0 45 11×12 62 3 无 1378 0 45 10×15 49 4 无 1417 0 45 15×12 68 5 有 1447 0 45 15×16 67 6 有 1467 0 60 51×25 78 7 有 1619 0 60 46×28 83 8 无 1394 0 60 21×24 71 9 无 1381 0 60 跳弹 跳弹 表 3 材料参数
Table 3. Material parameters
材料 ρ/(kg·m−3) E/GPa G/GPa ν A/MPa B/MPa N 93钨 17400 — 90 0.28 1506 177 0.12 603装甲钢 7800 206 — 0.33 1100 310 0.26 铝合金 2797 69 — 0.33 265 462 0.34 材料 M C d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 93钨 1.0 0.016 2.0 0 0 0 0 603装甲钢 1.03 0.014 2.0 0 0 0 0 铝合金 1.0 0.014 0.13 0.13 −1.5 0.011 0 表 4 典型工况数值模拟与试验数据的对比
Table 4. Comparison of numerical simulation and test data under typical working conditions
发序 负载 入射角/(°) 入口面积/(mm×mm) 入口面积相对误差/% 侵彻深度/mm 侵彻深度相对误差/% 试验 数值模拟 试验 数值模拟 1 无 0 9×9 10.0×9.1 12.3 53 50.0 −5.7 4 无 45 15×12 16.8×12.0 12.0 68 68.9 1.3 5 有 45 15×16 16.0×13.5 −10.0 67 70.0 4.5 7 有 60 46×28 48.0×24.0 −10.6 83 83.9 1.0 9 无 60 — 36.6×12.0 — — 37.1 — -
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