Experiment on suppression of methane/air explosion in pipeline by modified coal gangue-sodium alginate powder
摘要: 以工业固废煤矸石(coal gangue,CG)为原料,通过焙烧、酸碱激发和物理研磨等方法对其进行改性,得到一种表面粗糙、比表面积较大的微孔改性煤矸石(modified coal gangue,MCG)材料。以MCG作为基体,采用机械化学技术(mechanochemical technology,MCT)将一种新型阻燃剂海藻酸钠(sodium alginate,SA)与MCG进行复配,制备出一种高效、环保、经济的改性煤矸石-海藻酸钠(MCG-SA)粉体抑爆剂。运用热重分析仪、扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射分别对上述3种粉体进行表征,以确定其热分解特性、微观形貌和晶相成分。在自行搭建实验平台的基础上探究了MCG、SA及MCG-SA复合粉体在不同复配比、不同添加质量条件下对甲烷-空气预混气体的爆炸压力、火焰传播速度等特性参数的影响。研究结果表明:MCG、SA及MCG-SA复合粉体具有良好的抑爆效果,且复合粉体的抑爆能力优于单一粉体。其中,质量为250 mg、SA质量分数为50%的复合粉末对甲烷体积分数为9.5%的甲烷-空气爆炸的协同抑制效果最显著,最大爆炸压力和最大火焰传播速度分别降低36.72%和68.93%,最大爆炸压力和最大火焰传播速度的抵达时间分别延长243.36%和171.33%。Abstract: A kind of microporous modified coal gangue (MCG) with a rough surface and large specific surface area was obtained by roasting, acid-alkali excitation, and physical grinding of industrial solid waste coal gangue (CG) as raw material. Using MCG as the matrix, a new flame retardant sodium alginate (SA) was combined with MCG by mechanochemical technology (MCT) to prepare an efficient, environmentally friendly, and economical modified coal gangue-sodium alginate (MCG-SA) powder explosion suppressor. The three powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, SEM analysis, and XRD analysis to determine their thermal decomposition characteristics, micro-morphology, and crystal phase composition. Through the SEM analysis, it can be observed that the powder is irregularly stacked with particles and has many micro-pore cracks, a rough surface, and a weakened agglomeration effect. The XRD analysis shows that there are characteristic peaks of SA and MCG in the composite powder, which proves that the combination of the two is successful. It is not difficult to see from the thermogravimetric analysis that the composite powder has both the thermogravimetric characteristics of MCG and SA, and the mass loss of thermal decomposition is as high as 67.02%, which has excellent heat absorption performance. Based on the self-built test platform, the effects of MCG, SA, and their composite powders on the explosion pressure and flame propagation speed of methane-air premixed gas under different compounding ratios and adding masses were investigated. The results show that MCG, SA and MCG-SA powders have good anti-explosion effect, and the anti-explosion ability of composite powders is better than that of single powders. Among them, the composite powder with a mass of 250 mg and SA mass fraction of 50% has the most significant synergistic inhibition effect on 9.5% methane/air explosion, and the maximum explosion pressure and maximum flame propagation velocity are reduced by 36.72% and 68.93%, respectively. The arrival time of the maximum explosion pressure and the maximum flame propagation speed are extended by 243.36% and 171.33%, respectively. The mechanism of explosion suppression of composite powder is mainly reflected in the barrier effect, heat absorption, adsorption, and consumption of free radicals. This research has certain research significance and reference value in the field of industrial environmental protection and gas explosion protection.
Key words:
- explosion /
- modified coal gangue /
- sodium alginate /
- explosion suppression
表 1 CG中不同组分的质量分数
Table 1. Mass fractions of different compositions in CG
% SiO2 Al2O3 SO3 Fe2O3 CaO K2O MgO Others 43.33 24.57 14.24 10.68 4.15 0.09 0.57 2.37 表 2 不同抑制剂对pmax及tp,max的影响
Table 2. Effects of different inhibitors on pmax and tp,max
粉体类型 喷粉质量/
%tp,max/s 上升率/
%无粉体 0 782.2 0.113 MCG 250 682.1 12.80 0.168 48.67 SA 250 623.2 20.33 0.225 99.12 MCG-SA,wSA=30% 250 613.4 21.58 0.279 146.90 MCG-SA,wSA=40% 250 558.1 28.65 0.337 198.23 MCG-SA,wSA=50% 250 495.0 36.72 0.388 243.36 MCG-SA,wSA=60% 250 635.1 18.81 0.221 95.58 MCG-SA,wSA=70% 250 651.5 16.71 0.214 89.38 -
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