
常孟周 范飞高 唐恩凌 贺丽萍 郭凯 崔化鹏 陈闯 韩雅菲 王睿智 曹洪祥

常孟周, 范飞高, 唐恩凌, 贺丽萍, 郭凯, 崔化鹏, 陈闯, 韩雅菲, 王睿智, 曹洪祥. 固体介质中的冲击极化效应研究进展[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2024, 44(9): 091411. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0473
引用本文: 常孟周, 范飞高, 唐恩凌, 贺丽萍, 郭凯, 崔化鹏, 陈闯, 韩雅菲, 王睿智, 曹洪祥. 固体介质中的冲击极化效应研究进展[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2024, 44(9): 091411. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0473
CHANG Mengzhou, FAN Feigao, TANG Enling, HE Liping, GUO Kai, CUI Huapeng, CHEN Chuang, HAN Yafei, WANG Ruizhi, CAO Hongxiang. Research progress of shock induced polarization effect in solid mediums[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2024, 44(9): 091411. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0473
Citation: CHANG Mengzhou, FAN Feigao, TANG Enling, HE Liping, GUO Kai, CUI Huapeng, CHEN Chuang, HAN Yafei, WANG Ruizhi, CAO Hongxiang. Research progress of shock induced polarization effect in solid mediums[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2024, 44(9): 091411. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0473


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0473
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12172232)

    常孟周(1990- ),男,博士,副教授,changmengzhou@163.com


    唐恩凌(1971- ),男,博士,教授,tangenling@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O383

Research progress of shock induced polarization effect in solid mediums

  • 摘要: 冲击波在固体介质内传播时,内部电荷随冲击波作用向两极迁移形成电势差并对外输出电压/电流的极化效应称作冲击极化效应。针对晶体、金属、陶瓷以及聚合物等典型固体介质的冲击极化效应进行了系统梳理;总结了现阶段发展的冲击极化测试方法,分析了落锤/摆锤、SHPB、轻气炮以及炸药爆轰等加载方式诱发固体介质极化响应的差异;概述了有限元方法、分子动力学、近场动力学方法以及相场分析方法在固体介质冲击极化数值模拟领域的应用;围绕Allison理论、张裕恒理论、冲击挠曲电理论以及冲击波相关理论,总结了固体介质冲击极化的宏观唯象理论,并从固体介质微观结构、载流子输运模式、输运模型、迁移率以及态密度等方面说明了冲击极化的微观机理;分析了冲击极化效应在传感器、俘能器以及致动器等领域的应用前景,对固体介质冲击极化效应的发展趋势和需求进行了展望。
  • 图  1  不同厚度和电极形状6061Al的极化强度(P)与应变梯度[13]

    Figure  1.  Polarization strength (P) and strain gradient of specimens with different thickness and electrodes[13]

    图  2  6061Al薄板的冲击极化电压时程[14]

    Figure  2.  Time history curves of SIP voltages of 6061Al thin plate[14]

    图  3  冲击波前/后的电力特性[17]

    Figure  3.  Electric conditions before and after the shock wave[17]

    图  4  简正模式下矩形PZT铁电陶瓷的去极化示意图[21]

    Figure  4.  Schematic of rectangular PZT depolarization under normalized mode[21]

    图  5  极化BNT-BA-0.01NN陶瓷的介电特性和热感应电荷密度与温度的关系[25]

    Figure  5.  Temperature-dependent dielectric properties and thermal induced charge density of poled BNT-BA-0.01NN ceramics[25]

    图  6  未极化BNT-BA-0.01NN陶瓷在70 ℃时的极化特性[25]

    Figure  6.  Polarization characteristics of non-polarized BNT-BA-0.01NN ceramics at 70 °C[25]

    图  7  PMMA薄板的相对介电常数-应变曲线与极化电压时程[14]

    Figure  7.  Relative dielectric constants and time history curves of SIP voltages of PMMA thin plate[14]

    图  8  层内电压Uint对PDMS冲击力电响应的影响[33]

    Figure  8.  Effect of Uint on the electromechanical characteristics of PDMS[33]

    图  9  多脉冲下PDMS的极化电压[33]

    Figure  9.  Polarization voltages of PDMS under multiple pulses[33]

    图  10  试件结构与支撑[39]

    Figure  10.  Specimen structure and support[39]

    图  11  GFRP冲击极化实验示意图[38]

    Figure  11.  Schematic of SIP of GFRP[38]

    图  12  6061Al试件与实验系统[13]

    Figure  12.  Schematic diagram of physical object and experimental system of 6061Al specimen[13]

    图  13  PDMS动态力电响应测试系统

    Figure  13.  Dynamic electromechanical response testing system of PDMS

    图  14  不同冲击速度下BT块体的电压时程[40]

    Figure  14.  Voltage time histories for BT bulk samples induced by the shock wave at different velocities[40]

    图  15  基于一级轻气炮加载的固体介质极化特性测试系统[14]

    Figure  15.  Polarization characteristic test system of solid medium based on one-stage light gas gun[14]

    图  16  平面实验法原理示意图[32]

    Figure  16.  Schematic diagram of the experimental principle of the planar test method[32]

    图  17  爆炸冲击下铝的电输出特性测试装置[41]

    Figure  17.  Test device for electrical output characteristics of aluminum under explosion impact[41]

    图  18  层状PMMA的冲击极化效应测试装置[42]

    Figure  18.  SIP test device of layered PMMA[42]

    图  19  改进型冲击极化实验装置[43]

    Figure  19.  Improved experimental device for SIP[43]

    图  20  试件与测试电路[44]

    Figure  20.  Specimen and test circuit[44]

    图  21  基于泵浦-探针法的EFM测量装置原理图[46]

    Figure  21.  Schematic diagram of the tip-synchronized pump-probe tr-EFM apparatus[46]

    图  22  平均应变梯度的时空分布规律

    Figure  22.  Spatial and temporal distribution of average strain gradient

    图  23  棒体的力电耦合特性数值模拟[47]

    Figure  23.  Numerical simulation of electromechanical coupling characteristics of rods[47]

    图  24  PFM中压电材料BT产生的电弹性场[45]

    Figure  24.  Electroelastic field generated by PFM acting on piezoelectric material BT[45]

    图  25  不同电场下载流子迁移率[48]

    Figure  25.  Carrier mobility under different electric fields[48]

    图  26  计算中使用的超晶胞单元与应变剖面[49]

    Figure  26.  Supercell and strain profile used in the calculations[49]

    图  27  固定De条件下STO超晶胞中的电荷分布与力分布[51]

    Figure  27.  Charge-density distribution and force distribution in STO supercell at fixed De[51]

    图  28  金属Pt/Pd-甲烷分子结构及范德华能-距离曲线[52]

    Figure  28.  Vander Waals energy-distance curves and structures of metal Pt/Pd-CH4[52]

    图  29  薄膜和厚膜挠曲电系数的温度依赖性[53]

    Figure  29.  Temperature dependency of the flexoelectric coefficients in the thin and thick films[53]

    图  30  基于核壳模型的分子动力学模拟结果[57]

    Figure  30.  Molecular dynamics simulation results based on core-shell model[57]

    图  31  不同应变下极化分布[58]

    Figure  31.  Polarization distribution of BT under different strains[58]

    图  32  考虑挠曲电效应时薄膜界面处不同取向的单位错对单畴结构的影响[62]

    Figure  32.  Influence of single dislocations with different orientations at the film interface on the single domain structure when considering the flexoelectric effect[62]

    图  33  考虑挠曲电效应时各构型畴中不同取向周期位错对90°畴结构影响示意图[62]

    Figure  33.  Schematic of the influence of dislocations with different orientations in each configuration domain on the 90° domain structure considering the flexoelectric effect[62]

    图  34  多种效应下PZT铁电薄膜电畴变化的阈值[63]

    Figure  34.  Threshold of domain change in PZT ferroelectric thin films under multiple effects[63]

    图  35  冲击诱发电位移原理图[66]

    Figure  35.  Schematic of shock induced electric displacement[66]

    图  36  基于张裕恒理论的冲击极化机理[70]

    Figure  36.  Mechanism of SIP based on “Zhang Yuheng” theory[70]

    图  37  冲击载荷诱发BT电极化机理示意图与实验结果[74]

    Figure  37.  Mechanism and experimental results of SIP of BT[74]

    图  38  冲击下偶极子极化示意图[75]

    Figure  38.  Diagram of dipole polarization under impact[75]

    图  39  铁电材料的冲击过程[16]

    Figure  39.  Schematic diagram of the ferroelectric materials under impact[16]

    图  40  孤子、极化子以及双极化子结构示意图[83]

    Figure  40.  Schematic diagram of the structure of solitons, polarons and bipolaron[83]

    图  41  线性离子链

    Figure  41.  Linear ionic chain

    图  42  包含黏性介质的有效偶极子(哑铃)模型[76]

    Figure  42.  Effective dipole (dumbbell) model with viscous medium[76]

    图  43  分支聚合物结构示意图[86]

    Figure  43.  Structure of branching polymer[86]

    图  44  压电/挠曲电环形传感器结构与动态响应[102]

    Figure  44.  Structure and dynamic response of piezoelectric/flexoelectric ring sensor[102]

    图  45  挠曲电效应传感器的典型结构[103]

    Figure  45.  Typical structure of flexoelectric effect sensor[103]

    图  46  俘能器结构示意图[104]

    Figure  46.  Schematic diagram of the energy harvester structure[104]

    图  47  线电极/梁/面电极致动器[105]

    Figure  47.  Actuator with line electrode/beam/surface electrode structure[105]

    表  1  典型动态加载技术的特点

    Table  1.   Characteristics of typical dynamic loading technology

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