
柏劲松 刘洋 陈翰 钟敏

柏劲松, 刘洋, 陈翰, 钟敏. 端到端机器学习代理模型构建及其在爆轰驱动问题中的应用[J]. 爆炸与冲击. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0099
引用本文: 柏劲松, 刘洋, 陈翰, 钟敏. 端到端机器学习代理模型构建及其在爆轰驱动问题中的应用[J]. 爆炸与冲击. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0099
BAI Jingsong, LIU Yang, CHEN Han, ZHONG Min. Construction of end-to-end machine learning surrogate model and its application in detonation driving problem[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0099
Citation: BAI Jingsong, LIU Yang, CHEN Han, ZHONG Min. Construction of end-to-end machine learning surrogate model and its application in detonation driving problem[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0099


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0099

    柏劲松(1968- ),男,博士,研究员,bjsong@foxmail.com


    刘 洋(1987- ),男,博士,助理研究员,blonster@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O38

Construction of end-to-end machine learning surrogate model and its application in detonation driving problem

  • 摘要: 人工智能/机器学习方法能够发现数据中隐藏的物理规律,构建状态参数与动态结果之间端到端的代理模型,可高效解决强耦合、非线性、多物理等复杂工程问题。在高度非线性的爆炸与冲击动力学领域,选择了一个经典的爆轰驱动问题作为研究对象,以数值模拟结果作为机器学习代理模型的训练数据,将正向模拟与逆向设计有机结合起来,基于深度神经网络技术,构建了特征位置速度剖面、材料动态变形与工程因素之间端到端的代理模型,给出了代理模型的计算精确度,验证了代理模型从速度剖面反演工程因素的能力。结果表明,端到端代理模型具有较高的预测能力,其预测的速度剖面与工程因素估计的相对误差均小于1%,可用于高度非线性的爆炸与冲击动力学问题的快速设计、高精度预测和敏捷迭代。
  • 图  1  神经元

    Figure  1.  Neurons

    图  2  由神经元权重表达的输出模式

    Figure  2.  Output pattern represented by neuron weights

    图  3  神经网络的几个概念

    Figure  3.  Several concepts of neural network

    图  4  BFGS和ADAM算法优化结果与模拟结果的比较

    Figure  4.  Comparison of optimization results of BFGS and ADAM algorithm with simulation results

    图  5  不同神经网络结构的代理模型计算结果与解析解的比较

    Figure  5.  Comparison of calculation results and analytical solutions of surrogate models with different neural network structures

    图  6  单因素影响的爆轰驱动模型

    Figure  6.  Single-factor-influenced detonation drive model

    图  7  P1P2处模拟的速度剖面

    Figure  7.  Numerical simulated velocity profiles at P1 and P2

    图  8  训练点上速度代理模型和数值模拟的计算结果比较

    Figure  8.  Results calculated by the speed surrogate model at the training points and the numerical simulation result

    图  9  预测点上速度代理模型给出的计算结果及其与数值模拟结果的比较

    Figure  9.  Results calculated by the speed surrogate model at the prediction points with their comparison with the numerical simulation results

    图  10  应用代理模型依据速度剖面反向求解h

    Figure  10.  Applying the surrogate model to solve the h values according to velocity profiles

    图  11  t=25 µs时训练点上流场中材料动态时空分布代理模型计算的流场体积分数与数值模拟结果的比较

    Figure  11.  Comparison of material distribution surrogate model with numerical simulation results at training point at t=25 μs

    图  12  预测点上流场中材料动态时空分布代理模型计算的流场体积分数与数值模拟结果的比较

    Figure  12.  Material distribution calculated by surrogate model at prediction points with comparison to simulation data

    图  13  双因素影响的爆轰驱动模型

    Figure  13.  Two-factor-influenced detonation drive model

    图  14  代理模型计算的P1处的速度剖面与数值模拟结果的比较

    Figure  14.  Numerical simulation and surrogate model calculation results of speed history at P1

    图  15  c=1 mm、d=1 mm、t=25 µs时代理模型计算的流场体积分数与数值模拟结果的比较

    Figure  15.  Numerical simulation of material distribution and calculation results of surrogate model at the point while c=1 mm, d=1 mm, t=25 µs

    表  1  不同神经网络结构对代理模型的计算效果分析

    Table  1.   Analysis of calculation effect of surrogate model with different neural network structures

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    表  2  训练点上速度剖面代理模型计算的相对误差

    Table  2.   Relative errors of velocity surrogate model calculation at training points

    h/mm 相对误差/%
    P1 P2
    0 0.0034 0.0040
    1 0.0078 0.0094
    2 0.0063 0.0036
    3 0.0057 0.0014
    4 0.0027 0.0094
    5 0.0035 0.0067
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    表  3  预测点上速度剖面代理模型计算的相对误差

    Table  3.   Relative errors calculated by velocity surrogate model at prediction points

    h/mm 相对误差/%
    P1 P2
    0.5 0.0571 0.6665
    1.5 0.0524 0.8081
    2.5 0.0034 0.4332
    3.2 0.0116 0.1963
    4.7 0.0129 0.1669
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    表  4  $t $=25 µs时训练点上流场中材料动态时空分布代理模型计算的标准差和相对误差

    Table  4.   Standard and relative errors calculated by the material distribution surrogate model at training points at t=25 μs

    h/mm 标准差 相对误差/%
    0 5.99×10−2 0.3953
    1 5.81×10−2 0.2721
    2 5.95×10−2 0.0955
    3 6.15×10−2 0.3082
    4 6.30×10−2 0.3415
    5 6.39×10−2 0.2211
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