Deformation behavior of curved structures with negative Poisson’s ratio under diverse loading velocities
摘要: 高孔隙率的负泊松比蜂窝结构在能量吸收的过程中往往伴随剧烈的应力波动和显著的峰值应力,极易造成蜂窝结构的局部损坏,影响能量的连续吸收。为了减少局部破坏的产生,基于传统内凹六边形蜂窝胞元设计了一种反对称的弧形胞元,并通过不同的阵列方向,得到了2种新型反对称负泊松比弧形蜂窝结构。采用准静态压缩试验和有限元模拟的方法,探究了速度梯度对新型反对称弧形蜂窝结构模型的整体变形模式,不同层水平应变分布,变形机理,以及抗冲击性的影响。研究结果表明:不同于传统负泊松比蜂窝模型中出现大量的局部密实化区域,新型反对称负泊松比弧形蜂窝结构中局部密实带明显减少,结构中多层胞元组成的变形区域同时参与变形,整体表现出十分稳定的变形模式。这与最大水平应变的提高以及新型蜂窝结构抗冲击性的增强密切相关,特别是在中速模式下,新型反对称弧形蜂窝模型抗冲击性明显增强,冲击载荷效率达到78%,远高于传统蜂窝模型43%的冲击载荷效率;此外,反对称弧形蜂窝结构胞元还带动了相邻胞元之间的胞壁发生向上弯曲来抵抗弯矩。在低速模式下,2种新型反对称弧形蜂窝模型的最大水平应变分别提高了100%、36%;在中速模式下,2种模型均提高了39%。Abstract: High-porosity structures with negative Poisson’s ratio often experience severe stress fluctuations and significant peak stresses during energy absorption, which can easily cause local damage to the honeycomb structure and affect continuous energy absorption. In order to reduce the occurrence of local damage, an anti-symmetric arc-shaped cell element is designed based on the traditional negative Poisson’s ratio honeycomb cell element, and two new anti-symmetric negative Poisson’s ratio arc-shaped honeycomb structures are obtained through different array directions. Through 0.0025 m/s (quasi-static) compression test and 10 m/s (low velocity), 50 m/s (medium velocity) and 100 m/s (high velocity) finite element simulation, the effect of velocity gradient on the overall deformation pattern, horizontal strain distribution of different layers, deformation mechanism, and impact resistance of the new anti-symmetric arc-shaped honeycomb structure model are revealed. The research results show that unlike the large number of local densification areas that appear in traditional negative Poisson’s ratio honeycomb models, the local densification bands in the new anti-symmetric negative Poisson’s ratio arc-shaped honeycomb structure are significantly reduced. The deformation areas composed of multiple layers of cells in the structure participate in deformation at the same time, showing a very stable deformation pattern as a whole. This is closely related to the increase in maximum horizontal strain and the enhancement of impact resistance of the new honeycomb structure. Especially under the medium-speed loading, the impact resistance of the new anti-symmetric arc-shaped honeycomb model is significantly enhanced, and the impact load efficiency reaches 78%, which is much higher than the 43% impact load efficiency of the traditional honeycomb model; in addition, the anti-symmetric arc-shaped honeycomb structure cells also drive the cell walls between adjacent cells to bend upwards to resist bending moments, further increasing the maximum horizontal strain. Under low-speed loading, the maximum horizontal strain of the two types of new anti-symmetric arc-shaped honeycomb models increases by 100% and 36%, respectively. Under medium-speed loading, it increases by 39% for both types.
表 1 材料属性
Table 1. Material properties
材料 密度/(kg·m−3) 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 初始屈服强度/MPa 断裂应变 PolyMaxTMPLA 1180 1.97 0.35 40 0.3 表 2 3种模型在10 m/s 速度下的变形模式
Table 2. Deformation patterns of three types of models under 10 m/s velocity
ε RH CRH-1 CRH-2 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 表 3 3种模型在50 m/s 速度下的变形模式
Table 3. Deformation patterns of three types of models under 50 m/s velocity
ε RH CRH-1 CRH-2 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 表 4 3种模型在100 m/s速度下的变形模式
Table 4. Deformation patterns of three types of models under 100 m/s velocity
ε RH CRH-1 CRH-2 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 -
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