
李茂 高圣智 侯海量 李典 李永清 朱锡

李茂, 高圣智, 侯海量, 李典, 李永清, 朱锡. 空爆冲击波与破片群联合作用下聚脲涂覆陶瓷复合装甲结构毁伤特性[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2020, 40(11): 111403. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0119
引用本文: 李茂, 高圣智, 侯海量, 李典, 李永清, 朱锡. 空爆冲击波与破片群联合作用下聚脲涂覆陶瓷复合装甲结构毁伤特性[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2020, 40(11): 111403. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0119
LI Mao, GAO Shengzhi, HOU Hailiang, LI Dian, LI Yongqing, ZHU Xi. Damage characteristics of polyurea coated ceramic/steel composite armor structures subjected to combined loadings of blast and high-velocity fragments[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2020, 40(11): 111403. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0119
Citation: LI Mao, GAO Shengzhi, HOU Hailiang, LI Dian, LI Yongqing, ZHU Xi. Damage characteristics of polyurea coated ceramic/steel composite armor structures subjected to combined loadings of blast and high-velocity fragments[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2020, 40(11): 111403. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0119


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0119
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51479204,51679246);国家安全重大基础研究项目(613305);“十三五”装备预研项目(41422010902)

    李 茂(1991- ),男,博士,工程师,limao19910224@163.com


    侯海量(1977- ),男,博士,副教授,hou9611104@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O385; TB333

Damage characteristics of polyurea coated ceramic/steel composite armor structures subjected to combined loadings of blast and high-velocity fragments

  • 摘要: 基于均质钢板、聚脲涂层材料、SiC陶瓷材料设计了4种聚脲涂覆复合装甲结构,采用装药驱动预制破片试验方法开展了近炸下复合装甲结构毁伤特性实验研究,提出了各组分的毁伤破坏模式,对比分析了4种防护装甲结构的防护性能,探讨了复合装甲结构的防护机理。结果表明:作用于目标结构的破片动能远大于冲击波能,聚脲涂覆复合装甲结构的防护效能明显优于多层均质钢装甲,增加陶瓷厚度较增加背板、前面板厚度对提高整体防护效能更有效,破片撞击将引起陶瓷块大面积损伤,严重影响了其对后续着靶破片的防护性能。
  • 图  1  复合装甲结构实物

    Figure  1.  Experimental target plates

    图  2  实验布置照片和示意图

    Figure  2.  Photo and schematic of the experimental setup

    图  3  靶板中线各点冲击波和破片着靶时间及超压峰值分布图

    Figure  3.  Peak overpressure, hitting time of impact wave and fragments distribution of center-line

    图  4  前面板、抗弹层迎爆面变形破坏形貌

    Figure  4.  Damage appearance of front plate and anti-fragments layer for different configurations

    图  5  各结构型式靶板基板、背板变形破坏形貌

    Figure  5.  Damage appearance of base plate and back plate for different configurations

    图  6  各结构型式靶板前面板、基板、背板侧视图

    Figure  6.  Side view of front plate, base plate and back plate for different configurations

    图  7  各实验工况钢质基板、背板隆起变形轮廓

    Figure  7.  Deformation profiles of steel plate in different armor configurations

    图  8  C3、C4实验工况中钢质基板、背板迎爆面穿孔及弹坑分布

    Figure  8.  Distribution of perforations and craters on the base plates and back plates in conditions C3 and C4

    图  9  收集到的残余陶瓷碎片、结构碎片和预制破片

    Figure  9.  Residual SiC tiles, structure fragments and prefabricated fragments

    图  10  防护装甲结构各组分的穿孔数量

    Figure  10.  Numbers of perforations of each component for different composite armor configurations

    表  1  模型结构组成

    Table  1.   Structures of experimental models

    编号结构组成面密度ρA /(kg·m−2)
    C11S+1PU+2SiC+1PU+2S:1 mm前面板+1 mm止裂层+2 mm 陶瓷层+1 mm缓冲层+2 mm基板29.34
    C21PU+2SiC+1PU+2S+1S:1 mm止裂层+2 mm 陶瓷层+1 mm缓冲层+2 mm基板+1 mm背板29.34
    C31PU+2SiC+1PU+2S+2S:1 mm止裂层+2 mm 陶瓷层+1 mm缓冲层+2 mm基板+2 mm背板36.09
    C41PU+3SiC+1PU+2S+2S:1 mm止裂层+3 mm 陶瓷层+1 mm缓冲层+2 mm基板+2 mm背板39.24
     注:名义厚度为1、2 mm的均质钢板,实测厚度分别为0.90、1.76 mm;聚脲止裂层、聚脲缓冲层的名义涂覆厚度均为1 mm;SiC陶瓷层名义厚度为2 mm或3 mm(与实测值相当)。
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    表  2  各模型各组分穿孔及弹坑统计结果

    Table  2.   A comparison of perforation and crates on each steel plate of different models

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