
高玉魁 陶雪菲

高玉魁, 陶雪菲. 高速冲击表面处理对金属材料力学性能和组织结构的影响[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(4): 041401. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0342
引用本文: 高玉魁, 陶雪菲. 高速冲击表面处理对金属材料力学性能和组织结构的影响[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(4): 041401. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0342
GAO Yukui, TAO Xuefei. A review on the influences of high speed impact surface treatments on mechanical properties and microstructures of metallic materials[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(4): 041401. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0342
Citation: GAO Yukui, TAO Xuefei. A review on the influences of high speed impact surface treatments on mechanical properties and microstructures of metallic materials[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(4): 041401. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0342


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0342

    高玉魁(1973- ),男,博士,教授,ykgao12088@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O347.3; TB31

A review on the influences of high speed impact surface treatments on mechanical properties and microstructures of metallic materials

  • 摘要: 高速冲击表面处理过程中的应变率对金属材料的宏观力学性能和微观组织结构都具有重要影响。根据当前应变率效应的研究成果,从宏观与微观相结合的角度出发,综述了高速冲击表面处理过程中应变率对金属材料强度和塑性的影响规律,并重点阐述了不同应变率下金属材料内部微观组织结构的演变规律,主要包括晶粒结构、绝热剪切带、相变、位错组态和析出相以及变形孪晶等。此外,还分析了组织结构随应变率的演化和微观变形机制的转变对材料力学性能的强化和弱化机理。最后,对高速冲击表面处理梯度组织的变形特点进行了总结。提出了不同组织结构对材料性能影响的综合效应模型,以期为应变率效应的深入研究奠定基础。
  • 图  1  材料性能的影响因素示意图[3]

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the influencing factors of mechanical properties[3]

    图  2  根据应变率的加载模式分类[7]

    Figure  2.  Classifications of loads with reference to strain rate[7]

    图  3  不同材料高速冲击表面处理前后力学性能变化[21, 23]

    Figure  3.  Mechanical properties of different materials processed by various high velocity impact surface treatments[21, 23]

    FSW: Friction stir welding; LW: laser-welded; HAZ: heat affected zone; FZ: fusion zone

    图  4  不同材料经高速冲击表面处理后的塑性变化[24-26]

    Figure  4.  The plastic changes of different materials processed by high velocity impact surface treatments[24-26]

    图  5  不同材料经高速冲击表面处理后的拉伸断口[27-28]

    Figure  5.  Tensile fracture morphologies of different materials after high speed impact surface treatment[27-28]

    图  6  不同梯度材料的应力应变曲线[30-31]

    Figure  6.  The stress-strain curves of different gradient materials[30-31]

    图  7  低应变率表面处理后的晶粒形貌[34-35]

    Figure  7.  Grain structure of materials processed by low-strain-rate surface treatments[34-35]

    图  8  表面形变处理横截面梯度形貌[37-39]

    Figure  8.  The cross section morphologies of the specimen processed by surface mechanical treatment[37-39]

    图  9  AA2060铝锂合金喷丸过程中的动态回复再结晶[46]

    Figure  9.  Dynamic recovery and recrystallization of AA2060 Al-Li alloy induced by shot peening[46]

    图  10  AA2060铝锂合金喷丸前后晶粒取向图[46]

    Figure  10.  Grain orientation map of AA2060 Al-Li alloy before and after shot peening[46]

    图  11  304奥氏体不锈钢的冲击相变[57]

    Figure  11.  Phase transformation of 304 austenite stainless steel by impact deformation[57]

    图  12  不同材料在不同高速冲击表面处理下的形变诱发相变[60-62]

    Figure  12.  Deformation induced phase transformation of different materials under different high velocity impact surface treatments[60-62]

    图  13  位错组态随应变量和应变率的演变规律示意图[66-67]

    Figure  13.  Proposed diagram of dislocation evolution with the increment of plastic strain and strain rates[66-67]

    (LGs: large grains; DLs: dislocation lines; DWs: dislocation walls; DTs: dislocation tangles; UFGs: ultrafine-grains; NGs: nano-grains)

    图  14  高速冲击表面处理后不同深度处的位错组态[68-70]

    Figure  14.  Dislocations at different depths after high velocity impact surface treatments[68-70]

    图  15  不同材料在不同高速冲击表面处理变形时析出相变化[72-74]

    Figure  15.  The variation of precipitates of different materials deformed under different high velocity impact surface treatments[72-74]

    图  16  位错运动通过强化相方式[77]

    Figure  16.  The ways of dislocation moving through strengthening phases[77]

    图  17  应变率对位错与析出相之间相互作用的影响[77]

    Figure  17.  Effects of strain rate on the interaction of dislocations and precipitates[77]

    图  18  位错到变形孪晶的演变规律示意图[68]

    Figure  18.  Schematic diagram of the transformation from dislocations to deformation twins with the increment of plastic strain and strain rates[68]

    图  19  高应变率下变形孪晶[85-86]

    Figure  19.  Deformation twins occurred under high strain rates[85-86]

    图  20  纳米晶铝TEM图像[41]

    Figure  20.  TEM micrographs of nanocrystalline aluminum deformed by manually grinding[41]

    图  21  Thompson双四面体与纳米孪晶片层的相对位向关系[89]

    Figure  21.  A schematics showing the relative orientation between a double Thompson tetrahedra and twin lamellae[89]

    图  22  试样变形示意图

    Figure  22.  Schematic diagram of sample deformation

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