The electromagnetic radiation produced by hypervelocity impact
摘要: 超高速碰撞产生的电磁辐射是固体物质在强冲击作用下的重要物理响应,在深空探测、航天器对空间碎片的防护设计、武器毁伤评估应用广泛。本文中概述了超高速碰撞产生的电磁辐射现象,总结了不同碰撞条件下,超高速碰撞产生微波和闪光的时频特性;从超高速碰撞产生材料破碎和产生等离子体两个方面,分析了超高速碰撞产生微波的辐射模型;归纳了超高速碰撞下的发光机理,并阐述了超高速碰撞产生连续光谱和线谱的辐射模型,指出了超高速碰撞产生电磁辐射研究存在的不足与发展趋势。Abstract: The electromagnetic radiation from hypervelocity impact is an important physical phenomenon of solid matter under strong impact loadings, and the research results have important application value in fields of deep space exploration, protection design of spacecraft against space debris, assessment of weapon damage, etc. In this paper, the electromagnetic radiation caused by hypervelocity impact was briefly summarized. The time-frequency characteristics of microwave and flash by hypervelocity impact under various collision conditions were respectively provided. The radiation models of microwave generated by hypervelocity impact were analyzed from two aspects of material fragmentation and plasma phase transition. The luminescence mechanisms during hypervelocity impact were described as a whole, and the radiation models of continuous spectrum and line spectrum were performed. The shortcomings and development trend of electromagnetic radiation by hypervelocity impact were pointed out. The results show that the intensity and frequency of microwave and flash are closely dependent on the target thickness, impact material, environmental pressure as well as collisional velocity and angle. The microwave is in the form of pulses lasting from a few to hundreds of microseconds. The intensity of the flash, however, accumulates rapidly and then decays slowly. When the plasma is not accomplished during the hypervelocity impact, the microwave radiation is mainly formed because of the movement of ionized debris. Once the plasma is formed, the effects of the collision radiation in the plasma, namely the bremsstrahlung and recombination radiation, and the expansion of the plasma should also be taken into account, and the specific spectrum lies on the characteristic parameters of plasma. In vacuum, only the gasification and plasma due to the impact are necessary to be considered in the flash spectrum, while the gasification and even plasma phase transition resulted from the ablation between the gas and debris should be involved at high environmental pressure.
Key words:
- hypervelocity impact /
- electromagnetic radiation /
- plasma /
- flash /
- microwave
表 1 铝原子和铝离子的共振线
Table 1. Resonance lines of aluminum atom and aluminum ion
元素 跃迁能级 波长/nm 对基态的能量/eV Al Ⅰ 3s23p2P1/2~3s23d2D3/2 308.215 4.02 Al Ⅰ 3s23p2P1/2~3s24s2S1/2 394.401 3.15 Al Ⅱ 3s21S0~3s3p3P2 265.007 4.67 Al Ⅱ 3s21S0~3s3p3P1 266.916 4.65 -
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