
杨璞 李继承 陈建良 张斌 何丽灵 陈刚

杨璞, 李继承, 陈建良, 张斌, 何丽灵, 陈刚. 撞击姿态对构型弹体非正侵彻多层间隔钢靶弹道特性的影响规律[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(9): 091407. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0571
引用本文: 杨璞, 李继承, 陈建良, 张斌, 何丽灵, 陈刚. 撞击姿态对构型弹体非正侵彻多层间隔钢靶弹道特性的影响规律[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(9): 091407. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0571
YANG Pu, LI Jicheng, CHEN Jianliang, ZHANG Bin, HE Liling, CHEN Gang. Influence rule of impact attitude on trajectory characteristics of warhead’s non-normally penetration into multi-layer spaced steel target[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(9): 091407. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0571
Citation: YANG Pu, LI Jicheng, CHEN Jianliang, ZHANG Bin, HE Liling, CHEN Gang. Influence rule of impact attitude on trajectory characteristics of warhead’s non-normally penetration into multi-layer spaced steel target[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(9): 091407. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0571


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0571
基金项目: 四川省自然科学基金杰出青年基金(2023NSFSC1913);中国工程物理研究院创新与发展基金(CX20210031)

    杨 璞(1989- ),女,硕士,助理研究员,yangp_caep@sina.com


    李继承(1984- ),男,博士,副研究员,lijc401@caep.cn

  • 中图分类号: O385

Influence rule of impact attitude on trajectory characteristics of warhead’s non-normally penetration into multi-layer spaced steel target

  • 摘要: 为深入认识构型弹体非正侵彻多层间隔靶板的弹道偏转规律,结合数值模拟和理论分析,研究了构型弹体在不同撞击姿态下侵彻多层间隔钢靶的弹道特性,其中引入弹体侧向接触力和侧向偏转力矩等参量,着重分析撞击着角和攻角对弹道特性的影响规律。结果表明:构型弹体非正侵彻过程中,在纵向发生阶梯式速度衰减,但变化较小;同时,由于穿靶过程中受到侧向接触力及其偏转力矩的作用,在侧向产生显著弹道偏转。撞击着角决定弹体所受外载荷的非对称程度,着角越大,弹体偏转越严重;撞击攻角则主要影响弹肩穿靶时的径向速度和弹尾穿靶时的触靶位置,二者共同影响弹道轨迹,因而存在使弹体偏转程度发生转折的临界攻角。相比于侵彻单层靶,构型弹体非正侵彻多层间隔靶板的显著特点为弹道偏转存在累积效应,且侵彻前一靶板的弹道偏转情况显著影响到侵彻后一靶板时的弹靶作用特征,进而导致弹道偏转与弹靶接触力互相耦合。相关研究对预测构型弹体侵彻多层间隔靶板性能、优化弹体构型和撞击姿态等具有较好的指导价值。
  • 图  1  构型弹非正侵彻4层间隔钢靶有限元几何模型

    Figure  1.  Finite element model of warhead non-normal penetration into four layers spaced steel targets

    图  2  构型弹体非正侵彻着角和攻角的定义

    Figure  2.  Definition of oblique angle and attacking angle in the non-normal penetration

    图  3  弹体非正侵彻多层间隔钢靶的弹道偏转过程

    Figure  3.  Trajectory deflection process during the non-normal penetration into multi-layer spaced steel target

    图  4  构型弹体运动和载荷参量的变化历程

    Figure  4.  Variation of motion and load parameters of the warhead during penetration

    图  5  构型弹体偏转角度的变化历程

    Figure  5.  Variation of attitude angle of warhead during the penetration

    图  6  构型弹体偏转角速度的变化历程

    Figure  6.  Variation of angular velocity of warhead during the penetration

    图  7  构型弹体壳体侧向接触力的变化历程

    Figure  7.  Variation of lateral contact force on the warhead shell during penetration

    图  8  构型弹体侵彻靶1过程中不同时刻的弹靶作用状态

    Figure  8.  Interaction condition between warhead and target at different moments during the penetration process into the first target plate

    图  9  弹体侧向接触力作用点与弹体质心之间的位移示意图

    Figure  9.  Schematic diagram of displacement between the load position of lateral contact force and the warhead centroid

    图  10  构型弹体壳体侧向偏转力矩的变化历程

    Figure  10.  Variation of angular moment on the warhead shell during penetration

    图  11  不同撞击着角条件下构型弹体偏转角度的变化历程

    Figure  11.  Variation of attitude angle of warhead during penetration under different oblique angles

    图  12  不同撞击着角条件下构型弹体侧向接触力和侧向偏转力矩变化历程

    Figure  12.  Variations of lateral contact force and the corresponding angular moment on the warhead during the penetration under different oblique angles

    图  13  斜侵彻靶板时的弹体速度分解示意图

    Figure  13.  Schematic diagram of warhead velocity decomposition during the penetration process

    图  14  不同撞击攻角条件下构型弹体最终偏转角度

    Figure  14.  Final attitude angle values of the warhead under different oblique angles

    图  15  不同撞击攻角条件下构型弹体偏转角的变化历程

    Figure  15.  Variation of attitude angle of warhead during the penetration under different attacking angles

    图  16  不同撞击攻角条件下构型弹体所受侧向接触力及其偏转力矩的变化历程

    Figure  16.  Variations of lateral contact force and the corresponding angular moment on the warhead during the penetration under different attacking angles

    图  17  不同撞击攻角条件下构型弹体侵彻靶1时弹尾与靶板相互作用状态的对比

    Figure  17.  Comparison of the interaction condition between warhead tail and target during penetration process into the first target plate under different attacking angles

    图  18  不同撞击攻角条件下构型弹体侵彻靶2时弹尾与靶板相互作用状态的对比

    Figure  18.  Comparison of the interaction condition between warhead tail and target during penetration process into the second target plate under different attacking angles

    图  19  正攻角条件下构型弹体偏转角的变化历程

    Figure  19.  Variation of attitude angle of warhead during the penetration under positive attacking angles

    图  20  正攻角条件下构型弹体所受侧向接触力及其偏转力矩的变化历程

    Figure  20.  Variations of lateral contact force and the corresponding angular moment on the warhead during the penetration under positive attacking angles

    图  21  正攻角条件下弹肩穿靶阶段速度分解示意图

    Figure  21.  Schematic diagram of warhead velocity decomposition during penetration process of warhead nose under a positive attacking angle

    图  22  负攻角和零攻角条件下构型弹体偏转角的变化历程

    Figure  22.  Variation of attitude angle of warhead during penetration under negative attacking angles and with no attacking angle

    图  23  负攻角和零攻角条件下构型弹体所受侧向接触力及其偏转力矩的变化历程

    Figure  23.  Variations of lateral contact force and the corresponding angular moment on the warhead during the penetration under negative attacking angles and with no attacking angle

    图  24  负攻角条件下弹肩穿靶阶段速度分解示意图

    Figure  24.  Schematic diagram of warhead velocity decomposition during penetration process of warhead nose under a negative attacking angle

    表  1  材料Johnson-Cook模型参数

    Table  1.   Johnson-Cook model parameters of materials

    材料ρ/(kg·m−3)E/GPaµcV/(J·kg−1·K−1)Tr/KTm/K$\dot \varepsilon $/s−1A/MPaB/MPanC
    G50钢7 6202050.28 469.03001 76511 4451 3260.3560.005
    TC4钛4 4281100.31 560.03001 87811 0981 0920.9300.014
    921A钢7 8502050.28 400.93001 7651 760 5000.5300.014
    PBX1 900 120.301 559.0 300 5401 15 101.0000.200
    G50钢1.121.990 0.464 2802.00 0.10 0.76 1.5700
    TC4钛1.101.028 0.905 1301.23 –0.09 0.76 0.48 0.014 3.87
    921A钢1.131.990 0.464 2802.00 1.20 0.27000
    PBX0.602.38002 5651.1000000
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    表  2  构型弹体撞击工况

    Table  2.   Warhead impact cases

    工况 分析要素 着角/(°) 攻角/(°) 撞击速度/(m·s−1)
    1 着角 10 0 800
    2 着角 20 0 800
    3 着角 30 0 800
    4 攻角 20 –4 800
    5 攻角 20 –3 800
    6 攻角 20 –2 800
    7 攻角 20 –1 800
    8 攻角 20 1 800
    9 攻角 20 2 800
    10 攻角 20 3 800
    11 攻角 20 4 800
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    表  3  不同撞击着角条件下弹肩即将穿过靶1时刻弹体的速度分量大小

    Table  3.   Velocity component values at the moment when the warhead nose passes through the first target plate under different oblique angles

    着角/(°)$v_\perp $/(m·s−1)v///(m·s−1)
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    表  4  正攻角条件下弹肩穿靶阶段弹体的速度分量

    Table  4.   Velocity component values at the moment when the warhead nose passes through the target plateunder positive attacking angles

    攻角/( °)vx/(m·s−1)vr/(m·s−1)
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    表  5  负攻角和零攻角条件下弹肩穿靶阶段弹体速度分量

    Table  5.   Velocity component values at the moment when the warhead nose passes through the target plate under negative attacking angles and with no attacking angle

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