
冯晓伟 李俊承 卢永刚 王守乾 卢正操 刘闯 傅丹

冯晓伟, 李俊承, 卢永刚, 王守乾, 卢正操, 刘闯, 傅丹. 大质量钨合金动能块高速侵彻超高强度钢靶作用特性[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(9): 091410. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0016
引用本文: 冯晓伟, 李俊承, 卢永刚, 王守乾, 卢正操, 刘闯, 傅丹. 大质量钨合金动能块高速侵彻超高强度钢靶作用特性[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(9): 091410. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0016
FENG XiaoWei, LI Juncheng, LU Yonggang, WANG Shouqian, LU Zhengcao, LIU Chuang, FU Dan. Characteristics of high-mass tungsten alloy kinetic projectile penetrating ultra-high strength steel targets at high velocity[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(9): 091410. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0016
Citation: FENG XiaoWei, LI Juncheng, LU Yonggang, WANG Shouqian, LU Zhengcao, LIU Chuang, FU Dan. Characteristics of high-mass tungsten alloy kinetic projectile penetrating ultra-high strength steel targets at high velocity[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(9): 091410. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0016


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0016
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12202424,12141202)

    冯晓伟(1984- ),男,博士,副研究员,xiaowei_feng@126.com


    李俊承(1984- ),男,博士,副研究员,uniqueljc@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O383

Characteristics of high-mass tungsten alloy kinetic projectile penetrating ultra-high strength steel targets at high velocity

  • 摘要: 为研究超高强度钢靶抗大质量钨合金动能块的侵彻性能及破坏特性,基于弹道炮开展了215 g圆柱形钨合金动能块高速侵彻半无限超高强度G50钢靶和低强度45钢靶试验,获得了不同速度侵彻下两种钢靶的侵彻深度和成坑体积。试验表明,不同于低强度钢靶的近似圆柱体成坑特性,钨合金动能块侵彻超高强度钢靶时,在靶板内形成了类锥形弹坑,成坑侧面和坑底均有拉伸崩落裂纹;分析了超高强度钢靶的侵彻破坏特性,指出侵彻过程中钨合金动能块局部破碎引起靶板内的卸载拉伸剥落和动能块的侵彻锐化行为联合导致了类锥体弹坑的形成。通过数值模拟验证了超高强度钢靶的高速侵彻破坏机制。
  • 图  1  钨合金动能块及尾翼式加速装置

    Figure  1.  The tungsten alloy projectile and tail-type accelerating device

    图  2  高速侵彻实验布局示意图

    Figure  2.  Sketch of the experiment setup for penetration at high velocity

    图  3  G50靶板固定图

    Figure  3.  The fixation of G50 steel target

    图  4  LNG202G-2型六路电子测时仪与测速靶

    Figure  4.  The electronic time measurement instrument of LNG202G-2 and velocity measurement

    图  5  高速录像布置

    Figure  5.  The layout of high-speed camera system

    图  6  动能块飞行姿态高速录像图

    Figure  6.  High-speed video photography of the kineticprojectile flight posture

    图  7  不同撞击速度下典型靶标的侵彻深度

    Figure  7.  Depths of penetrations of the targets atdifferent impact velocities

    图  8  不同撞击速度下典型靶标的开坑体积

    Figure  8.  Crater volumes of the targets at differentimpact velocities

    图  9  不同侵彻速度下G50钢靶的开坑形貌

    Figure  9.  Photographs of cross sections of G50 steel target after impact by the tungsten alloy projectiles at different velocities

    图  10  不同侵彻速度下45钢靶的开坑形貌

    Figure  10.  Photographs of cross sections of 45 steel target after impact by the tungsten alloy projectiles at different velocities

    图  11  钨合金动能块高速撞击低碳钢靶的侵彻过程示意图

    Figure  11.  Schematica diagrams of the penetration process of low carbon steel target struck by a tungsten alloy projectile

    图  12  钨合金动能块高速撞击G50钢的侵彻过程示意图

    Figure  12.  Schematic diagrams of the penetration process of G50 steel target struck by a tungsten alloy projectile

    图  13  钨合金动能块高速(1 189 m/s)侵彻45钢靶时不同时刻的计算结果

    Figure  13.  Schematic diagrams of the penetration of tungsten alloy projectile into 45 steel at the impactvelocity of 1 189 m/s at different times

    图  14  钨合金动能块高速(1 425 m/s)侵彻G50钢靶时不同时刻的计算结果

    Figure  14.  Schematic diagrams of the penetration of tungsten alloy projectile into G50 steel at the impactvelocity of 1 425 m/s at different times

    图  15  钨合金动能块高速侵彻G50钢靶时表面破坏形貌的对比图

    Figure  15.  Comparison of surface failure modes of G50 targets between simulation and experiment

    图  16  钨合金动能块高速侵彻G50钢靶时破坏形貌的对比图

    Figure  16.  Comparison of crater failure modes of G50 targets between simulation and experiment

    表  1  G50钢的主要材料性能参数[15]

    Table  1.   Mechanical properties of G50 steel[15]

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    表  2  G50钢靶的侵彻毁伤特性

    Table  2.   The penetration failure characteristics of the G50 steel targets at different impact velocities

    撞击速度/(m∙s−1) 开孔直径/mm 穿深/mm 侵彻弹道容积/cm3
    848 60 22 33
    1075 70 32 54
    1329 43 52 86
    1425 47 50 97
    1455 65 53 87
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    表  3  45钢靶的侵彻毁伤特性

    Table  3.   The penetration failure characteristics of the 45 steel targets at different impact velocities

    撞击速度/( m∙s−1) 开孔直径/mm 穿深/mm 侵彻弹道容积/cm3
    689 29 34 17
    1023 31 52 28
    1189 34 66 39
    1357 37 72 47
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    表  4  弹靶材料的Johnson-Cook参数

    Table  4.   Johnson-Cook model parameters ofprojectile and targets

    材料 A/MPa B/MPa n c m Tmelt/K
    G50钢 1445 1326 0.356 0.005 1.12 1793
    45钢 496 434 0.307 0.008 0.80 1793
    93W 1197 580 0.050 0.025 1.90 1730
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    表  5  弹靶材料的Grüneisen状态方程参数

    Table  5.   Grüneisen state equation parameters ofprojectile and targets

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    表  6  45钢的侵彻深度数值模拟结果

    Table  6.   Numerical simulation results of DOP of 45 steel

    撞击速度/( m∙s−1)试验穿深/mm模拟穿深/mm侵深误差/%
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    表  7  G50钢的侵彻深度数值模拟结果

    Table  7.   Numerical simulation results oof DOP of G50 steel

    撞击速度/( m∙s−1)试验穿深/mm模拟穿深/mm侵深误差/%
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