
何丽灵 郭虎 陈小伟 颜怡霞 李继承 陈刚

何丽灵, 郭虎, 陈小伟, 颜怡霞, 李继承, 陈刚. 结构变形对深侵彻弹体偏转的影响[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(9): 091404. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0068
引用本文: 何丽灵, 郭虎, 陈小伟, 颜怡霞, 李继承, 陈刚. 结构变形对深侵彻弹体偏转的影响[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(9): 091404. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0068
HE Liling, GUO Hu, CHEN Xiaowei, YAN Yixia, LI Jicheng, CHEN Gang. Influence of structural deformation on the deflection of penetrator into concrete target with deep penetration[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(9): 091404. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0068
Citation: HE Liling, GUO Hu, CHEN Xiaowei, YAN Yixia, LI Jicheng, CHEN Gang. Influence of structural deformation on the deflection of penetrator into concrete target with deep penetration[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(9): 091404. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0068


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0068
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11302210);中国工程物理研究院创新与发展基金(CX20210031);四川省自然科学基金(2023NSFSC1913)

    何丽灵(1984- ),女,博士,副研究员,heliling1984@139.com


    颜怡霞(1973- ),女,硕士,研究员,13990111459@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O385

Influence of structural deformation on the deflection of penetrator into concrete target with deep penetration

  • 摘要: 钻地弹是打击地下工事的利器,弹道偏转是降低钻地弹侵彻效率的重要原因之一,弹道偏转的本质原因是弹体偏转,亟需快速且精确地预测多侵彻姿态下弹体的侵深与偏转角度。基于微分面力法,将计及有限大靶所有自由面影响的靶体响应力函数加载在弹体表面,快速模拟了弹体的运动和变形。靶体响应力函数和数值计算模型通过了试验校核。利用刚性弹与可变形弹的运动和变形的对比,剥离并分析了结构变形对弹体偏转的影响。分析显示,结构变形是可变形弹偏转的驱动源之一,其可改变弹体外力矩,并影响弹体瞬时偏转速度。相同条件下,可变形弹偏转角度大于刚性弹。随着弹体长径比减小、着靶速度降低及侵彻斜角增大,刚性弹偏转角度增大;而随着弹体长径比增大、侵彻斜角增大及弹体壁厚减小,可变形弹偏转角度增大。着靶速度对可变形弹偏转角度的影响不单调。当着靶速度不高于800 m/s、侵彻斜角不小于20°时,着靶速度越高、侵彻斜角越大、弹体长径比越大、壁厚越小,则结构变形对弹体偏转的贡献越大。为此,建议选择可变形弹分析非理想侵彻弹体的运动和变形,以提高分析精度与合理性。
  • 图  1  环氧树脂屈服后的应力-应变关系

    Figure  1.  Plastic stress-strain curve of epoxy resin

    图  2  刚性弹和可变形弹的侵深计算结果与试验结果[10]的对比

    Figure  2.  Comparison of the depth of penetration between simulation results and test results[10] of rigid and deformable projectiles

    图  3  弹体平面内转动角度计算示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of the rotation angle of the projectile

    图  4  斜侵彻时刚性弹和可变形弹偏转角度的数值模拟结果与试验结果[10]的对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison of the rotation angle between simulation and test results[10] of rigid and deformable projectiles

    图  5  刚性弹与可变形弹的偏转角度和角速度的对比(Ⅲ-2)

    Figure  5.  Comparison of rotation angle and angular velocity between rigid and deformable projectiles (Ⅲ-2)

    图  6  刚性弹与可变形弹绕质心的转动力矩的对比(Ⅲ-2)

    Figure  6.  Comparison of moments between rigid and deformable projectiles (Ⅲ-2)

    图  7  可变形弹不同时刻的弹靶位置(Ⅲ-2)

    Figure  7.  Relative locations of the deformable projectile and target at typical times (Ⅲ-2)

    图  8  不同时刻可变形弹的形貌和塑性变形分布(Ⅲ-2)

    Figure  8.  Deformation and distribution of plastic strain of the deformable projectile at different times ( Ⅲ-2)

    图  9  刚性弹与可变形弹侵彻阻力的对比(Ⅲ-2)

    Figure  9.  Comparison of penetration resistance force between rigid and deformable projectiles (Ⅲ-2)

    图  10  刚性弹和可变形弹的偏转角度随着靶速度和侵彻斜角的变化

    Figure  10.  Variations of the rotation angles of rigid and deformable projectiles with impact velocity and oblique angle, respectively

    图  11  刚性弹和可变形弹的偏转角度随弹体结构特征的变化

    Figure  11.  Variations of the rotation angles of rigid and deformable projectiles with structural characteristics

    图  12  结构变形对偏转角度的贡献与刚性弹偏转角度之比随着靶速度与侵彻斜角的变化

    Figure  12.  Variations of the rotation ratio of rotation angle induced by structural deformation to that of the rigid projectile with impact velocity and oblique angle, respectively

    图  13  结构变形对偏转角度的贡献与刚性弹偏转角度之比随弹体结构特征的变化

    Figure  13.  Variation of the rotation ratio of rotation angle induced by structural deformation to that of the rigid projectile with structural characteristics

    表  1  弹体的特征参数与尺寸[10]

    Table  1.   Characteristic parameters and dimensions of projectiles[10]

    31425.3151.860.5730.593DA67 8502.650.10环氧树脂1 650
    35925.3151.860.5710.633DA67 8503.800.15环氧树脂1 650
    41525.3202.480.5551.413DA67 8502.650.10环氧树脂1 650
    48125.3202.480.5531.543DA67 8503.800.15环氧树脂1 650
    51625.3253.0100.5452.753DA67 8502.650.10环氧树脂1 650
    60425.3253.0100.5433.063DA67 8503.800.15环氧树脂1 650
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    表  2  文献[10]中的弹体着靶姿态

    Table  2.   Impact conditions of projectiles in Ref. [10]

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    表  3  混凝土靶参数[10]

    Table  3.   Parameters of concrete target[10]

    2 4004564088520石灰石60~808
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