2014 Vol. 34, No. 1

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Measurement of strength in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass under dynamic high-pressure loading
Yu Yu-ying, Xi Feng, Dai Cheng-da, Cai Ling-cang, Tan Hua, Li Xue-mei
2014, 34(1): 1-5.
To investigate the dynamic strength behaviors of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass(BMG), Zr51Ti5Ni10Cu25Al9(in atomic percent), a series of reverse-impact experiments were performed in the peak shock stress range from 37to 66GPa.A displacement interfero...
Microstructure and properties of copper coating prepared by explosive compaction-coating
Du Chang-xing, Zhao Zheng, Tao Gang, Wang Jing-xiang
2014, 34(1): 6-10.
The explosive compaction-coating technology was introduced in detail and was used to prepare the large-area copper coating.And the surface morphology, element content and thickness of the prepared copper coating were investigated by means of optical ...
A new calculation method for shock factor of underwater explosion
Hu Hong-wei, Song Pu, Wang Jian-ling, Guo Wei, Xu Hong-tao, Jin Peng-gang, Ren Song-tao
2014, 34(1): 11-16.
Aimed to the limitations of the existent calculation methods for the shock factor of the underwater explosion in near field,a new formula for the shock factor determination was derived from the product of the shock-wave peak pressure and the positive...
Effects of ignition delay time on characteristic parameters of aluminum dust explosion
Tan Ru-mei, Zhang Qi, Zhang Bo
2014, 34(1): 17-22. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0017-06
According to the time effect of particle dispersion and sedimentation during the dust cloud formation, the paper points out that the internationally accepted method that only by the gas phase turbulence degrees or single dust concentration to set the...
Numerical simulation on interaction between laneway surface and methane explosion
Ma Qiu-ju, Zhang Qi, Pang Lei
2014, 34(1): 23-27. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0023-05
To investigate the effects of the laneway surfaces on the methane explosion, the mechanism of the methane explosion was analyzed and a physical model for the laneway was proposed.Based on the above, numerical simulations were conducted to explore the...
Dynamic-compression mechanical properties and energy-absorption capability of fly-ash cenospheres-reinforced 1199Al-matrix composite foam
Zhang Bo-yi, Wang Wei, Wu Gao-hui
2014, 34(1): 28-34. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0028-07
The fly-ash cenospheres-reinforced 1199Al-matrix composite foam was prepared by the pressure infiltration technique, in which containing the 80-μm-sized fly-ash cenospheres with the volume fraction of 0.4.Dynamic compression experiments were performe...
Numerical simulation on structure modules of effective jet
Hou Xiu-cheng, Jiang Jian-wei, Chen Zhi-gang
2014, 34(1): 35-40. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0035-06
The typical copper liner with a small cone angle was divided into four sections along the bus direction via the explicit finite software LS-DYNA, and the tracer point method was used to study the movement of the liner element and the structure module...
Mechanism of cell configuration affecting dynamic mechanical properties of metal honeycombs
Hu Ling-ling, Jiang Ling
2014, 34(1): 41-46. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0041-06
The in-plane dynamic behaviors of metal honeycombs filled by cells with various configurations and arrangements are studied by the finite element method using ANSYS/LS-DYNA.The deformation modes, crushing strength and energy-absorption ability are co...
Ballistic resistance capabilities of explosive reactive armors encapsulated by ceramic layers
Li Ru-jiang, Han Hong-wei, Sun Su-jie, Liu Tian-sheng
2014, 34(1): 47-51. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0047-05
By using the precision shaped charge warheads with the caliber of 36mm, anti-penetration experiments were conducted on the explosive reactive armors(ERAs)encapsulated by three different material layers with the same equivalent thickness, respectively...
Microscopic and macroscopic numerical simulation on interaction between stress wave and flaw
Guo Zhao-liang, Ren Guo-wu, Tang Tie-gang, Liu Cang-li
2014, 34(1): 52-58. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0052-07
The finite element program LS-DYNA3D and the molecular dynamic method were applied to investigate the plastic zone formation, evolution process and the consequent dynamic failure behaviors under the dynamic tensile loading in a metal sheet with a pre...
Anti-blast properties of masonry infill walls
Fan Jun-yu, Fang Qin, Chen Li, Zhang Ya-dong
2014, 34(1): 59-66. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0059-08
The field tests were conducted to investigate the failure mechanism of the masonry infill wall under blast loading.The blast loads and the displacements of the wall under shock waves were measured.And the failure modes of the wall were obtained as we...
Calculation on multi-step thermal decomposition of HMX-and TATB-based composite explosive under cook-off conditions
Ma Xin, Chen Lang, Lu Feng, Wu Jun-ying
2014, 34(1): 67-74. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0067-08
The thermal decomposition of each component in the composite explosive was described by the multi-step chemical kinetics model.A multi-component grid unit calculation method was put forward to calculate the thermal decomposition reaction processes of...
An analytical model for compression process of cylindrical metal tube under inward sliding detonation
Liu Wen-xiang, Tan Shu-shun, Liu Guan-lan
2014, 34(1): 75-79. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0075-05
By making some assumptions, an analytical model was presented to analyze the compression process of the cylindrical metal tube subjected to an inward sliding detonation.And the corresponding numerical simulations were carried out to verify the analyt...
Numerical simulation on shock waves generated by explosive mixture gas from large nuclear blast load generator based on equivalent-energy principles
Zhang Xiu-hua, Zhang Chun-wei, Duan Zhong-dong
2014, 34(1): 80-86. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0080-07
Based on the nonlinear explicit dynamic finite element program LS-DYNA and the multi-material Euler algorithm, the shock wave propagations were numerically simulated for the two explosion resources of the TNT dynamite and the acetylene-air gaseous mi...
Numerical analysis on liquid sloshing in storage container by nonlinear dynamics method
Li Wen-sheng, Zhao You-qing, Jia Shan-po, Wang Kai, Tan Ji-ke
2014, 34(1): 87-92.
Based on the nonlinear wave theory, a mathematical model was proposed by applying the adaptive meshing technique in the ABAQUS code.And in the proposed model, the linear us-up Hugoniot equation of state was used for liquid.By using the proposed model...
Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction in defect-contained charge of solid rocket motor subjected to shock waves
Guo Pan, Wu Wen-hua, Liu Jun, Wu Zhi-gang
2014, 34(1): 93-98.
A loosing coupling strategy was adopted to simulate the propellant of the solid rocket motor.Pressure field was computed by solving the 2-D time-dependent Euler equations within an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian(ALE)framework and the cell-centered fin...
Shock initiation characteristics of expired single-base propellants
Jiang Xi-bo, Rao Guo-ning, Xu Sen, Yao Miao, Ma An-peng, Peng Jin-hua
2014, 34(1): 99-105. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0099-07
The continuous detonation velocity test, the shock wave sensitivity test and the critical initiation pressure testwere developed, respectively, with reference to the GJB772A-97 card gap test.Based on the above tests, the detonation establishment proc...
Synthesis of nano-CeO2 powder by detonation method
Han Zhi-wei, Xie Li-feng, Deng Ji-ping, Xie Yi-chao, Chen Ji-yang
2014, 34(1): 106-110. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0106-05
The blasting agentwas prepared by choosing Ce(NO3)3·6H2O as themajor ingredient to synthesize nano-CeO2 powder by the detonation method.The as-synthesized productswere characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD)and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).T...
Security and reliability of a self-destructive device
Qin Dong-ze, Fan Ning-jun
2014, 34(1): 111-114. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0111-04
The self-destructive device in clustermunitions was theoretically abstracted to establish a security failure model for investigating its security and reliability and evaluating the corresponding design.Based on informationism, twomodels were proposed...
Electric probe measurement technique on deformation process of cylindrical steel shell under inside-explosion loading
Qin Xue-jun, Zhang De-zhi, Yang Jun, Shi Guo-kai, Liu Jun-ling, Wang Hui, Xiong Chen
2014, 34(1): 115-119. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0115-05
An electric probe measurement technique was proposed to measure the deformation undergone by the ektexines of the cylindrical steel shells subjected to the detonation of spherical explosive charges inside them.Numerical simulation was carried out to ...
Resonance and energy-absorption capability of polyurethane foam in high-shock launching for scout-robot
Jiang Tao, Wang Jian-zhong, Shi Jia-dong
2014, 34(1): 120-124. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0120-05
For solving the high-overload problem existing during launching the scout-robot, the polyurethane foam was used as cushion material to reduce the overloads endured by the scout-robot.The energy-absorption capability of the polyurethane foam in the hi...
Threshold impact velocity for detonation initiation in high-density TATB explosive by flyer
Lü Jun-jun, Zeng Qing-xuan, Li Ming-yu, Zhou Li-cun
2014, 34(1): 125-128. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2014)01-0125-04
The experiments and the numerical simulations were carried out to investigate the characteristics in the initiation process of the TATB explosive by flyers.The initiation sequence was designed to initiate the high-density TATB explosive.The all-fiber...