2016 Vol. 36, No. 6

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Numerical simulation of friction sensitivity of high explosives
Lin Wenzhou, Hong Tao
2016, 36(6): 745-751. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0745-07
In order to study the explosive friction safety, a numerical simulation of high explosive friction sensitivity experiment was performed based on a melting friction model. The numerical results agree with the experiment results. The law of friction se...
Experiments and dimensional analysis ofhigh-speed projectile penetration efficiency
Song Meili, Li Wenbin, Wang Xiaoming, Feng Jun, Liu Zhilin
2016, 36(6): 752-758. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0752-07
This paper carried out high-speed penetration experiments using semi-infinite plain concrete targets with different projectile materials and aspect ratios to investigate the effects of striking velocity and material strength on projectile loss and pe...
Influence of longitudinal magnetic field on coefficient ofultimate elongation of shaped charge jet
Ma Bin, Huang Zhengxiang, Zu Xudong, Xiao Qiangqiang, Jia Xin
2016, 36(6): 759-766. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0759-08
The coefficient of the ultimate elongation is one of significant parameters related with theoretical calculations of a shaped charge jet (SCJ). Based on the effect of a longitudinal magnetic field on the stress-strain of SCJ, and following the motion...
Experimental research of silver aerosol source-termunder explosive detonation
Liu Wenjie, Ma Qingpeng, Wang Penglai
2016, 36(6): 774-780. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0774-07
An experimental method in the confinement vessel for silver aerosol source-term investigation of metal under high explosive detonation was designed to simulate the plutonium aerosol source-term of nuclear devices under the circumstance of high explos...
Effects of gravity and compressibility on supercavitating flowcaused by high speed projectile
Meng Qingchang, Zhang Zhihong, Li Qijie
2016, 36(6): 781-788. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0781-08
The supercavitating projectile is a new underwater weapon with high speed and kinetic energy. Based on the theory of the ideal compressible potential flow, and taking into account of the gravity effect, an unified theoretical model and numerical calc...
scaled-down underwater explosion model on a centrifuge apparatus
Liu Wentao, Yao Xiongliang, Li Shuai, Zhang Aman
2016, 36(6): 789-796. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0789-08
In this paper, we investigated a novel method by carrying out a sclaed down underwater explosion experiment on a centrifuge apparatus and set up the similarity theory between the scaled down and actual underwater explosion experiment. Using numerical...
Critical ricochet performance of penetrator impacting concrete targets
Duan Jian, Wang Kehui, Zhou Gang, Xue Binjie, Chu Zhe, Li Ming, Dai Xianghui, Geng Baogang
2016, 36(6): 797-802. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0797-06
The critical ricochet angle of a penetrator impacting hard targets obliquely needs to be analyzed and estimated to ensure that no ricochet occur while the penetrator hits the targets. In this work the experiments on the ricochet performance of the pe...
Numerical simulation of dynamic cracks propagation of rock under blasting loading
Zhong Bobo, Li Hong, Zhang Yongbin
2016, 36(6): 825-831. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0825-07
The influences of the blast loading rate, the distance from the guide hole to the free boundary and the radius of the guide hole between the two charge holes, on the dynamic propagation of cracks in rock were studied using realistic failure process a...
Flame patterns of gasoline-air mixture deflagration in a confined space
Qi Sheng, Du Yang, Liang Jianjun, Zhang Peili
2016, 36(6): 832-838. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0832-07
In order to investigate the flame characteristics of gasoline-air mixture deflagration in a confined space, visualized experiments were performed at different equivalence ratios. Three flame patterns of gasoline-air deflagration were proposed: smooth...
Control of delay time characterized by distribution of peak velocity-displacement vibration of millisecond blasting
Lou Xiaoming, Zhou Wenhai, Jian Wenbing, Zheng Junjie
2016, 36(6): 839-846. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0839-08
In order to improve the blasting vibration and boost the efficiency of blasting energy, this paper mainly focuses on the delay time control research through transmission law. We performed an experiment with a delayed-detonation scheme in different pe...
Effect of ignition locations on vented explosion of premixed hydrogen-air mixtures
Cao Yong, Guo Jin, Hu Kunlun, Shao Ke, Yang Fan
2016, 36(6): 847-852. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0847-06
In this work experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of ignition locations and vent burst pressures on the pressure profile and the flame propagation during explosion venting of hydrogen-air mixtures. The results indicate that, in all ...
Model experimental studies of vibration effect and damage evolution of tunnel's surrounding rock under cyclic blasting excavation
Zhong Guosheng, Ao Liping, Fu Yuhua
2016, 36(6): 853-860. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0853-08
In this work, based on the similarity theory, we conducted a model experiment to study the vibration effect and damage evolution of rocks surrounding a tunnel in push-type cyclic blasting excavation. The model was constructed with a ratio of 1: 15. B...
Application of multiple-population genetic algorithm in parameter identification for PBX constitutive model
Gao Jun, Huang Zaixing
2016, 36(6): 861-868. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0861-08
In this work, the standard genetic algorithm (SGA) was parallel processed using multiple parallel structures. Based on the structures, a multiple-population genetic algorithm (MPGA) was established by introducing the immigration operator and quintess...
An internal state variable viscoplastic constitutive model considering the evolution of microstructural characteristic length
Tan Yang, Chi Yilin, Huang Yayu, Yao Tingqiang
2016, 36(6): 869-875. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0869-07
During high strain rate and large strain deformation of crystalline metals, there exist phenomena of continuous refinement of microstructural characteristic length, like the size of dislocation cells, which occurs intensively and would have significa...
Energy evolution mechanism and energy yield criterion in granite's failure process
Wang Yunfei, Zheng Xiaojuan, Jiao Huazhe, Cheng Fengbin, Zhao Hongbo
2016, 36(6): 876-882. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0876-07
To understand the energy evolution mechanism in the rock failure process, this paper firstly obtained the meso-mechanical parameters of granite using uniaxial compression experiments and particle flow codes, then tested the granite under different co...
A numerical study of the instability of the metal shell in the implosion
Hao Pengcheng, Feng Qijing, Hu Xiaomian
2016, 36(6): 739-744. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0739-06
In this work the instability of the metal shell in the cylindrical implosion was studied numerically using a multi-component elastic-plastic hydrodynamic Eulerian code. Agreeing with those of the experiments, the numerical results show that the mater...
Spall behavior of pure aluminum under plate-impactand high energy laser shock loadings
2016, 36(6): 767-773. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0767-07
Spall experiments of pure aluminum were performed on the light-gas gun equipment and SG Ⅱ high energy laser facility. An improved target configuration was applied to address the problem that the residual vibration was often lost in laser-loading spal...
Effects of shell constraints on flow characteristicsin an explosive dispersal of a liquid volume
2016, 36(6): 803-810. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0803-08
In this study, experimental investigations on the liquid's explosive dispersal under different shell constraints were carried out, effects of shell constraints on the early characteristics of the flow field were discussed, and the mechanism for liqui...
Energy absorption hinge of evolvable warhead
2016, 36(6): 811-818. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0811-08
The limit hinge is one of key technologies in the design of evolvable warheads, and its damage efficiency is determined by keeping its integrity in the deploying process of the warhead. In this paper, a novel hinge with energy absorption properties w...
Effect of loading history on stress-strain relationship of expanding ring Guo Zhaoliang, Fan Cheng, Liu Mingtao, Tang Tiegang, Liu Cangli
2016, 36(6): 819-824. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)06-0819-06
Electromagnetic driving expanding ring experiment and explosive expanding ring experiment are two important means for obtaining dynamic tensile mechanical properties of materials. In this study, they were carried out to investigate the dynamic behavi...