2020 Vol. 40, No. 8

2020, 40(8): .
2020, 40(8): 1-2.
Invited Article & General Review
A novel technique for determining the dynamic Bauschinger effect by electromagnetic Hopkinson bar
DU Bing, GUO Yazhou, LI Yulong
2020, 40(8): 081101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0050
Dynamic mechanical behavior of metallic materials under complicated loading conditions has attracted much attention. However, it is hard to obtain the dynamic Bauschinger effect of metallic materials due to the limitation of loading equipment. In ord...
Explosion Physics
Impact initiation of a solid-rocket engine by a shaped-charge jet
PANG Songlin, CHEN Xiong, XU Jinsheng, WANG Yongping
2020, 40(8): 082101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0469
In order to study the impact of the metal jet formed by a shaped charge on a solid-rocket engine, the shaped-charge blasting experiment was carried out, and the jet impingement experiment was performed for the shaped jet impacting a certain-size engi...
Underwater implosion mechanism of PMT area reduction equivalent model
MENG Lingcun, YAN Ming, DU Zhipeng, ZHANG Lei
2020, 40(8): 082102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0436
The photomultiplier tube (PMT) is the core component of the neutrino detector. It is a thin shell structure made of glass material with a vacuum inside and arranged to work in deep water. Once the PMT is crushed, it generates a strong shock wave, whi...
Multi-hole obstacles’ effects on premixed flame’s propagation
CHENG Fangming, CHANG Zhuchuan, SHI He, GAO Tongtong, LUO Zhenmin, GE Tianjiao
2020, 40(8): 082103. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0480
Taking methane as the representative gas, the effect of setting multi-hole obstacle in semi-enclosed pipe on the flame propagation of flammable gas explosion was studied, and the experiment was reproduced based on the large eddy simulation (LES), the...
Differences of premixed methane-air explosion in pipelines suppressed by three ultrafine water mists containing different salts
JIA Hailin, ZHAI Rupeng, LI Dihui, XIANG Haijun, YANG Yongqin
2020, 40(8): 082201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0456
In order to solve the safety problem caused by flammable gas explosion in pipeline transportation, an experimental system for premixed gas explosion and explosion suppression in multiple pipelines was self-built. And then a series of premixed methane...
Impact Dynamics
Shear characteristics and failure mechanism of laser metal deposition GH4169 at different strain rates
LI Xiaolong, LI Penghui, GUO Weiguo, YUAN Kangbo
2020, 40(8): 083101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0254
In order to accurately and reliably test the dynamic shear characteristics of laser metal deposition GH4169 on a traditional split Hopkinson pressure bar, this study compared the three different dynamic shear sample forms and dimensions to the shear ...
Effects of joint filling thickness on crack propagation behaviors
SONG Yanqi, LI Xiangshang, LIU Jichen, WANG Pengyi
2020, 40(8): 083102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0358
To explore the effects of the thickness of joint-filling material on the dynamic fracture properties of cracks under impact load, the gypsum was used as the material filled into the prefabricated cracks in polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) specimens, th...
The propagation laws of blast wave in unsaturated calcareous sand
ZHAO Zhangyong, WANG Mingyang, QIU Yanyu, ZI Min, XING Huadao
2020, 40(8): 083201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0389
A series of large-scale explosion model tests were carried out in dense unsaturated calcareous sand using spherical TNT explosives. The propagation laws of the blast wave in dense calcareous sand were studied under various conditions, such as explosi...
Residual penetration depth of a projectile into YAG transparent ceramic/glass
CHEN Beibei, ZHANG Xianfeng, DENG Jiajie, ZHANG Jian, BAO Kuo, TAN Mengting
2020, 40(8): 083301. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0372
In order to study the projectile-proof performance and impact damage mechanism of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) transparent ceramic and glass, the residual penetration depths of 12.7 mm armor-piercing projectiles penetrating into YAG transparent cera...
Consumption work of GH4169 spacer plates in positive impact by blunt rigid projectiles
SUN Yongzhuang, LYU Zhongjie, HUANG Fenglei, LIU Yan
2020, 40(8): 083302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0457
At the initial velocity range of 380~680 m/s, positive impact on GH4169 spacer plates by 8 mm diameter tungsten spheres was performed, measuring the initial velocity, residual velocity and deflection. It is obvious that the first plate is mainly subj...
Experimental Techniques & Numerical Methods
A dynamic tensile method for M-shaped specimen loaded by Hopkinson pressure bar
SHU Qi, DONG Xinlong, YU Xinlu
2020, 40(8): 084101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0433
The M-shaped specimen can be used in dynamic tensile testing only by using the conventional split Hopkinson pressure bar, which do not need the connection between specimen and bars. But the feasibility of this method has not been further verified wid...
Applied Explosion Mechanics
Regulation of different quantity TNT blasting in multi-cabin structure based on simulation and dimensional analysis
JIAO Xiaolong, ZHAO Pengduo, YAO Yangwu, ZHANG Lei, LI Xudong, CHI Hai
2020, 40(8): 085101. doi: 10.11883/bzyjc-2019-0438
This paper simulated damage effect of the large size multi-cabin structure under internal blast. Cabins were divided into: explosion cabin, coplanar cabin, common boundary cabin and common point cabin, and the damage grade was presented to reflect th...