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GUO Ruiqi, LI Jiangnan, MA Linjian, OU Can, XU Xin. Microstructure and dynamic splitting tensile properties of CF/SSF reinforced coral sand cement mortar[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2-23-0466
Citation: GUO Ruiqi, LI Jiangnan, MA Linjian, OU Can, XU Xin. Microstructure and dynamic splitting tensile properties of CF/SSF reinforced coral sand cement mortar[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2-23-0466

Microstructure and dynamic splitting tensile properties of CF/SSF reinforced coral sand cement mortar

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2-23-0466
  • Received Date: 2023-12-27
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-03-30
  • Available Online: 2024-04-01
  • Coral concrete is a material with severely asymmetric tensile and compressive strengths. Therefore, studying the dynamic tensile mechanical properties of coral concrete is of great significance for island reef protective engineering. To investigate the dynamic tensile mechanical properties of carbon fiber (CF) and stainless steel fiber (SSF) reinforced coral sand cement mortar under impact loading, dynamic splitting tests were conducted using a 100 mm diameter split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) device. Comparative analysis was carried out on the dynamic tensile strength and energy dissipation patterns of coral sand cement mortars with different fiber contents at various strain rates. In the SHPB tests, cement mortar specimens with different fiber contents were prepared: no fiber, 1.5% CF, 1.5% CF with 0.5% SSF, 1.5% CF with 1.0% SSF, and 1.5% CF with 1.5% SSF. The specimens were subjected to four impact speeds: 3.45, 4.86, 6.54, and 7.34 m/s. This allowed for impact-splitting tests conducted at different strain-rate ranges. In addition, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) tests were performed to reveal the action mechanism of the hybrid fibers. The results indicate that the static and dynamic tensile strengths of CF and SSF-reinforced coral sand cement mortar samples are significantly improved, with a maximum dynamic tensile strength increase rate of 66.03%. At the same strain rate, the dynamic tensile strength of the samples positively correlates with the fiber content, while the fragmentation degree negatively correlates with the fiber content. The fiber bridging effect effectively suppresses the development of cracks in the samples. Under the same fiber content, the dynamic increase factor increases significantly with the increase of strain rate, with a maximum increase factor of 2.44, demonstrating a clear tensile strain rate effect. The fragmentation degree and dissipated energy of coral sand cement mortar samples positively correlate with the strain rate, and samples with higher fiber dosages require more energy to dissipate during failure.
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