ZHANG Renbo, JIN Liu, DU Xiuli, DOU Guoqin. Mechanical behavior of SFRC beams subjected to both impact and fire loadings[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2019, 39(9): 093102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0191
Citation: ZHANG Renbo, JIN Liu, DU Xiuli, DOU Guoqin. Mechanical behavior of SFRC beams subjected to both impact and fire loadings[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2019, 39(9): 093102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0191

Mechanical behavior of SFRC beams subjected to both impact and fire loadings

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0191
  • Received Date: 2018-05-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-08-20
  • Publish Date: 2019-09-01
  • To explore the mechanical behavior of SFRC beams subjected to both impact and fire loadings, 4 beams were tested with high-performance drop-weight test system, four point bending test machine and assembled electric furnace. The beams were firstly subjected to impact loadings and then exposed to fire with a constant load. During the test process, the crack patterns of beams were observed while the time histories of mid-span deflections and rebar strain were recorded. Then, the fire resistance of these beams was discussed. Based on the experiment, three-dimensional macroscopic finite element numerical model considering the effects of strain rate and high temperature was established. The impact loading process was simulated firstly; and then taking simulation results as the initial state, SFRC beams subjected to both fire and constant loading were simulated with a sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis method. Moreover, considering the heterogeneity of concrete’s internal structure, a meso-scale simulation was also conducted with the procedures similar to that in macroscopic simulation. Good agreement between both the macro-/meso-scale simulation results and the test results illustrates the rationality and effectiveness of the present numerical analysis methods. The advantages of mesoscopic model were indicated through the comparison of macro-/meso-scopic results. It has been found that when the impact energy is low, the local concrete is cracked but a small overall deformation is remained. Nevertheless, this degrades the fire resistance of SFRC beams to some ex-tent. When the steel fiber dosage increases, resulting in an increasing shear strength of concrete matrix, the coexistence phenomenon of bending and shear cracks of beams under the impact load is changed to bending cracks as a dominant. Moreover, when subjected to elevated temperatures with a constant load, the distribution of cracks on the impact-damaged SFRC beams is relatively concentrated and a brittle failure occurs.
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