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Citation: LEI Zhidi, CHEN Zhengwu, YANG Xiaoquan, LI Xiaowei, DING Jue, WENG Peifen. Method based on controlling initial fuel distribution to establish stable rotating detonation wave in combustion chamber[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2019, 39(9): 092101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0208

Method based on controlling initial fuel distribution to establish stable rotating detonation wave in combustion chamber

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0208
  • Received Date: 2018-06-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-04-22
  • Publish Date: 2019-09-01
  • In recent years, Rotary Detonation Engine (RDE) has attracted more and more attention because of their higher combustion efficiency than conventional aerospace engines. For the key problems, ignition technique is particularly important. In order to establish a steady rotating detonation wave under one single ignition in a combustion chamber, a method based on controlling initial fuel distribution is proposed to start a rotating detonation engine under 0.4 MPa injection total pressure using hydrogen/air mixture as its propellant. Two-dimensional reactive Navier-Stokes equation coupled with the Arrhenius kinetic model and κ-ε model are used to simulate detonation process. Elementary chemical reaction model with 9 species 27 reversible reactions is applied to describe the evolution of reaction components. The finite volume method is conducted, and flux terms are solved by using the monotonic upstream-centered scheme for conservation laws, and the time integration is performed by using Euler method. Grid numbers are 600 (azimuthal direction) ×200 (axial direction), with mesh size of about 0.5 mm. Initial fuel filling rate (ϕ) is used to quantify the initial fuel distribution. The numerical study on the propagation characteristics of rotating detonation wave shows that the initial fuel filling rate is the key to the establishment of rotary detonation wave. This effect is particularly evident when the fuel injection pressure is low, which determines the height of the fuel layer(hf) for the first cycle of detonation wave development. When RDE operating steadily, hf is a function of the mixture sensitivity to detonation. But in initial stage, hf is affected by the fuel distribution and this affection can last more than one period. Once detonation wave or deflagration wave formed, it can either maintain rotating or die down, which is determined by the height of mixture layer ahead of it. Thus, keeping hf in an appropriate range by adjusting the initial fuel filling rate is the key to establish and maintain a rotating detonation wave in initial stage. Also, in this stage DW faces maximum possibility of extinguish. Based on this strategy, a rotating detonation wave is established successfully in combustion chamber with diameter of 95.5 mm and the length of chamber is 100 mm. The computed results give the rotating detonation wave has a velocity of 1 604 m/s and operational frequency is 5347.6 Hz. Furthermore, there are four operation modes of the engine due to different initial fuel filling rate, which are failed initiation of the detonation (0%−13.3%), stable rotating detonation (13.3%−20%), unstable detonation (20%−26.6%) and dying detonation (26.7%−100%). So the critical range of the initial fuel filling rate for steady rotating detonation is obtained. Moreover, the initial fuel distribution also influences the delay time of fuel deflagration to detonation transition.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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