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Citation: WANG Yalei, ZHENG Ligang, YU Shuijun, ZHU Xiaochao, LI Gang, DU Depeng, DOU Zengguo. Effect of vented end faces on characteristics of methane explosion in duct[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2019, 39(9): 095401. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0249

Effect of vented end faces on characteristics of methane explosion in duct

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0249
  • Received Date: 2018-07-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-09-12
  • Publish Date: 2019-09-01
  • In order to study the characteristics of methane explosion under different vented end faces, explosion tests of methane with different concentrations are carried out in a vertical 5 L quartz duct with the upper end sealed by different films. The results show that the properties of the vented end faces have significant effects on methane explosion. The explosion overpressure of methane with different concentrations is largely dependent upon the vent burst pressure of the vented end faces, which increases with the increasing vent burst pressure. Specially, by covering the end of the duct by a single layer of PVC film, neither the flame nor the overpressure oscillation will be aroused by the rupture of the PVC film, while the rupture of the paper which generates drastic discharge and reflux of the air flow will severely reverse and distort the flame, such that cause the overpressure oscillation in the duct. Moreover, as the two works together, the PVC film will hinder the venting of the air flow, resulting in accelerating the reduction of the overpressure and suppressing the flame and overpressure oscillation. However, this effect gradually decreases with the increasing layers of paper films. Indeed, as the vent burst pressure reaches a certain value, the difference among the explosion overpressure of different concentrations of methane gradually diminishes owing to the same vent burst pressure, which is the maximum pressure of the overpressure history, resulting in a similar overpressure amongst different concentrations of methane. Significantly, the overpressure attenuation curves of methane explosion with different concentrations completely coincide with each other in the first half of the period. At this point, the differential overpressure between the internal and external duct is the key factor leading to the overpressure oscillation, while the influence of the combustion rate of methane with different concentrations on the overpressure oscillation can be ignored.
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