LIU Yuan, PI Aiguo, YANG He, FENG Jikui, HUANG Fenglei. Study on similarity law of non-proportionally scaled penetration/perforation test[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2020, 40(3): 033302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0086
Citation: LIU Yuan, PI Aiguo, YANG He, FENG Jikui, HUANG Fenglei. Study on similarity law of non-proportionally scaled penetration/perforation test[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2020, 40(3): 033302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0086

Study on similarity law of non-proportionally scaled penetration/perforation test

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0086
  • Received Date: 2019-03-25
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-04-27
  • Publish Date: 2020-03-01
  • Survivability and reliability assessment of components/key components on high-speed penetrating projectiles is a hot and difficult issue in the field of EPW development. Due to the cost limitation of prototype test, it is feasible to carry out non-proportionally scale experimental research by carrying prototype fuze components on scaled projectiles. Through the analysis of the process mechanism of a projectile penetrating concrete target, the analytic solution of rigid-body deceleration when the projectile penetrating the semi-infinite thick concrete target and the multi-layer thin concrete target are discussed respectively. From the point of view of similarity of rigid-body deceleration, the non-proportionally reduced-scale criterion of projectile is proposed when the traditional scaling scheme can not meet the requirements of similarity. The numerical results show that under the condition of penetrating semi-infinite thick concrete target, the rigid-body deceleration of the non-proportionally reduced-scale projectile can achieve the same conditions as which of the prototype projectile from the point of view of pulse width and amplitude; under the condition of penetrating multi-layered thin target, through reasonably setting the scale factor and adjusting the layout of the target plate and the initial velocity of the projectile. The pulse width and amplitude of the rigid-body deceleration in the reduced scale test can cover them in the prototype test. The rigid body deceleration characteristics obtained from scaled model test can provide reliable overload environment reference for missile projectile design.
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