Volume 43 Issue 3
Mar.  2023
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ZHANG Bin, LI Jicheng, CHEN Jianliang, YANG Pu, HE Liling, CHEN Gang. Loading characteristics and structural response of a warhead during drop impact[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(3): 033201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0098
Citation: ZHANG Bin, LI Jicheng, CHEN Jianliang, YANG Pu, HE Liling, CHEN Gang. Loading characteristics and structural response of a warhead during drop impact[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(3): 033201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0098

Loading characteristics and structural response of a warhead during drop impact

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0098
  • Received Date: 2022-03-14
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-06-01
  • Available Online: 2022-06-06
  • Publish Date: 2023-03-05
  • To promote the explosive safety assessment and the warhead structure design, the loading characteristics and structural response of the warhead during the drop impact process were analyzed based on numerical simulation and shock wave analysis, focusing on the deformation and damage characteristics of the explosive subassembly. And the influences of various factors, including drop posture, explosive configuration, drop height, etc., were discussed in detail. In the numerical simulations, materials were characterized by the viscoplasticity constitutive model combined with the accumulative damage model, which considers the effects of strain rate and temperature. The thermodynamic equation of state was employed to calculate the pressure in materials during the deformation process. Firstly, the effect of drop posture was investigated by comparative analysis among five typical cases, i.e., tail-downward vertical drop, nose-downward vertical drop, horizontal drop, tail-downward inclined drop, and nose-downward inclined drop. Secondly, the influence of warhead configuration was analyzed based on three configurations, i.e., one explosive segment warhead, eight explosive segment warheads, and eight explosive segments combined with a separator warhead. Finally, the effect of drop height was discussed, where the height ranges from 3 m to 40 m. Related results indicate that during the drop impact process, the deformation of the explosive subassembly is dominated by the stress wave propagation rather than the interaction between the explosive subassembly and warhead shell. Correspondingly, the severest damage zone in the explosive subassembly is located in its internal region instead of the outer region, which contacts the warhead shell. The transmission of stress waves between explosive subassembly and warhead shell and the reflection and superposition of stress waves within the structures dominate the major deformation region in the explosive subassembly and the deformation degree. Furthermore, the drop posture significantly affects the response characteristics and the deformation of the explosive subassembly. The most dangerous drop posture which leads to high safety risk is, in turn, tail-downward vertical drop, horizontal drop, nose-downward vertical drop, and inclined drop. The explosive configuration also acts an important role. The explosive segment interface can easily induce an increase in the deformation degree, but it has little influence on the acceleration and distribution of the deformation region. The separator usually leads to high acceleration, and it changes the location of the deformation region as well as the deformation degree. Comparatively, the drop height has little influence on the distribution feature of the deformation zone. It mainly affects the loading amplitude, the degree of the deformation, the size of the deformation zone, etc. The influences of these factors increase with increasing drop height. The present method, which investigates the structural response of complex warheads based on numerical simulation integrated with stress wave analysis, has built an effective bridge linking the basic theory and the engineering application.
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