Experimental study on the water impact of a typicalcross section for amphibious seaplane
摘要: 选取当今世界几种水陆两栖飞机典型横截面为研究对象,通过进行不同投放高度和不同质量的楔形体入水冲击实验,动态测量楔形体入水冲击过程中的压力并记录自由液面变化情况,研究了不同实验件的自由液面变化、冲击压力随时间变化及局部压力分布规律等。通过对比分析,发现带舭弯的弧形横截面型式有利于降低水陆两栖飞机在复杂海况下的着水冲击载荷,可作为水陆两栖飞机设计的参考线型。Abstract: The effect of hydrodynamic impact on the amphibious seaplane is an important consideration in its structural designing and intensity checking. In addition, such impact is a major factor affecting its structural weight. By varying two parameters: drop height and drop weight in the experiment, the pressure and the change of the free surface of liquid for three different wedges are dynamically measured. In the present work, the local pressure distribution, the impact pressure changing with time and the variety of the free surface on several free-falling wedges have been investigated. These wedges have been chosen from the representative cross section of amphibious seaplanes commonly used worldwide. By comparing the experimental results, the conclusion is reached that the wedge with a flared cross section reduces the impact pressure effectively when the amphibious seaplanes land on intricate waves. This study is expected to offer valuable reference for the hull designing of the amphibious seaplane.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- water-entry /
- impact /
- amphibious seaplane /
- wedge
表 1 实验参数
Table 1. Test parameters
工况 m/kg h/mm 1 50 450 2 50 800 3 70 450 4 70 800 表 2 压力传感器布置位置
Table 2. Configuration of the pressure transducer
传感器 d/mm 楔形体1 楔形体2 楔形体3 1 280 370 280 2 250 280 250 3 150 180 150 4 75 100 75 5 30 30 30 6 75 100 75 7 150 180 150 表 3 3个楔形体峰值压力对比
Table 3. Peak pressures of the three wedges
传感器 p/kPa 楔形体1 楔形体2 楔形体3 1 28.06 30.81 247.36 2 22.60 29.02 210.79 3 21.34 27.74 176.58 4 20.67 26.80 135.11 5 20.18 26.70 82.11 -
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