Dynamic response of functionally graded honeycomb sandwich plates under blast loading
摘要: 利用弹道冲击摆锤系统对分层梯度蜂窝夹芯板在爆炸荷载下的动力响应进行了实验研究,分析了梯度蜂窝夹芯板在爆炸荷载作用下的变形失效模式,并与传统非梯度蜂窝夹芯板的抗爆性能做了对比。通过一维应力波理论,分析了应力波在梯度芯层中的传播规律。应力波透射系数在梯度试件中比非梯度芯层中小,而且相对密度递减的芯层组合有最小的应力波透射系数。综合考虑结构变形失效模式,后面板挠度,芯层压缩量以及应力波传播特点得到:分层梯度蜂窝夹芯板的抗爆性能明显优于传统的非梯度夹芯板,在所研究的荷载范围内,芯层相对密度从大到小排列试件的抗爆性能相对较好。Abstract: In this paper we report on the tests that investigate the blast resistance of graded sandwich plates. The deformation model, the back-face-sheet deflections and the core compressions have been compared with the test results obtained from tests done on structures with ungraded core layers. The stress transfer characteristics are analyzed based on the one dimensional stress wave theory, indicating that the stress wave transferred factor is smaller in the graded core layers and it is smallest in the relative density-tapered core arrangement specimen. By considering the deformation model, back-face-sheet deflections, core compressions and stress transfer characteristics, the blast resistance of the graded sandwich plates is found to be better than that of the ungraded ones, and in the present loading conditions, the relative density-tapered core arrangement from the front sheet to the back sheet is found to have the best blast resistance.
表 1 试件分组与实验结果
Table 1. Specimen configurations and blast loading results
试件 芯层排列 W/g R/mm I/(N·s) γ/mm δ/mm C1 C2 C3 G1 L-M-S 20 200 20.27 22.1 6.31 6.21 0.52 G2 L-S-M 20 200 20.06 17.4 5.91 3.74 1.93 G3 M-L-S 20 200 20.36 19.1 5.40 5.30 0.58 G4 M-S-L 20 200 20.32 18.6 5.79 1.50 4.05 G5 S-L-M 20 200 20.23 17.6 4.31 5.79 1.45 G6 S-M-L 20 200 20.01 18.1 5.53 4.67 4.41 G6 S-M-L 25 250 20.21 22.6 5.42 1.22 4.04 G6 S-M-L 30 300 20.54 25.3 5.68 5.86 6.00 UG1 S 20 120 20.19 34.6 贯穿 UG1 S 20 150 20.03 21.7 贯穿 UG1 S 20 200 20.14 20.6 7.70 UG2 M 20 200 15.65 18.3 8.55 UG2 M 30 300 19.25 28.6 10.88 UG2 M 25 250 18.23 26.7 9.40 UG3 L 20 200 15.31 24.0 13.60 UG3 L 25 250 16.41 26.6 13.50 UG3 L 30 300 19.03 26.1 13.00 表 2 材料力学性能参数
Table 2. Mechanical properties of aluminum alloys
材料 σ0.2/MPa E/GPa ρs/(g·cm-3) ν AL5052 325 70 2.7 0.3 AL1200 163 70 2.7 0.3 表 3 梯度试件芯层变形区域面积对比(W=20g,R=200mm)
Table 3. Comparison of the deformation area of the core layers (W=20g, R=200mm)
试件 芯层排列 S1/mm2 S2/mm2 C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 G1 L-M-S 254.3 78.5 12.7 132.7 28.3 0 G2 L-S-M 213.7 63.6 12.6 86.5 0 0 G3 M-L-S 176.6 132.7 7.1 50.2 28.3 0 G4 M-S-L 201.0 50.2 78.5 63.6 0 7.1 G5 S-L-M 132.7 153.9 15.9 0 28.3 0 G6 S-M-L 103.8 38.5 201.0 33.2 5.0 0 -
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